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研究生(外文):Ya-lin Chuang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Functionalization of Sintered Secondary Sewage Sludge for Sterilization
指導教授(外文):Hua-Shan Tai
外文關鍵詞:resource recoverysterilizationfunctional sintered sludgenano zinc oxidesludge
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Because of the increasing rate of sewage system, large amount of surplus activated sludge is produced. Therefore, to deal with the surplus activated sludge properly is an important issue. Nowadays, nanotechnology is developing for the environmental friendly purposes rapidly. The anti-microbial nanomaterial, which is different from chemical disinfectants, doesn’t cause harmful disinfection by-products.
I try two methods to make functional sintered sludge by using the activated sludge in An-ping, Tainan. The first one is impregnation method. In this method, I put sintered sludge into the nano zinc oxide solution. The second one is melt-blending method. I mixed the activated sludge with nano zinc oxide powder, and then sinter the mixture at 800℃. The functional sintered sludge from both methods has sterilization efficacy, which can achieve the purpose of surplus activated sludge reuse.
There are two reasons to show that impregnation method is not good enough for activated sludge reuse. One reason is about the electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity of water sample increases after the water is filtered through the functional sintered sludge which comes from the impregnation method. To analyze the filtered water sample, I found out that the cause of increased electrical conductivity is the leach of nano zinc oxide. The increased electrical conductivity of this water sample is beyond regulated value. Also, the impregnation method costs a lot of money.
The melt-blending method is more appropriate for activated sludge reuse then the impregnation method. I use the functional sintered sludge comes from the melt-blending method in the sterilization experiment. And I find out that the sterilization efficacy of this functional sintered sludge may be reduced after hyperthermal sinter. Therefore, I put the functional sintered sludge into the inorganic acid liquid. After this process, the functional sintered sludge has more distinguished sterilization efficacy.
摘 要 I
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
1-3研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1下水污泥的來源及特性 5
2-2下水污泥的處理、處置方式 8
2-3下水污泥的資源化方式 10
2-3.1土壤應用 11
2-3.2材料化 12
2-4燒結理論 13
2-4.1成形機制 13
2-4.2燒結階段 14
2-5大腸桿菌與總菌落數 20
2-5.1大腸桿菌 20
2-5.2總菌落數 24
2-6消毒副產物 25
2-6奈米氧化鋅 31
2-6.1奈米氧化鋅的應用 31
2-6.2奈米氧化鋅殺菌機制 32
第三章 實驗 34
3-1實驗材料 34
3-2實驗設備與儀器 35
3-3實驗流程 40
3-3.1實驗流程-含浸法 40
3-3.2含浸法實驗步驟 41
3-3.3實驗流程-混煉法 42
3-3.4混煉法實驗步驟 43
3-4功能性測試 44
3-4.1大腸桿菌 44
3-4.2總菌落數 47
第四章 結果與討論 49
4-1外觀型態觀察 49
4-2 SEM型態學 51
4-3含浸法殺菌效果 55
4-4混煉法殺菌效果 57
4-5.1混煉法殺菌效果(一) 57
4-5.2混煉法殺菌效果(二) 59
4-5.3混煉法殺菌效果(三) 60
4-5.4混煉法殺菌效果(四) 62
第五章 結論與建議 64
5-1結論 64
5-1建議 65
參考文獻 66
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