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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):Backpropagation Neural Network Model for Stock Trading Points Prediction
指導教授(外文):Jun-Biao Lin
外文關鍵詞:technical indicatorsBackpropagation neural network (BPN)stock forecasting
  • 被引用被引用:3
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According to the high development of technology and internet, many of stock data are digitalized. Hence, it becomes convenience and fast to obtain the data from file transfer; however, the huge and complicated information are hard to be systemized and analyzed by human beings in a short time. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are excellent in dealing with the complicated problems; therefore, they could be the tools of predicting and analyzing the stock market information.
The Backpropagation Neural Network (BPN) approach rapidly rises in these years, especially using in finance area such as, the prediction of stock prices, financial crisis prediction, the forecasting of exchange rate movement, and portfolio management, the performance is outstanding. In this research, several technical indicators are applied to analysis of a large number of historical data in order to enhance the predictability of the particular stocks. According to the technical indices, they are inputted to the BPN to train the model. Therefore, the possible turning points could be detected by BPN. Besides, the technical indicators including Stochastic, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD), Directional Movement Index (DMI), Deviation rate (BIAS), foreign capital, and the suspension of margin purchase.
The results of this research show that the combination of different indicators using the BPN approach is superior to the buy and hold strategy but still cannot reach positive returns of the target stocks after a period of training. As the result, the study provides a statement that even though the BPN approach is good at forecasting stock price in finance area; the input factors still play a significant role in determining the accuracy of trading decisions. In brief, settle on the appropriate input factor is still a crucial lesson for researching in the future.
摘要 i
致謝 iv
Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Survey 2
3. Technical Indicators 5
3.1 Relative Strength Index (RSI) 5
3.2 Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) 6
3.3 Stochastic (KD Line) 7
3.4 Directional Movement Index (DMI) 7
3.5 Deviation Rate (BIAS) 9
4. Methodology 10
4.1 Backpropagation Neural Network 10
4.1.1 The Learning Environment 11
4.1.2 Neural Network Training 11
4.2 DATA 12
4.2.1 Candidate Stocks Screening: 12
4.2.2 Input Variables Selection: 12
5. Empirical Results 13
5.1 The Steps of Research 13
6. Conclusion 16
References 18
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1. 陳忠信:〈巨震重現──試析向陽〈黑暗沉落下來〉之九二一地震書寫〉,《國文天地月刊》第251期,2006年4月,頁60-63。
2. 陳忠信:〈巨震重現──試析向陽〈黑暗沉落下來〉之九二一地震書寫〉,《國文天地月刊》第251期,2006年4月,頁60-63。
3. 陳忠信:〈巨震重現──試析向陽〈黑暗沉落下來〉之九二一地震書寫〉,《國文天地月刊》第251期,2006年4月,頁60-63。
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8. 陳雅莉:〈向陽工坊台灣文學代表性網站〉,《書香遠傳》第21期,2005年2月10日,頁61-63。
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10. 林燿德:〈遊戲規則的塑造者──綜論向陽其人其詩〉,《文藝月刊》第200期,1986年2月,頁54-67。
11. 林燿德:〈遊戲規則的塑造者──綜論向陽其人其詩〉,《文藝月刊》第200期,1986年2月,頁54-67。
12. 林燿德:〈遊戲規則的塑造者──綜論向陽其人其詩〉,《文藝月刊》第200期,1986年2月,頁54-67。
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14. 林政華:〈新瓶舊酒依然香──我讀《向陽台語詩選》〉,《文訊月刊》第199期,2002年5月,頁26-27。
15. 林政華:〈新瓶舊酒依然香──我讀《向陽台語詩選》〉,《文訊月刊》第199期,2002年5月,頁26-27。