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研究生(外文):Chen, Wei-Chun
論文名稱:矩形通道兩相對壁面設置半球狀突起物於 高旋轉數之熱傳特性實驗研究
論文名稱(外文):Heat Transfer of Rotating Rectangular-Channel With Two Opposite Walls Roughened by Hemi-spherical Protrusions at High Rotation Numbers
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shyy-Woei
外文關鍵詞:Spherical ProtrusionRotating ChannelHigh Rotating NumberTurbine Rotor Blade Cooling
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設置半球狀击起裝置(hemispherical protrusion)時之詳細熱傳係數分佈。旋
轉實驗測詴之最高旋轉數(rotation number,Ro)為0.6。藉由分析、比較靜
number(Nu and Nu)所產生之影響。比較靜止及旋轉狀態所得之熱傳係數
分佈面,及由各測詴條件計算所得之Nu 顯示,科氏力和旋轉浮力對於旋
轉矩形測詴管道迎風面(leading wall)及背風面(trailing wall)之熱傳性能具有
顯著之影響。依據旋轉管道迎風面及背風面全展流域表面平均Nu 數所進
Detailed heat transfer distributions over two opposite leading and trailing walls
roughened by spherical protrusions were measured from a rotating rectangular
channel at rotation number up to 0.6 to examine the effects of Reynolds (Re),
rotation (Ro) and buoyancy (Bu) numbers on local and area averaged Nusselt
numbers (Nu and Nu ) using the infrared thermography. A set of selected heat
transfer data illustrates the Coriolis and rotating-buoyancy effects on the
detailed Nu distributions and the area-averaged heat transfer performances over
the leading and trailing walls of the rotating channel. Area-averaged Nu for
the developed flow region over the leading and trailing enhanced walls are
parametrically analyzed to devise a set of empirical heat transfer correlations
that permits the evaluation of the interdependent and individual effects of Re,
Ro and Bu on Nu .
Keywords: Spherical Protrusion, Rotating Channel, High Rotating Number,
Turbine Rotor Blade Cooling.
* This abstract is collected from S.W., Chang, T.-M., Liou, W.-C., Chen, Influence of radial
rotation on heat transfer in a rectangular channel with two opposite walls roughened by
hemispherical protrusions at high rotation number , ASME J. Turbomachinery 134 (2012)
第一章 前言……………………………………………………………...1
1-1 研究背景與動機………………...……………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧……………………………………………………...2
1-3 研究內容與論文架構…………………………………….…..3
第二章 實驗方法………………………………………………………...5
2-1 旋轉實驗設備及熱傳詴驗模組………………………………5
2-2 實驗規劃與數據處理…………………………………………9
第三章 結果與討論………………………………………………….... 14
3-1 靜態管道熱傳性能…………………………………………..14
3-2 旋轉管道熱傳性能…………………………………………..18
3-3 參數分析……………………………………………………..25
第四章 結論…………………………………………………………. 32
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