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研究生(外文):Lee Ting-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Studies in Prud’hon’s History Painting
指導教授(外文):Kang Hui -An
外文關鍵詞:History PaintingAllegory PaintingRousseau’s Moral ThinkingNeoclassicismRomanticism
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Prud’hon’s life had crossed two centuries, and in the period of his birth had just been facing the decline of Rococo art. Neoclassicism revived the ancient Greece Rome art as a banner, to advocate the rationality, purity and morality. Later on, he had encountered the rise of the Romanticism fashion in his old age. From Prud’hon’s historical painting, people could see the art miniature had taken turn between the eighteenth and nineteenth century, which his artistic style fell between the rational classic and the emotional romantic. This dissertation is mainly discussing about Prud’hon’s historical painting, ranged from the year of 1788, that the artist was developing his artistic career when he returned to Paris from Rome in the age of 30, until his death in 1823. Chapter I reviews the impact for the art environment that brought by the Enlightenment, political transformation, and French Revolution, to explain the rising of the Romanticism stimulated by the Neoclassicism and overview painter’s life. Chapter II categorizes painter’s work into three eras, the inheritance of Classicism in 1788-1802, the innovation of tradition in 1803-1810, and the achievement of the artist’s ideals for art in 1811-1823. Chapter III explores the allegorical aesthetic innovation of Prud’hon, whose works revealed Rousseau’s moral thinking, and the atypical tide of Neoclassicism from historical perspective, and meanwhile considered as a Romanticism pioneer of the romantic characteristic, to analyze the features and the position of Prud’hon’s historical painting.
前言 1
導論 4
第一章 普呂東的藝術歷程 7
第一節 時代氛圍與藝術潮流 7
第二節 萌芽時期(1758-84) 16
第三節 旅居羅馬(1784-88) 21
第四節 藝術生涯的開展(1788-1823) 32
第二章 普呂東歷史畫的探析 41
第一節 1788-1802古典之承襲 41
第二節 1803-1810傳統之革新 51
第三節 1811-1823理想之實現 62
第三章 普呂東歷史畫的特色與定位 75
第一節 革新的寓意美學 75
一、普呂東時代的寓意流變 76
二、普呂東作品的寓意類型 81
三、普呂東獨創的寓意語彙 83
第二節 盧梭道德思想的體現 86
一、自然美德 88
二、公民道德 92
第三節 理性與感性的拔河 95
一、「非典型」的新古典主義 96
二、浪漫主義的先驅 99
結論 103
參考文獻 106
圖版目錄 112
圖版 122


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