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研究生(外文):Huang, Weihsiang
論文名稱(外文):Temporal distribution of heavy metal in sediments of the ocean disposal site
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chiuwen
口試委員(外文):Dong, ChengdiKao, ChihmingYeh, YusungChen, ChihfengChen, Chiuwen
外文關鍵詞:Kaohsiung Harborocean disposal siteheavy metalssediment quality guidelinesmean ERM quotientecological risk
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高雄港為維持適當水深以利船舶進出航行,必須定期挖除沉積於港區的底泥,自2003至2010年每年約浚泥37萬方,且以海洋棄置方式進行最終處置。本研究主要調查海拋區內(9個測站)及外(3個測站)之沉積物物化性質,藉以評估海拋區沉積物重金屬濃度分佈及影響。研究期間為2009-2010年,每季進行一次採樣監測,共採集96個沉積物樣本;分析項目包括重金屬(汞、鉛、鎘、鉻、銅、鋅及鎳)、總鋁、粒徑、有機質、總油脂、總磷及總氮等。研究結果顯示,海拋區內沉積物顆粒組成變化相對高於海拋區外,顯示浚泥沉積於海拋區內導致其物性改變。海拋區內沉積物重金屬(汞、鉛、鎘、鉻、銅、鋅及鎳)含量變化,在時間分佈上呈現以2009及2010年第三季(8月)金屬鉻、銅及鋅較高之情況,並無隨時間而逐漸有累積之趨勢,此時間分佈結果與當季棄置污染性之浚泥量具有良好之對應關係,顯示海拋區表層沉積物可反應出當季棄置之浚泥品質;而在空間分佈上,海拋區內之重金屬(銅、鋅及鉻)些微高於海拋區外,而影響海拋區重金屬空間分佈的主要因子與時間分佈相同,主要與當季棄置之浚泥品質有關。由計算之重金屬富集因子(enrichment factor, EF)顯示,海拋區內(相對於海拋區外)具有富集現象(鉻: EF=2-3、銅: EF=1-3 及鋅: EF=2-4)。比較沉積物品質準則(sediment quality guidelines, SQGs)及平均影響商數值(mean-ERM-quotient, m-ERM-q)顯示,海拋區內之鉻、銅及鋅具有相對較高之潛在毒性,約有7.5%沉積物之潛在毒性機率(45%)相對高於海拋區外(30%);生態風險指數(Ecological risk index, RI)評估結果顯示,海拋區內風險程度(RI=85-129)相對較高海拋區外(RI=64-81)。
This study investigates the distribution, and accumulation of heavy metals in sediments of ocean disposal site. Sediment samples which collected from eleven locations in the ocean disposal site pre quarterly during the 2009 to 2010 were analyzed for metals content (e.g., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni and Al), total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total grease, and grain size. Results of study showed, the sediment grain size variation in the ocean disposal inner site was higher than outside of ocean disposal area which showed the dredged sediment depositing caused the material property to change. As the temporal distribution of the metals is concerned, the concentration of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, and Zn) was higher in the ocean disposal interior site in the 3rd season in 2009 and 2010. As the spatial distribution of the metals is concerned, heavy metal concentration in the ocean disposal interior site was slightly higher than outside of ocean disposal area. The temporal and spatial distribution of the metals had fine corresponding concepts referring to the dredged sediment qualities. The Enrichment Factor (EF) assessment results showed, compared sediment of disposal area with the reference points, Cr (EF = 2–3), Cu (EF = 1–3) and Zn (EF = 2–4) were minor enrichment factors. Comparing sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) with mean ERM quotient (m-ERM-q) results showed, Cu, Cr, and Zn had higher potentially toxicity pollution than other heavy metals in the dredged sediment disposal area. All of the samples, which had approximately 7.5% had potential toxicity pollution (45%) in the ocean disposal interior site was higher than potential toxicity pollution (30%), the ecological risk index that in the ocean disposal (RI = 85–129) inner site was higher than outside of ocean disposal area (RI = 64–81). Therefore, the investigating study of results will offer sediment variation of heavy metal concentration in the ocean disposal area as consultation to formulate pollution prevention policies in the future.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 研究區域概述 3
2.2 棄置物質介紹 9
2.3 沉積物評估方法 19
第三章 研究方法與步驟 27
3.1 研究區域與測站規劃 27
3.2 沉積物樣品採集 29
3.3 研究設備與材料 30
3.4 沉積物樣品分析 33
3.5 品保品管 38
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1 沉積物基本性質 40
4.2 沉積物重金屬時間分佈 55
4.3 沉積物重金屬空間分佈 80
4.4 相關性分析 100
4.5 沉積物重金屬富集程度評估 104
4.6 沉積物重金屬潛在毒性評估 111
4.7沉積物重金屬生態風險評估 122
第五章 結論與建議 134
5.1 結論 134
5.2 建議 135
參考文獻 136
附錄一 品保品管資料 143
附錄二 原始數據資料 158
附錄三 專有名詞對照表 177

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國家海洋科學研究中心海洋資料庫:http:// www.ncor.ntu.edu.tw/

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