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研究生(外文):Yang-cheng Chen
論文名稱:運用多維度 Alpha Lévy 過程於投資組合績效分析
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Multivariate Alpha Lévy Processes in Portfolio Performance Analysis
指導教授(外文):Chou-wen Wang
中文關鍵詞:多維度Lévy 過程多維度Lévy 過程多維度Lévy 過程
外文關鍵詞:Portfolio SelectionUtility functionMultivariate Alpha L&eacutevy process
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自從1952年Markowitz發表了Portfolio Selection 的論文後,投資組合在財務金融領域中已是一個非常重要的議題,諸多專家學者接續著Markowitz的腳步提出了許多的研究及論文。這些研究及論文以Markowitz的論文為基礎,提出了許多看法及修正,可惜的是至今只有少許的文獻針對投資組合的風險性資產的跳躍性進行模型推導、分析及實證討論,但在金融市場全球化的環境下,金融危機發生的頻率及影響力相對地提高,例如:1997年亞洲金融危機、2008年全球金融海嘯等,這些金融危機的發生顯示了金融市場是存在著跳躍且其重要性越來越不可忽略,因此本論文在風險性資產服從跳躍分配以及投資人之效用符合固定絕對風險趨避效用函(CARA)的前提下,建構一個多維度的投資組合模型及效用函數,並推導出其相關結構及偏態結構,最後本論文運用以上之推導並採用三檔指數型基金(ETF)分別為;iShares MSCI 德國指數型基金 (EWG), SPDR 美國S&P 500 指數型基金(SPY) and the iShares MSCI加拿大指數型基金(EWC),2001年一月至2010年九月之資料進行投資組合策略及績效評比之實證。本論文的貢獻是我們將原本單維度的投資組合績效指標推廣至多維度,且我們的多維度績效指標是有考慮到跳躍效果且具有類似Sharpe ratio 指標之意義,但本研究的績效指標更具一般性。
Portfolio selection proposed by Markowitz (1952) is one of the most important issues in finance. Many researchers propose numerous extensions, but few researches consider the impacts of idiosyncratic jump and co-jump shocks on optimal portfolio selection. Due to the global financial crisis, such as the Asia economy crisis in 1997 and subprime crisis in 2008, the jump and co-jump shocks exist in the financial market and are quite important for the global portfolio selection. Therefore, this paper constructs a multivariate portfolio model, which the asset returns follow a multivariate Lévy processes proposed by Luciano and Semeraro (2010) with idiosyncratic jump and co-jump shocks, we derive an expected utility function with constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) form and the corresponding generalized sharp ratio (GSR). Using the data of iShares MSCI Germany Index Fund (EWG), SPDR USA S&P 500 (SPY) and the iShares MSCI Canada Index Fund (EWC) from Jan. 1, 2001 to Sep. 30, 2010, we do some empirical analysis for our multivariate Lévy portfolio model. Above all we extend the performance measure to the multivariate case by the multivariate Lévy processes,and our performance measure has some propositions similar as the sharpe ratio ,however, our performance is more general . It is the contribution of this thesis.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
Table Contents vi
Figure Contents vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 4
3. Methodology 8
3.1 Portfolio wealth process 9
3.2 The performance measure 10
3.3 Multivariate Alpha (α) Lévy processes 13
3.4 Dependence and skewness structures 21
3.5 Portfolio strategy decisions and Portfolio performance index 24
3.6 Relationship between Sharpe ratios 26
4. Parameters Estimation and Analysis 31
4.1 Data analysis 31
4.2 Estimations 32
4.3 Model selection 34
4.4 Parameters analysis 38
5. Applications 43
5.1 The strategy 44
5.2 Portfolio expected utility and wealth accumulation analysis 46
6. Conclusion 52
Appendix A 57
Appendix B 64
Appendix C 67
Appendix D 73
Appendix E 75
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