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研究生(外文):Ruei-Hong Wong
論文名稱(外文):Establishment and Application of a Method for Species Identification from Fecal DNA of Sympatric Carnivores
指導教授(外文):Hai-Yin Wu
外文關鍵詞:fecal DNAcarnivoraspecies identificationmultiplex-nested PCR
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排遺是野生動物研究者於野外調查時憑藉的訊息之一。然而,共域小型食肉目動物的排遺並不易單從外觀辨識。近年來,非侵入性DNA採樣技術的應用已成為生態學研究、野生動物經營管理及物種保育上的重要工具之一。本研究目的為發展一個準確而簡便的鑑別方法,以提升排遺DNA辨種的效率。本研究自2009年5月至2010年6月於玉山國家公園東部園區採集到487個排遺樣本,利用多引子巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應法(multiplex-nested PCR),以一組通用引子,搭配五個分別對五種食肉目具專一性的引子,增幅粒線體DNA上12S rRNA基因的不同區段。上述方法成功鑑別出黃喉貂(Martes flavigula chrysospila)、食蟹獴(Herpestes urva formosanus)、黃鼠狼(Mustela sibirica taivana)及白鼻心(Paguma larvata taivana)四種動物。整體PCR鑑別成功率為67%,其中新鮮樣本(N = 223)成功率為73%,舊樣本成功率為62%,高於僅使用通用引子(13%)。在鑑別出物種的327個排遺中,以黃喉貂最多(72%),其次為食蟹獴(20%)、黃鼠狼(8%),而白鼻心排遺僅有1個。比對不同物種的排遺外觀,研究區黃喉貂與黃鼠狼排遺形狀、內含物及出現位置相似,不易區別,而兩者與食蟹獴排遺的外觀有明顯差異。本研究將有助於減少野外調查時排遺辨識的錯誤,並能成為管理者制定保育措施之參考。
Wildlife researchers usually use animals’ feces as indicators of a species’ presence. However, feces of sympatric small carnivores may be of similar appearance, posing difficulty in species identification in the field. Noninvasive genetic techniques have become an important tool in wildlife research in recent years. The purpose of this study is to develop an effective method for species identification from carnivore fecal DNA. I employed multiplex-nested PCR protocol with a pair of universal primers and five species-specific primers to identify the species origins of the 487 carnivore fecal samples collected in the eastern area of the Yushan National Park from May 2009 to June 2010. All primers were designed to amplify specific fragments of mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA gene, the size of the fragments differed by species. The method successfully identified four species, including yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula chrysospila), crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva formosanus), Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica taivana) and Formosan gem-faced civet (Paguma larvata taivana). The overall success rate of species identification was 67%. The success rate of fresh samples (73%, N = 223) was higher than that of old samples (62%, N = 264). Among the 327 samples successfully identified, 72% were of yellow-throated marten. It is difficult to differentiate the feces of the two Mustelidae, yellow-throated marten and Siberian weasel, by appearance alone. But they are more readily to distinguish from the feces of crab-eating mongoose. The result provides an effective and accurate species identification method for field survey on small carnivores.
1. 前言 1
2. 材料與方法 7
2.1 研究地 7
2.2 排遺採集 7
2.3 排遺DNA鑑種 8
2.3.1 DNA萃取(DNA extraction) 9
2.3.2 通用引子PCR 10
2.3.3 多引子nested-PCR 10
2.4 資料分析 11
3. 結果 15
3.1 PCR產物鑑種 15
3.2 各物種排遺外觀特徵與座落基質 16
3.3 野外判種與鑑種失敗的排遺 18
4. 討論 19
4.1 排遺分子鑑種方法 19
4.2 鑑種成功率 20
4.3 玉山國家公園東部園區的食肉目動物排遺特徵 22
4.4 未來研究建議 24
5. 結論 27
6. 引用文獻 29
表附錄 35
圖附錄 45
附錄 53
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