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研究生(外文):KO MING DA
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Business Strategy of ERP System Vendor for Small and Medium Enterprises-An Example of the S Company
指導教授(外文):Tung-Feng Lee
外文關鍵詞:ERPSmall and Medium Enterprisespurchasing strategyoperational strategy
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With the age of the digital economic and knowledge economic coming, it force the ERP suppliers, one of Small and Medium Enterprises, to change its operational type. In this competitive business environment, what strategy is required to stay advantage? The goal of the research is to:
A. Realize the key point that affects Small and Medium Enterprises to adopt ERP from the demand of view.
B. Realize how the ERP supplier satisfies the demand of Small and Medium Enterprises and create and maintain their competitive advantage from the supplier of view.
C. Combine the results of research from both views of supply and demand, offering perspective analysis and prediction to the opportunity and small scale ERP software supplier.
D. Discuss the operation strategy of small scale ERP software supplier in the future.

The study targets on a small scale software company, called S company located in the centre Taiwan. After literature review and cross in-depth interview with those three old customers in the demand side and three senior managers of supply source - S company, there are conclusions as below. First, the conclusion shows that the key factors to affect Small and Medium Enterprises adopting ERP or not. ‘Total cost’ is the most important factor. In addition, the rest factors shown in priority are as following: ‘experience’, ‘reputation’, ‘financial situation and scale’, ‘management as a special project’, ‘technical skill’, etc. Second, small ERP suppliers can satisfy the demand of Small and Medium Enterprises to create their competitiveness by strengthening their operating capacity, assisting the enterprise to do recreation of organization and process, and providing custom service. Third, small scale ERP suppliers have some opportunity and threat serving Small and Medium Enterprises. The opportunity include that system can be custom design according to the character of the enterprise, alliance of strategy and strengthen new product’s creativity for development and software stabilization. However, meanwhile, the study also notice that scale ERP suppliers have three major threats, including facing the competition from competitors with low-price strategy, difficult to satisfy customers’ demand in software integration and upgrade and scale and market share are small. Forth, the study provides small scale ERP suppliers some concrete suggestions as following. First, “system can be designed aiming at enterprise features”. Then, the following in priority are “new product’s creativity for development and software stabilization’’, “alliance of strategy”, “the establishment and usage of the public praise” and “using wireless communication and network as a trend for software application”.

Key words:ERP、Small and Medium Enterprises、purchasing strategy、operational strategy
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究對象與限制 4
第四節 研究流程與步驟 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節 需求面的ERP採購決策關鍵影響因素 10
第二節 ERP供給面經營策略的相關研究現況 28
第三節 策略管理理論 36
第三章 研究設計 53
第一節 研究方法 53
第二節 資料收集與對象 54
第三節 研究實施 59
第四章 資料分析 61
第一節 S_個案公司經營現況 61
第二節 需求端(客戶)資料分析 73
第三節 供給端資料分析 79
第四節 客戶與管理者訪談的交叉分析 89
第五節 策略行動分析 93
第五章 結論與建議 98
第一節 結論 98
第二節 研究限制 99
第三節 建議 100
附件一 深度客戶之訪談大綱 109
附件二 深度客戶訪談逐字稿 111
附件三 深度S_公司員工之訪談大綱 123
附件四 深度S_公司員工訪談逐字稿 125

圖1-1 研究流程 9
圖2-1 GLUECK 策略規劃之架構 39
圖2-2 STEINER 策略規劃的架構 40
圖2-3 HARVEY企業策略規劃模式 41
圖2-4 策略市場管理的構成概要 42
圖2-5 策略形態分析法架構 43
圖2-6 PORTER 之五力分析 45
圖2-7 SWOT分析、資源基礎模式與競爭優勢環境模式之關係 50
圖3-1 研究架構 54
圖3-2 深度訪談步驟 55
圖4-1公司組織現況與未來預估人力 63
圖4-2 2006-2010年台灣商用軟體市場規模 65
圖4-3 2006-2010年台灣商用軟體市場規模—外商比率 66
圖4-4 鋼管製造業系統作業流程圖 72

表1-1 不同研究策略之相關狀況 5
表2-1 ERP定義彙整 14
表2-2 ERP軟體供應商選擇 19
表2-3 ERP軟體供應商選擇彙總 22
表2-4 ERP軟體供應商選擇之評估準則歸納統計表 23
表2-5 ERP軟體供應商選擇之評估準則整理結果 27
表2-6 ERP軟體供應商規模 29
表2-7 ERP軟體分類 29
表2-8 學者對策略所下的定義整理 37
表2-9 策略類型歸類 46
表2-10 MILES & SNOW 的四種適應性策略 47
表2-11 PORTER 之一般性策略 47
表3-1 訪談的S_公司現有客戶表 57
表3-2 訪談的S_公司現有員工代號表 58
表4-1重要發展里程碑 62
表4-2 國內主要商用軟體商發展領域—行業別 66
表4-3 ERP商用軟體商彙總 67
表4-4 S_公司市場識別分析 68
表4-5 S_公司推廣軟體與市場 68
表4-6 訪談的S_公司現有客戶表 69
表4-7 訪談的S_公司現有客戶表 73
表4-8 需求端(客戶)訪談語幹彙整表 74
表4-9 成本(構面/子構面/訪談客戶代號/出現次數/總共出現次數) 75
表4-10 技術性(構面/子構面/訪談客戶代號/出現次數/總共出現次數) 75
表4-11使用者(構面/子構面/訪談客戶代號/出現次數/總共出現次數) 76
表4-12 供應商特性(構面/子構面/訪談客戶代號/出現次數/總共出現次數) 76
表4-13 四個構面出現順序次數表 76
表4-14 四個構面與子構面出現順序次數 77
表4-15 供給端(S_公司)訪談優勢彙整表 80
表4-16 供給端(S_公司)訪談與四個構面出現次數優勢彙整表 80
表4-17 供給端(S_公司)訪談與四個構面與子構面出現次數優勢彙整表 81
表4-18 供給端(S_公司)訪談劣勢彙整表 81
表4-19 供給端(S_公司)訪談與四個構面出現次數劣勢彙整表 82
表4-20 供給端(S_公司)訪談與四個構面與子構面出現次數劣勢彙整表 82
表4-21 訪談語意同義詞歸納關鍵字 83
表4-22 供給端(S_公司)訪談機會彙整表 84
表4-23 供給端(S_公司)訪談威脅彙整表 86
表4-24 四個構面出現順序次數表 86
表4-25構面出現順序次數明細同義詞表 87
表4-26 交叉分析比對而形成經營策略 89
表4-27 S_公司因應策略行動 SWOT 矩陣表 94

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