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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yun Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Study on otolith morphology of the labrid fishes in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chih-Wei Chang
外文關鍵詞:LabridaeOtolith morphologyOutline parameterSulcus characterEcomorphology
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耳石為硬骨魚類內耳中的碳酸鈣結晶體,其形態具有物種間的差異性,可反映魚類形態及生態棲位之異同。本研究以臺灣珊瑚礁區常見的隆頭魚科魚類 (Labridae) 為材料,進行其耳石輪廓形狀參數及縱溝特徵比例之形態學研究;並將魚種棲地分為珊瑚礁區、海草區與砂泥底質區,以探討耳石形態及棲地類型之關聯。臺灣產28屬94種隆頭魚的耳石形態,多為橢圓形或卵圓形、邊緣平滑程度不一、喙部不發達和多樣的異縱溝形。輪廓形狀參數之圓率、長寬比、圓度、波形係數、橢圓率,以及縱溝特徵參數之溝頸高度比例、口部長度比例、尾部長度比例、縱溝長寬比具有顯著的屬間差異,顯示各屬耳石形態不同且多樣化。主成分分析顯示,僅以縱溝參數進行分析並無法有明顯的屬間分群,反而是利用輪廓參數分析能有較佳分群。此結果並非完全符合過去所認知的,耳石輪廓形狀在目以及科的層級有較好的辨識性,縱溝特徵則是應用在屬及種的層級之推論。另根據輪廓形狀參數之長寬比、圓度、橢圓率,以及縱溝特徵參數之縱溝面積比例及縱溝尾部長度比例的結果顯示,礁岩區物種的耳石較為長橢圓形、縱溝面積比例較大且尾部較長,砂泥底質區域物種則大多為偏圓形、縱溝面積比例較小且尾部較短的耳石。
Otoliths are the calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear of teleost fishes. Morphology of the otolith is species-specific and could be used to reflect the external morphology and ecological niche of fish. Focus on the Labridae, a common coral reef fish in Taiwan, otolith morphology was studied by a combined examination of outline parameters and sulcus characters. The relationship between otolith morphology and labrid habitats that were divided into the types of reef, sea grass and sand was also elucidated. According to the examination from 28 genera and 94 species labrids of Taiwan, the morphology of otolith was mostly elliptic or oval shape with varied margin sculpturing, poorly developed rostrum and the heterosulcoid sulcus. A significant difference among genera was found for the outline parameters (circularity, aspect ratio, roundness, form factor and ellipticity) and sulcus characters (collium height ratio, ostium length ratio, cauda length ratio and sulcus aspect ratio), indicating that the morphology was different and diversified among labrid otoliths. Principal component analysis indicated that the generic grouping was only viable by outline parameters but not for sulcus characters. This was not coincided with the conventional thought that the outline of otoliths is most useful for the order and family level identifications, while the sculpturing on the otolith medial side is diagnostic at the genus and species level. In addition, the results from outline parameters (aspect ratio, roundness and ellipticity) and sulcus characters (sulcus area ratio and cauda length ratio) indicated that otolith morphology of labrids from the reef habitat was usually elliptic with large sulcus area and longer cauda, compared to the round otoliths with smaller sulcus area and shorter cauda for the labrids from sand habitat.
壹、 前言…………………..…………….………….………….……………1
一、 耳石形態學的研究與應用…….………………….…………….…………1
二、 隆頭魚科魚類概述…….……………………………….………………….2
三、 研究目的…………………….…………………………..…………………2
一、 標本來源與棲地分類….…………………..…………..………………….5
二、 耳石形態描述………….………………..……………..………………….5
三、 耳石形態測量……….……………..………..…………………………….6
四、 統計分析…………….…………..…………….….……………………….8
參、 結果………………….………………..…………………………………….9

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