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研究生(外文):Feng-Tsang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Using Simulated Annealing to Achieve Load Balancing in WCDMA Networks with Coverage Constraints
指導教授(外文):Jieh-Chian Wu
外文關鍵詞:Simulated AnnealingLoad BalancingHotspot
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第三代行動電話WCDMA系統啟動服務後,行動電話上網就進入了寛頻的領域,根據國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)提供的資料顯示,2009年,行動電話用戶數達到2696萬戶,電信基地台約有56,000座;但隨著數據服務用戶的成長,因一般民眾及環保團體對於電磁波是否影響人體健康構成疑慮,基地台的架設數量勢必有減無增。因業者無法新增基地台,便使得某些特定基地台的負載過重甚至瀕臨超載(Over Loading)情形,因此相鄰的基地台間的話務量便產生了不平衡。
由於調整基地台天線傾角及CPICH Power不需進行任何基礎建設施作,透過遠端調整系統,即可有效且快速改變細胞涵蓋範圍,進而改變基地台系統性能。模擬退火演算法SA(Simulated Annealing),源自於物理學上的退火法則,是一種模擬打鐵過程中加溫融鐵,然後降溫淬煉結構之作法的演算法,常被用來找組合最佳化問題近似最佳解。因此,我們將利用模擬退火演算法調整基地台天線傾角及CPICH Power,作為改善負載不平衡問題的主要方法:在以不犧牲系統服務用戶的前提下,優化WCDMA網路中各個細胞,使得細胞間負載趨於平衡,同時降低各個基地台的傳送功率負載,有計劃性的增加系統性能。我們的電腦模擬結果顯示:在基地台及用戶為不均勻分布下,我們所採用之模擬退火演算法,皆能使得基地台發射功率負載有最佳的調降效果,亦能使區域的細胞負載率擁有均勻性和緩衝性。
Since WCDMA, third generation mobile system, started serving, the wideband data services could be truly accessed by mobile communication.. According to the information provided by the National Communication Commission (NCC) shows: in 2009, mobile phone users reached 26.96 million households and the telecom base stations about 56,000. Although the information service users are getting more and more, the concerns from the public and the environmental groups are whether electromagnetic affecting human health. The number of base stations is reducing instead of increasing. It caused the obstruction of basic infrastructure. Because ISP can’t install more base stations, some pf the traffic causes overloading near maximum limit. Therefore, the traffic between the base stations becomes imbalanced.

We can effectively and rapidly change the covering range of cells and furthermore, improve the performance of the base station system by adjusting the angle of the base station antenna and co-guiding channel power (CPICH Power) without having to install more basic infrastructure facilities. Simulated annealing algorithm SA (Simulated Annealing), derived from the blacksmiths to heat iron, melt, cool down, mix and change the structure. It is often used to find solutions to the problems. Therefore, we will use the simulated annealing algorithm to adjust the base station antenna tilt and co-guide channel power to improve load imbalance. We can optimize the cells on WCDMA networks to balance the loads between cells while reducing the transmission power of each base station, which can increase the system performance under the priority of without sacrificing the system users. Our computer simulated results shown that: with the uneven distribution of base stations and users, the simulated annealing algorithm we used can reduce the transmission power between the base stations, balance and buffer loads between cells in the area.
中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------ i
英文摘要----------------------------------------------------------- ii
表目錄------------------------------------------------------------ vii
圖目錄----------------------------------------------------------- viii
符號說明------------------------------------------------------------ x
第 1 章概論------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 問題描述------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.2.1 調整CPICH Power---------------------------------------------------------2
1.2.2 調整基地台天線傾角------------------------------------------------------5
1.2.3 共同調整CPICH Power 和基地台天線傾角-------------------------6
1.3 建議方法------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
1.4 論文架構---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
第2 章第三代行動通訊系統概念----------------------------------- 11
2.1 簡介---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.1.1 WCDMA------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.1.2 CDMA2000---------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.1.3 TD-SCDMA--------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.2 無線電資源管理------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.2.1 資源管理(Resource Management) ------------------------------------- 13
2.2.2 允諾控制(Admission Control, AC)------------------------------------ 13
2.2.3 封包排程(Packet Scheduler)-------------------------------------------- 14
2.2.4 功率控制(Power Control) ----------------------------------------------- 14
2.2.5 負載控制(Load Control) ------------------------------------------------ 14
2.2.6 交遞控制(Handover Control)------------------------------------------- 15
第3 章模擬退火演算法------------------------------------------- 16
3.1 簡介---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
3.2 運作流程---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.2.1 退火程序------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.2.2 Metropolis 演算法-------------------------------------------------------- 18
3.2.3 模擬退火法演算過程---------------------------------------------------- 19
第4 章WCDMA 模擬軟體簡介(NPSW) -------------------------------- 21
4.1 初始化設定------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
4.1.1 系統參數 - npswsys.m-------------------------------------------------- 21
4.1.2 整體參數 - npswini.m--------------------------------------------------- 21
4.1.3 環境參數 - mapini.m---------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2 基本資料設定---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2.1 基地台基本資料---------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2.2 用戶基本資料------------------------------------------------------------- 23
4.3 模擬程式執行步驟及結果呈現------------------------------------------------ 23
第5 章研究方法------------------------------------------------- 27
5.1 前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
5.2 負載平衡機制評估指標---------------------------------------------------------- 27
5.2.1 下行鏈結負載量---------------------------------------------------------- 28
5.2.2 允入控制/負載控制------------------------------------------------------ 28
5.2.3 未服務用戶數------------------------------------------------------------- 29
5.3 模擬環境及參數設定------------------------------------------------------------- 29
5.3.1 用戶分布------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
5.3.2 基地台分布---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
5.3.3 環境參數------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
5.4 演算法說明------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
5.4.1 問題定義------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
5.4.2 演算法之預設值---------------------------------------------------------- 32
5.4.3 演算法流程圖------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5.5 模擬結果分析---------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
5.5.1 基地台均勻分布(一個Hotspot) --------------------------------------- 35
5.5.2 基地台非均勻分布(一個Hotspot) ------------------------------------ 37
5.5.3 基地台均勻分布(二個Hotspot) --------------------------------------- 39
5.5.4 基地台非均勻分布(二個Hotspot) ------------------------------------ 41
5.5.5 基地台均勻分布(三個Hotspot) --------------------------------------- 43
5.5.6 基地台非均勻分布(三個Hotspot) ------------------------------------ 45
第6 章結論及未來研究------------------------------------------- 47
6.1 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
6.2 未來研究---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
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