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研究生(外文):Jin-pyng Lay
論文名稱:以Fuzzy AHP 探討銀行與企業金融客戶關係建立之研究
論文名稱(外文):Factors to Establish Health Relationship between Banks and Corporate Customers Using Fuzzy AHP Method
指導教授:白凢芸 博士
指導教授(外文):Dr. Fan-yun Pai
外文關鍵詞:bankingrelationship marketinganalytic hierarchy processfuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP)
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摘 要
由過去學者對服務業的探討中可以發現,關係行銷應是目前銀行業必需採行的行銷策略,本研究以C銀行中部地區企業金融客戶為研究對象,以財務性鏈結、社會性鏈結、結構性鏈結等三個鏈結方式,建立銀行與企業金融客戶關係建立之分析架構,以模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy AHP)找出銀行與企業金融客戶關係之建立的關鍵因素之相對權重與排序,將受訪者區分為銀行專家、大型企業財務專家、中小企業財務專家,進行三群組專家準則評估間的差異比較。

In the past 20 years, there is a very huge improvement in banking management environment. The government approved new banks to set up and the cooperative institutes also changed to commercial banks since the beginning of year 1991. In 2002, with the accession to the WTO, our government opened the financial market continuously and meanwhile, the finance holding companies established successively, the foreign capitals banks also entered the market on a large scale. The market is saturated and highly competitive. In order to keep the competition advantages and occupy a tiny position on the market, the banks need to create new customers and also maintain good relations with the old customers. Practically, to stabilize the the long-term business relations is very important.
According to the scholar investigation in the past, the relationship marketing must be the most important marketing strategy to the banking. This study utilizes the bank C and its commercial customers in the middle of Taiwan as a case study, we proposes to integrate the financial connection; social connection and structural connection with customers as a theoretic framework, and by using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) to find out the key factors of good relationship setting-up between the bank and commercial enterprises. We divided the interviewees into three groups, the financial managers from banks, large-scale enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises to compare the differences.
Consolidate all the interview results, the most important factor of good relationship setting-up between the bank and commercial enterprises is the financial connection, and secondary factors are “security of website exchange”, “exchange and interest rate”, “ bank related service charges”, “image of the bank”, “ professional knowledge”, “fund allocation platform” and “prompt financial information”. Among them, the interviewees from banks and large-scale enterprises focus on “security of website exchange” and “exchange and interest rates”; interviewees form small and medium-sized enterprises focus on “exchange and interest rate” and “bank related service charges”. The bankers shall pay more attention on these factors to maintain closer relations with commercial customers.

目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 IV

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4

第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 銀行業 6
第二節 關係行銷 9
第三節 關係行銷的鏈結方式 14
第四節 層級分析法 18
第五節 模糊理論 26
第六節 模糊層級分析法 29

第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究步驟 32
第二節 研究架構 34
第三節 設計問卷 37
第四節 資料分析方法 37
第五節 問卷發放與收回 40

第四章 實證研究 41
第一節 樣本回收狀況 41
第二節 受訪者資料分析 41
第三節 Fuzzy AHP 層級權重運算 47
第四節 研究結果分析 54

第五章 結論與建議 57
第一節 結論 57
第二節 後續研究建議 58
參考文獻 60
附錄一 問卷 67

圖1.1研究流程圖 5
圖2.1 AHP層級結構示意圖 21
圖2.2三角模糊數 28
圖2.3梯形模糊數 28
圖3.1 Fuzzy AHP之研究步驟 33
圖3.2本研究之Fuzzy AHP 層級架構圖 36

表2.1關係行銷的定義彙整 11
表2.2各學者所提關係行銷鏈結方式之組成構面 16
表2.3財務性鏈結、社會性鏈結、結構性鏈結之組成構面 17
表2.4應用層級分析法文獻回顧 18
表2.5 AHP 評估尺度定義及說明 22
表2.6 評估矩陣的隨機指標值 25
表2.7應用模糊層級分析法文獻回顧 31
表3.1專家訪談對象基本資料 34
表3.2關係鏈結的方式與參考來源 35
表3.3模糊層級分析法之評比尺度 37
表4.1企業財務專家基本資料分析 42
表4.2大型企業、中小企業財務專家基本資料分析 44
表4.3銀行專家基本資料分析 46
表4.4問卷範例 47
表4.5模糊數 47
表4.6模糊成對比較矩陣 47
表4.7三角模糊數 48
表4.8主要準則之模糊權重 49
表4.9主要準則構面解模糊化後之權重 49
表4.10銀行專家權重 50
表4.11大型企業財務專家權重 51
表4.12中小企業財務專家權重 52
表4.13 三群組專家串連後權重彙整 53

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1.行政院金融監督管理委員會 http://www.fscey.gov.tw/

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