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研究生(外文):Chih-Shen Tu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Applying Corn Steep Liquid to Enhance Biodegradability of TFT-LCD Wastewater
指導教授(外文):Chung-Hsuang Hung
中文關鍵詞:玉米浸漬液TET-LCD 光電製程廢水活性污泥法
外文關鍵詞:biological treatment unitCorn steep liquidTFT-LCD wastewaterco-metabolism
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LCD 產業與半導體產業一樣,具有資本密集、技術密集等產業特性,為台灣科技產業植根的發展重心,對國家總體經濟成長具有重要的貢獻。此外,光電產業更是政府所推動的「兩兆雙星核心優勢產業」重點發展方向之一,於2005 年的產值已達1 兆1,289 億台幣,在全球的光電產值裡佔有16%的比例,由於產業規模大,廢水量與日俱增,相關環保問題已成為大家關心的對象。
本研究之對象為南部某光電廠之製程廢水,因受各種產能及製程改變之影響,從而造成製程廢水水質水量的不穩定,且有機負荷(F/M)較低,所以,觀察生物相時只有細菌類(數量極少),並無發現活性污泥法中之指標性微生物(例如:纖毛蟲、輪蟲…),處理後之水質COD、SS 去除效率並不理想。本研究首先在於測試於生物系統添加玉米浸漬液後,對於TFT-LCD光電製程廢水生物分解效能之影響,其次是希望能瞭解不同劑量之玉米浸漬液,對於TFT-LCD 光電製程廢水處理效能之提升效率。希望藉由相關實場實驗測試之結果,建置複合有機廢水添加玉米浸漬液之劑量及相關操作參數,藉以解決目前廢水系統去除率不佳之現況,亦能作為提供處理相同廢水性質之廢水處理操作人員參考之依據或後續相關研究之參考。
本研究建議,針對TFT-LCD 光電製程廢水等相關類似廢水,可依此實驗經驗提供各項操作指標作為同性質廢水處理之操作方式參考。且經由實驗結果得知,玉米浸漬液添加濃度,以每噸廢水添加2 公升營養劑為宜,且初期開始添加營養劑時,應控制進流量並增加廢水停留時間到48 小時,約8天後依生物系統內微生物增殖之情形逐漸縮短廢水停留時間到24 小時,此時,生物系統內之微生物應已逐漸以蓋蟲類為優勢菌種;之後逐漸增加廢水進流量,並逐漸縮短廢水停留時間到12 小時,待生物系統穩定後,再將廢水停留時間縮短到8 小時,此時生物系統已呈穩定狀態,去除率可達80%左右。
Photoelectric industry is one of the most important developing industries according to “two Trillion and Twin Star Industries Development Plan” proposed by the government. In 2005, the explore value of photoelectric industries reached 1 trillion and 128.9 billion Taiwan dollars, which is about 16% of the proportions in the global photoelectric trade value. However, the production of wastewater from these industries is also growing with the growth of the photoelectric industries. The disposal of the generated wastewater has become an environmental protection issue of great concern.
The treatment of typical photoelectric industrial wastewater is mainly to remove organic containments from it and biological operation units are the most suitable ones. Nerveless, due to frequently change in the producing processes or raw material of photoelectric industries, both quality and quantity of photoelectric wastewater is changed so often. Furthermore, most of photoelectrical factories were unable to setup large equilibrium tanks to equalize wastewater quality or quantity. Accordingly, for enhancing the removal efficiencies of the proposed organic pollutants in photoelectric industrial wastewater, to increase the biodegradability of photoelectric wastewater will be first priority.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of adding corn steep liquid to TFT-LCD photoelectric wastewater. Both biodegradability and removal efficiency of photoelectric wastewater are particularly interested. Both bench-scale and full-scale pilot plant experiments were conducted for establish some suitable operation parameters for the biological operation units. The experimental results successfully demonstrated the addition of corn steep liquid to the wastewater can enhance its biodegradability after about 2 weeks of bacterial incubation. An optimal dosage of 2 liters corn steep liquid of per ton wastewater was achieved in the study. Owing to the addition of trace required nutrition to the photoelectric wastewater might be the main mechanism for enhancing its biodegradability.
英文摘要---------------------------------------------- iii
誌謝---------------------------------------------------- v
目錄--------------------------------------------------- vi
表目錄------------------------------------------------- ix
圖目錄-------------------------------------------------- x
第一章 前言--------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究緣起-------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的與內容-------------------------------------- 3
第二章 文獻回顧----------------------------------------- 4
2.1 薄膜電晶體-液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)產業特性-------------- 4
2.1.1 產業現況與發展------------------------------------ 4
2.1.2 TFT-LCD 製程程序---------------------------------- 6
2.2 TFT-LCD 製程廢水分析-------------------------------- 9
2.2.1 TFT-LCD 製程廢水來源及性質------------------------ 9
2.2.2 TFT-LCD 製程廢水成份及特性----------------------- 12
2.3 DMSO、MEA 及TMAH 生物分解之相關研究---------------- 15
2.3.1 二甲基亞楓DMSO 特性與代謝途徑-------------------- 15
2.3.2 乙醇胺(MEA)特性與代謝途徑---------------------- 18
2.3.3 氫氧化四甲基胺(TMAH)特性與代謝途徑------------- 20
2.4 廢水生物處理之基本理論----------------------------- 21
2.4.1 生物除碳原理------------------------------------- 21
2.4.2 生物除氮原理------------------------------------- 22
2.4.3 硝化作用----------------------------------------- 24
2.4.4 脫硝作用----------------------------------------- 24
2.4.5 微生物營養特性----------------------------------- 26
2.4.6 王米浸漬液(Corn steep liquid)------------------ 30
2.4.7 活性污泥法質量平衡及功能計算--------------------- 33
2.5 TFT–LCD 製程廢水處理程序-------------------------- 35
2.5.1 脫氮技術處理------------------------------------- 35 物化脫氮技術----------------------------------- 35 生物脫氮技術----------------------------------- 38
2.5.2 生物處理法--------------------------------------- 39 活性污泥法------------------------------------- 39 批式活性污泥法--------------------------------- 40
2.6 光電業放流水標準----------------------------------- 41
第三章 實驗方法、材料與設備---------------------------- 44
3.1 研究架構------------------------------------------- 44
3.1.1 研究方法----------------------------------------- 44
3.1.2 樣品來源----------------------------------------- 45
3.2 實驗方法------------------------------------------- 46
3.3 實驗設備------------------------------------------- 46
3.3.1 水樣採樣及保存方式------------------------------- 47
3.3.2 實驗分析項目與方法------------------------------- 47
3.3.3 污泥沉降體積SV30 觀察---------------------------- 50
第四章 結果與討論-------------------------------------- 51
4.1 進流水樣特性分析----------------------------------- 51
4.2 玉米浸漬液特性------------------------------------- 55
4.3 處理水質之特性------------------------------------- 57
4.3.1 生物相之變化------------------------------------- 57
4.3.2 顯微鏡觀察生物相之判斷--------------------------- 60
4.3.3 生物處理單元生物相演變--------------------------- 62
4.4 有機物濃度去除效率--------------------------------- 66
4.5 廢水處理系統之質量平衡計算------------------------- 72
4.6 水力設計------------------------------------------- 76
4.6.1 水質水量基本參數--------------------------------- 77
4.6.2 生物系統功能計算--------------------------------- 77
4.6.3 質量平衡說明------------------------------------- 82
4.7 建議之較佳化操作模式------------------------------- 84
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------- 86
5.1 結論----------------------------------------------- 86
5.2 建議事項------------------------------------------- 87
參考文獻----------------------------------------------- 88
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