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研究生(外文):Hsieh, Hui Ju
論文名稱(外文):Using Path Analysis to explore the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Innovation Performance: The case of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology
指導教授(外文):Liu, YorkLan, Shaw Ping
口試委員(外文):Lan, Shaw PingLiu, YorkYao, Chen YenWang, Suman
外文關鍵詞:Innovation PerformanceKnowledge IntegrationIntellectual Capital
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本研究主要在探討企業如何將智慧資本 (人力資本、結構資本、關係資本)透過知識整合能力(合作化、系統化、社會化)對組織創新績效(管理創新、技術創新)的影響。藉由路徑分析嘗試建立並驗證因果關係模式,探討智慧資本是否有益於知識整合,以及知識整合與創新績效的關係,並以中山科學研究院為問卷調查之對象,發放305份問卷,有效樣本共計250份,有效回收率為81.96%,並以此資料進行相關分析、迴歸分析以及路徑分析後,其結實證結果發現:

In the knowledge economy times, the firm how to develop the maximum benefits from intellectual capital to promote innovation performance by knowledge integration. The study based on resource-based theory and knowledge-based theory to explore of the impact of intellectual capital on innovation performance.
This study mainly focus on how Enterprises uses the intellectual capital (human capital、structural capital、relational capital) capability to have effect on organizational innovation performance (administrative innovation、 technical innovation) through knowledge integration(cooperative、systematization、socialization). By path analysis tries to establish and validate causal model to investigate whether intellectual capital is beneficial to knowledge integration and also the relationship between knowledge integration and innovation performance. The study surveyed the Chung-Shan institute of Science and Technology. Totally 305 copies of the questionnaire were released; 250 valid were returned with a valid sample return rate of 81.96%. Through statistical analysis such as correlation analysis, regression analysis and path analysis, the results of the investigation demonstrate the following important findings:
1. Intellectual capital had a significant positive influence on knowledge integration.
2. Knowledge integration had significant positive influence on innovation performance.
3. Intellectual capital through knowledge integration has even more pronounced influence on innovation performance.

第一章 緒論10
1.1 研究背景與動機10
1.2 研究目的11
1.4 研究流程12
第二章 文獻探討14
2.1 智慧資本14
2.1.1 智慧資本之意涵14
2.1.2 智慧資本之分類16
2.1.3 智慧資本的衡量構面與定義21
2.2.1 知識整合之意涵21
2.2.2 知識整合機制之分類24
2.2.3 知識整合衡量構面與定義25
2.3.2 創新之類型29
2.3.3 創新績效衡量構面與定義32
2.4.2 知識整合對創新績效之影響關係39
第三章 研究方法43
3.1 研究架構與假設43
3.1.1 研究架構43
3.1.2 研究假設44
3.2 研究變項與操作型定義44
3.2.1 智慧資本45
3.2.2 知識整合46
3.2.3 創新績效47
3.2.4 人口統計變數49
3.3 問卷設計49
第四章 資料分析結果53
4.1敘述性統計分析 53
4.1.1 樣本結構之敘述性分析 53
4.1.2 各構面題項之敘述性統計分析54
4.6 階層迴歸分析67
4.7 路徑分析70
第五章 結論74
5.1研究發現與討論 74
5.3 管理意涵76
5.4 研究限制與建議77
參考文獻 78

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