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研究生(外文):Chang, Jen-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Humidity Control Characteristics and Capacity of Porous Ceramics Produced from Waste Glass and Waste Porous Materials by sintering
指導教授(外文):Lin, Kae-Long
外文關鍵詞:TFT-LCD waste glasssolar panel waste glasswaste catalysthumidity control materialssintering
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本研究以製坯燒結技術利用容器廢玻璃、TFT-LCD廢玻璃、太陽能面板廢玻璃作為基材,以廢矽藻土、廢觸媒及鹿沼土分別以不同比例 (0-40%)作為取代材於不同燒結溫度 (600-950℃)製備調濕性功能多孔材料,並藉由巨微觀檢測燒結體是否達CNS 3298 陶質壁磚之抗彎試驗規範,輔以XRD、FTIR、SEM及BET等精密儀器探討燒結體之晶相物種、鍵結方式、微觀結構及孔洞特性等變化。實驗結果顯示:各材料之重金屬TCLP溶出試驗皆符合法規標準,故本研究材料皆具資源化之潛力;經XRD分析,廢矽藻土之主要晶相為方英石 (Christobalite);玻璃內部皆為非晶型結構,經XRD分析後無任何明顯的繞射峰產生。經SEM觀察,容器廢玻璃燒結體於燒結溫度高於700℃及TFT-LCD廢玻璃和太陽能面板廢玻璃燒結體皆於低取代量 (10-20%)會產生液相燒結導致試體內孔隙緻密化現象,並形成較佳機械性質之燒結體。經BET分析,顯示氮氣等溫吸脫附曲線屬於H3類型,此類型為粒子以平板狀排列造成的狹縫形狀的孔隙結構;廢觸媒和鹿沼土所提供孔容積的孔徑大小分佈介於2-10 nm為主,並可觀察出鹿沼土之孔容積較廢觸媒之孔容積大。經Pearson相關性分析,顯示燒結體之體密度、體積收縮率及抗彎強度與材料之Cafem成分有顯著正相關。經迴歸分析,抗折強度與體密度及體積收縮率呈線性正相關;顯示燒結體之24小時平衡含水率及吸濕量與孔容積及比表面積呈線性正相關,由此可知,燒結體之內部孔容積與比表面積的大小能決定燒結體吸濕量的多寡。本研究之最佳操作條件為:以廢觸媒取代量為20%取代容器廢玻璃於燒結溫度為650-750℃之燒結體;以廢觸媒取代量為20%取代TFT-LCD廢玻璃於燒結溫度為900℃和廢觸媒取代量為30%於燒結溫度為950℃之燒結體;以廢觸媒取代量為20%取代太陽能面板廢玻璃於燒結溫度為900℃和廢觸媒取代量為30%於燒結溫度為950℃之燒結體。
This study fabricates porous ceramics employing the following operating conditions: constant pressure (5 MPa), sintering temperature (600-950℃), sintering time (4 hours), percentage of waste porous materials by weight (0-40%) and temperature increasing at a rate of 5℃/min. The sintering characteristics of porous ceramics blended with waste porous materials are examined to determine the feasibility of waste porous material reuse. The heat-treated samples were identified using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and BET method analysis. Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) waste glass and Solar Panel waste glass has been dumped into landfills in Taiwan. Recycling and reuse of recycled waste as construction materials has become a desirable waste treatment method in Taiwan. This study uses sintering processes to render waste glass and waste porous materials useful in the making of porous ceramics. The conclusions derived from these research experiments are as follows: The TCLP leaching concentration of waste glass and waste porous materials met the ROC EPA’s current regulatory thresholds. The main constituent of waste diatomite is christobalite (SiO2) and the XRD pattern of waste glass indicates the presence of a large amount of amorphous phases. The amount of increase in the porosities of the porous ceramics was higher when the amount of waste porous materials increased while the mechanical characteristics of the sintered sample tended to decrease. SEM microphotographs of waste glass container samples sintered at 700℃ reveals that a small fraction of the porous materials began to melt in regions with a negative curvature and the contact points between pairs of particles formed necks. Slight fusion occurred at the particle contact points at 900℃ which the TFT-LCD waste glass and solar panel waste glass powder partially melted. Both the inter particle pores and the internal structure collapsed. The final ceramics were analyzed for their pore distribution, pore volume, adsorption and desorption characteristics and bending strength. The results indicate that the shapes of the moisture isotherms belong to type IV according to the IUPAC classification. This type IV isotherm usually processes a hysteresis loop in which the lower branches are adsorption and the upper branches are desorption, respectively. The hysteresis loop belongs to the type H3 loop that does not exhibit any limited adsorption at high p/p0. It is believed that this type of isotherm occurs with aggregates of plate-like particles giving rise to slit-shaped pores. The results indicate that the pore size of the waste catalyst and kanuma soil ceramics is in the range from 2 to 10 nm. The waste porous material content increased the BET surface area of the porous ceramics samples. The equilibrium moisture content and the moisture adsorption-desorption properties are mainly influenced by the pore size, with the surface area and volume of pores playing a fundamental role in promoting the structure/water interactions. The best operating conditions found in this study were as follows: The waste glass containers that contained 20% waste catalyst sample exhibited a sintering temperature of 650-750℃. The TFT-LCD waste glass and solar panel waste glass that contained 20% waste catalyst sample exhibited a sintering temperature of 900℃. The TFT-LCD waste glass and solar panel waste glass that contained 30% waste catalyst sample exhibited a sintering temperature of 950℃.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的與內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 容器廢玻璃之來源特性與再利用現況 3
2-2 TFT-LCD廢玻璃之來源特性與處置再利用 6
2-3 太陽能面板廢玻璃之來源特性與處置再利用 10
2-4 廢矽藻土之來源特性與再利用現況 13
2-5 廢觸媒之來源特性與再利用方式 14
2-6 鹿沼土之來源特性與應用 16
2-7 成形理論與燒結理論 17
2-8 吸附理論 22
2-9 調濕原理與調濕建材的研究 29
第三章 實驗材料設備與方法 38
3-1 研究流程 38
3-2 實驗材料 39
3-3 研究設備 42
3-4 實驗配置與方法 43
第四章 結果與討論 51
4-1 材料的基本特性分析 51
4-2 燒結體之機械特性分析 58
4-3 燒結體之孔洞特性分析 97
4-4 燒結體之調濕特性分析 106
第五章 結論與建議 126
5-1 結論 126
5-2 建議 128
參考文獻 129

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