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研究生(外文):Li-Ya Tseng
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Racing Video Games on Children’s Postural Sway and Motion Sickness.
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hui Chang
外文關鍵詞:postural swaymotion sicknessvideo games
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本研究檢視晚期兒童在操作商業賽車電玩遊戲(X-Box360)時頭部與身體的擺盪狀況,藉以了解晚期兒童在操縱賽車電玩遊戲時產生的身體擺盪(Postural Sway)與動暈症(Motion Sickness)之關係。以20位(年齡:9.75±0.44 )國小學童為實驗參與者;X-Box360為視覺模擬器,包括遊戲軟體-極限競速( Forza Motosport ) 和操作器,實驗參與者固定坐於眼睛距離電視屏幕43.3公分(形成左右視角60度、上下視角48度)的距離,調整坐高使其視線高度對齊屏幕正中央位置,以磁性動作追蹤系統 ( Flock of Birds, Ascension Technologies, Burlington, VT ),每秒鐘紀錄40次(設定40Hz),由兩個接收器分別黏貼於實驗參與者的自行車安全帽(頭部)與第七頸椎(頸部)上接收資料,將磁性動作追蹤系統所接收的資料記錄並儲存以便之後分析。實驗連續進行40分鐘,過程中若有任何不舒服或其他理由不想繼續下去的理由皆可停止實驗,不論有無完成實驗,實驗前後分別填寫模擬裝置動暈問卷 ( Simulator Sickness Questionnaire;SSQ ),並依實驗參與者自陳動暈,將實驗參與者分成健康組(Well group)和動暈組(Sick group)。以卡方分配檢定動暈發生率,以無母數檢定分析實驗參與者之SSQ得分在前、後測的差異,以位移之標準差代表動作變異程度為依變項的2(動暈組、健康組)× 3(時間區段:前、中、後)混合設計二因子變異數分析,檢驗實驗參與者之身體擺盪變異,α皆為.05。研究結果:(1)動暈發生率未達顯著。(2)動暈組與健康組之動暈症狀在時間因子上達顯著差異。(3)動暈組與健康組之身體擺盪變異在不同時間區段有顯著差異。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between postural sway and motion sickness while playing commercial video games(X-Box360) in later childhood. The movements of the participants’ head and torso and the gamepad motion were recorded. Twenty children ( age=9.75±0.44 ) served as voluntary participants. Using X-Box360 as the visual simulator, and a four-wheeled motorcycle racing game. Each participant sat on a plastic chair, which was about 42 cm high and 43.3 cm from the TV (formed a visual angle of 60° horizontal by 48° vertical ). Three receivers of a six-dimensional motion capture device were attached to a bicycle helmet, to the skin at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra, and to the gamepad during the experiment section to collected data from each receiver at 40Hz. The test lasted up to 40 minutes. During the process, the participants can stop whenever they have any discomfort or other reasons. Participants were asked to fill in the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) before and after the experiment. Participants were divided into the healthy group (Well group) and the motion sickness group (Sick group) accorded to their self report. Data analysis : Chi-square was used to analyze the incidence rate of motion sickness. The Mann-Whitney test and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were used to analyze the SSQ data. ANOVAs were used to analyze the movement of the head and torso in terms of the standard deviation of position with separate analyses in the AP, mediolateral ( ML ), and vertical axes. Results : (1) The incidence rate of motion sickness was not significant. (2) The pre-exposure-post-exposure change in SSQ scores was significant for the sick group and well group. (3) The movement variability increased with time. 。
第壹章 緒 論.............................................1

第一節 問題背景.......................................1
第二節 研究問題與假設.................................5
第三節 名詞操作性定義.................................5
第四節 研究範圍與限制.................................6
第五節 研究的重要性...................................7

第貳章 文獻探討...........................................9

第一節 生態取向的知覺理論.............................9
第二節 視覺光流與身體擺盪.............................11
第三節 動暈症的成因...................................12
第四節 年齡因素.......................................15
第五節 本章總結.......................................16

第参章 方 法.............................................18

第一節 實驗參與者.....................................18
第二節 實驗設計.......................................19
第三節 實驗設備與場地.................................19
第四節 實驗程序.......................................20
第五節 資料分析.......................................24

第肆章 研究結果..........................................26

第一節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之動暈發生率.................26
第二節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之動暈症狀...................26
第三節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之身體擺盪與搖桿動作.........28

第伍章 討 論...........................................35

第一節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之動暈發生率.................35
第二節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之動暈症狀...................35
第三節 兒童玩賽車電玩遊戲之身體擺盪與搖桿動作.........36
第四節 綜合討論.......................................39

第陸章 結論與建議.....................................41

第一節 結論..........................................41
第二節 建議..........................................42



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