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論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation of Wave Breakings
外文關鍵詞:embedding method, volume of fluid, bar-type beach, wave breaking
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本文利用 RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations) 模式求解波浪於平台和沙洲底床碎波過程,進而探討波浪與斜坡地形交互作用後之碎波現象和流場特性。數值模式採用有限體積法,求解雷諾平均 Navier-Stokes 方程式,以期能夠呈現波浪場中非線性與黏性效應的影響,同時配合 紊流模式來模擬紊流效應。其中時間差分項以顯式法來離散,壓力場則藉著預測—修正方式 (predictor-corrector procedure) 來建立,配合交錯網格系統,採用不等間距網格,自由液面採用流體體積法 (Volume of Fluid, VOF),結合嵌入邊界法 (embedding method) 處理複雜地形。數值計算結果藉由試驗資料驗證,本文數值計算結果與試驗值相當吻合。文中模擬波浪與結構物互制之波形和流場,包括孤立波於斜坡上運動及破碎探討、Cn 波通過斜坡溯上、週期波通過平台底床案例、和波浪與週期波通過平台底床案例。文中討論了波浪在斜坡上的溯升和溯降,也探討碎波後的紊流強度分布和流場。
A 2-D numerical model was developed to simulate wave breaking on the barred/stepped beach. The significant benefit of the present study over the traditional way of analyzing wave propagation problems is to apply the RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) and the embedding method by taking account of the entire nonlinear, viscous and turbulent effects on the physical problem. The model is employed to simulate the flow kinematics and the turbulence effects in the RANS. The RANS is used to simulate the flow field; and the transport equations are discretized by the finite volume method, based on a staggered grid system with variable width and height. The unsteady term is treated by an explicit method. The pressure field is obtained by a predictor-corrector procedure. In order to update the free surface configuration with every time step, the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is implemented. Coupling the volume of fluid method (VOF) and the embedding method, the treatment of free surface problem and complex bottom topography can be easily reached. The numerical results were compared with existing experimental data. The numerical model is applied to a variety of evolution problems of traveling waves interacting with solid structures and a complex bed, i.e. solitary wave propagating on a sloping bed, Cn waves propagating on a sloping bed, wave breaking on the barred/stepped beach. By using the present numerical model, the mean velocity field and the turbulence distribution under under wave breaking were investigated. The runup and rundown characteristics of the water waves on sloping bed are also discussed.

第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機及目的
1-2 前人研究
1-3 本文組織
第二章 RANS方程式
2-1 RANS方程式簡介
2-2 邊界條件
2-3 數值方法
2-4 計算程式
第三章 波浪碎波數值模式之應用與驗證
3-1 模式驗証
3-2 孤立波在斜坡上運動及破碎探討
3-3 Cn 波在斜坡上運動及破碎探討
3-4 沙洲床底
3-5 平台床底
第四章 結論與建議
4-1 結論
4-2 建議

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