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研究生(外文):Chia-Chen Kang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the surface antigenic gene of Human influenza A virus transferred into lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.)
指導教授(外文):Jinn-Chin Yiu
口試委員(外文): Jinn-Chin Yiu
外文關鍵詞:influenza virus
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A型流行性感冒病毒寄主廣泛,為一種高度傳染性的疾病。目前流感的預防方式為接種疫苗,市面疫苗皆採用紅血球凝集素(Hemagglutinin;HA)作為抗原製作疫苗。由於A型流感病毒經常變異,且HA具株特異性,疫苗成分年年更迭,產量經常供不應求。本研究目的係利用A型H1N1型流感病毒(Influenza virus)表面抗原蛋白神經胺酸酶(Neuraminidase;NA),於不同亞型之活性部位皆相同的特性。將基因構築於pBI121與pCAMBIA 2301兩種植物轉殖載體,再以農桿菌媒介法轉殖至大球品種之皺葉萵苣(Grand Rapids TBR)中,並探討轉殖萵苣的轉殖效率及目標蛋白質的表現情形。

The host range of influenza A viruses is very widely, that is a highly contagious diseases. At present the way to prevent influenza is by getting a flu vaccination that is using hemagglutinin (Hemagglutinin; HA) as a vaccine antigen production. Because of influenza A viruses have high variability and the surface glycoprotein HA is strain-specific, the components of vaccine changed every year, and vaccine supplies would be in adequate. The objective in the study is using influenza A H1N1 virus (Influenza virus) surface antigen neuraminidase (Neuraminidase, NA) in the characteristic that the active site of different subtypes is the same. The target gene was integrated into the plant expression vector pBI121 and pCAMBIA2301 respectively, and then transferred into lettuce via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated, and to explore transformation efficiency and target protein expression level in transgenic lettuce.
In this experiment, the cotyledon of wrinkled leaf lettuce was used as explants. The induced shoots was selected by kanamycin, the plant regeneration rate was about 7.4%-9.1%.Through PCR analysis, proving that there is NA gene in the regenerated plants genomic DNA.RT-PCR analysis showed that NA gene can be transcribed into mRNA correctly. Using western blot analysis confirmed that target protein can be synthesized in transgenic lettuce properly. The transformation ratio of T0generation lettuce harboring different expression vector ranged from 2.9% to 3.5%usingmolecular analysis. Two transgenic lines of T2generation plants were selected to detect target protein. The result was revealed that about 80.3 ± 0.5% of T2transgenic plants possess positive result, indicating the transgenes were inherited in the offspring stably. Based on the ELISA results, NA protein expression level made up about0.39% to 0.43% of total soluble protein in the leavesofT2generation transgenic plants. This suggests that the feasibility that lettuce as a candidate produced NA protein to against Influenza virus, and will be tested in future animal experiments.

(一) 植物之轉型與再生
(二) 再生植株分子層次分析
(1) 萵苣再生流程
(2) 萵苣再生情形綜合分析
(3) 轉殖萵苣植株外觀比較
(1) PCR分析
(2) RT-PCR分析
(3) 再生植株採種情形
(1) T1 代
(2) T2 代
(3) 轉殖株後裔之種子對Kanamycin的抗性測試
(4) 轉殖植株後裔之採種情形
(5) NA蛋白質含量測定
附件一、pBI121-NA與pCAMBIA 2301-NA質體圖
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