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研究生(外文):Li-Yen, Chien
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Continuous Use Behavior for Online Stock Trading-- Domestic Brokers of securities Industry as Examples
指導教授(外文):Dauw- Song Zhu
外文關鍵詞:Information System Success ModelTechnology Acceptance Model(TAM)System QualityInformation QualityService QualityPerceived UsefulnessPerceived Ease of UseUser SatisfactionHabitUsing Intention
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Stock market is fascinating to the opportunists. They will trade frequently after plunging into it. However, under the considerations of trading costs and efficiency, more and more investors choose the way of online stock trading which is fast, convenient, and has preferential fee. Obviously, this is a future trend. Therefore, facing to the changing times, people of relevant business should well-prepared early to deal with it. If the managers of security industry would like to have sustainable operation and establish themselves in an unassailable position, they must face up to this trend. The cost of establishing a new customer is five times more than maintaining an old one. As a result, to explore the investors choose continuous use behavior of online security trading system as reference for security industry to promote and improve relevant business in the future. As well as to fit large amount of investors’ needs and preferences further to race to grab market occupancy rate.
The model of this study is developed by combining DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model (D & M) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The variable of “Habit” was collected from “Focus Group” to develop research model. Using domestic opened and operative ones of security e-trade accounts as analysis objects. Through distributing paper questionnaire and being assisted with online questionnaire, we obtain 340 valid samples out of 523 after collecting samples among two months. Then we apply “Structural Equation Modeling” to analyze the data and test hypothesis. Depending on the analysis of real evidences, this study have four conclusions:
1. In overall model, according to exogenous variables, “Habit” is the most effective to “Continuous Use Behavior” of online stock trading, and followed by “System Quality”. It reveals that “Habit” have greatly influence on“Continuous Use Behavior”.
2. In three quality contents, “System Quality” is the most important factor affecting “Continuous Use Behavior”; it is also the only significant factor affecting “Perceived usefulness” and “User Satisfaction”, it shows “System Quality” is the major requirement of continued users. The measurement of “Information Quality” and “Service Quality” has great overlap with “System Quality”, tend to explanatory power has been attenuated.
3. The effective coefficient of “Perceived Usefulness” and “Perceived Ease of Use” to “Continuous Use Behavior” is low, accordingly, these two constructs are not important impact factors in this study.
4. We demonstrate that not only “User Satisfaction” positively affects “Using Intention” and further affects “Continuous Use Behavior” in this study, but also the most important discovery is “Habit” positive affects “Using Intention” and further affects “Continuous Use Behavior”.
目 錄..................................................................................................................................Ⅴ
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.................................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的.............................................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程.............................................................................................................5
第二章 文獻探討................................................................................................................7
第一節 持續使用行為.....................................................................................................7
第二節 資訊系統成功模型...........................................................................................13
第三節 科技接受模式...................................................................................................19
第四節 使用者滿意度...................................................................................................23
第五節 使用意圖……………………………………………………………….….….25
第六節 習慣……………..…….……………………………………………….….…..26
第七節 變數之間的關係與假設推導…………..…….…………………….…..…….31
第三章 研究方法..............................................................................................................35
第一節 研究架構...........................................................................................................35
第二節 研究假說...........................................................................................................37
第三節 研究變數操作性定義與衡量...........................................................................38
第四節 問卷設計...........................................................................................................47
第五節 資料蒐集方法...................................................................................................48
第六節 資料分析方法...................................................................................................50
第四章 資料分析..............................................................................................................51
第一節 敘述性統計分析..............................................................................................51
第二節 問卷量表分析..................................................................................................58
第三節 整體模式分析..................................................................................................70
第五章 結論與建議..........................................................................................................89
第一節 結論.................................................................................................................89
第二節 學術暨管理意涵.............................................................................................91
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議.............................................................................93
附錄一 研究問卷...........................................................................................................101
附錄二 焦點團體訪談整理...........................................................................................108
附錄三 焦點團體訪談結果歸納於各理論構念...........................................................109
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