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研究生(外文):Yu-Ren Li
論文名稱:以ODMRP-MPR與MZRP為基礎之Ad Hoc網路群播路徑協定
論文名稱(外文):A Multicast Routing Protocol Based on ODMRP -MPR and MZRP for Ad Hoc Networks
指導教授(外文):Ruay-Shiung Chang
外文關鍵詞:Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksMulticastSocial Stratum
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「無線網路」在現今應用上配合基地台使用,然而在災難或戰場等地點,缺乏基地台建置,僅能利用手持式設備,以無線自主網路(Ad hoc Wireless Networks)快速建立部署一套能自我組織的通訊系統,並配合成員編制確保現場情況立即傳送。就現在應用層面而言,在有線網路環境中,資源要求並不如無線網路環境中要求嚴苛,因此可視當時資源狀況,我們可利用單一傳播或群播方式執行,然而在隨意式無線網路中,每個節點透過網路拓樸成員,以相互合作關係,進行訊息傳送與接收,傳遞過程中電力能量損耗、頻寬限制、節點移動等因素影響整體傳播效能,在如此眾多限制因素下,群播服務是提供一對多傳播最佳方法,因為利用群播方法比起一次只對一個網路節點單一傳播傳輸方式,更能節省許多有限資源。
論文中我們以ODMRP為架構,提出階層式管理概念及九宮格虛擬網路拓樸架構,經由中繼管理節點及虛擬識別碼運作模式,控制封包於特定範圍傳遞,藉此改善control overhead過多問題。
In recent years, the transmission technology has made a great progress. The network has become indispensable. Voice communication has been unable to satisfy the consumers. We are now used to get information in anytime and anywhere. Therefore, the mobile communication becomes the transmission platform further. By way of the wireless network technology, each kind of multimedia news transmits by the handheld equipment. Our life and the network are closely linked together. Thus it leads to the handheld equipment’s vigorous development.
The wireless network must coordinate the base station. However, in disaster or battlefield, it lacks the base station. To establish the communication system immediately, we just only use the handheld equipment and deploy a wireless network. But in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, it has a lot of influence factors, for example, electric power or limiting bandwidth, node migration, and so on. So the multicast can be used to save limited resources in wireless network.
In the thesis based on ODMRP protocol, we propose a new concept of the social stratum type management construction and virtual network topology. We use the relaying management node and the virtual identification code operation pattern to control packet transmission in the particular range. Through Simulations we can improve such problem about control overhead increase.
致 謝 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 ix
1. 簡介 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 無線Ad Hoc網路簡介 3
1.3 在隨意無線網路架構下群播服務 6
1.4 論文綱要 13
2. 相關研究介紹 15
2.1. 在Ad Hoc Network以Mesh為網路拓樸架構群播繞路協定ODMRP 15
2.2. 以中繼傳播節點(Forwarding Node)為基礎架構群播路由協定ODMRP-MPR (On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Multipoint Relay in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) 21
2.3. 以區域範圍為傳播基礎群播路由協定MZRP(Multicast Zone Routing Protocol) 32
2.3.1. 路由協定ZRP(Zone Routing Protocol) 32
2.3.2. 群播路由協定MZRP(Multicast Zone Routing Protocol) 39
3. 以ODMRP-MPR與ZRP為基礎群播路徑協定 45
4. 模擬分析與結果 63
4.1. NS-2模擬軟體簡介 63
4.2. 安裝實驗環境 66
4.3. 模擬環境 68
4.4. 模擬結果及分析 70
4.4.1. 來源節點數量增減模擬結果及分析 70
4.4.2. 群播組員節點數量增減模擬結果及分析 72
4.4.3. 群播組數數量增減模擬結果及分析 74
4.4.4. 頻寬增減模擬結果及分析 76
4.4.5. 移動速度增減模擬結果及分析 78
4.4.6. 封包量增減模擬結果及分析 80
5. 結論與未來工作方向 83
5.1. 結論 83
5.2. 未來工作方向 85
參考文獻 87
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