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研究生(外文):Hao-Yuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Users' Behavior Intention of Lovely Time: Based on Technology Acceptance ModelAcceptance Model
外文關鍵詞:Network ExternalitiesSystem CharacteristicsTechnology Acceptance ModelIndividual Differences
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In recent years, there were many innovative business models appears on the Internet. Among those, the “Lovely Time” become well known due to that was combined with beautiful girls and timer to become a timekeeping and emphasized there will have a different beautiful girl for users to timekeeping. The business model for the network version of "Lovely Time" was free, but the download version for cell phone was need to pay $ 0.99. The company which willing to provide free internet version is consider to “need to pay to downloaded” was the business opportunities in the future. Therefore, understanding the user’s attitude, intentions and continuance behavioral intention for the "Lovely Time" in the future to pay for cell phone download version of the impact is important.
This research is establish the behavior pattern for the "Lovely Time" user which based on the system characteristics, network externalities, individual differences and technology acceptance model, and then to explore the behavior intention of "Lovely Time" user. And try to predict "use cell phone to pay to download" in the further. It establish research model which based on literature. And proposed research hypotheses, to use Investigation by questionnaires "Lovely Time" users and received 678 effective samples, and then use structural equation modeling (SEM) verified the fit model and research hypotheses.
The results showed:
(1) The goodness of fit of the model was reasonable.
(2) Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will positively affect attitude, attitude will positively affect behavioral intention, behavioral intention will positively affect continuance behavioral intention, perceived ease of use will positively affect perceived usefulness.
(3) Mobility, compatibility, convenience, perceived number of users, personal innovativeness, self-efficacy, perceived playfulness, previous experience will positively affect perceived usefulness.
(4) Compatibility, convenience, perceived number of users, personal innovativeness, self-efficacy, perceived playfulness, previous experience will positively affect perceived ease of use.
(5) Only the mobility of less than significant impact on perceived ease of use.
Finally, the concrete based on the results of the theoretical and practical implications, and Following research suggestion.
摘 要....................................................i
謝 誌..................................................iii
目 錄...................................................iv
第一章 緒論..............................................1
  第一節 研究背景與動機................................1
  第二節 研究目的與問題................................8
  第三節 研究流程......................................9
第二章 文獻探討.........................................10
  第一節 正妹報時器...................................10
  第二節 科技接受模式.................................12
  第三節 系統特質.....................................20
  第四節 網路外部性...................................26
  第五節 個別差異.....................................30
第三章 研究方法.........................................38
  第一節 研究架構與假說...............................38
  第二節 研究變數之操作性定義.........................45
  第三節 問卷設計.....................................50
  第四節 抽樣設計.....................................59
  第五節 資料分析方法.................................60
第四章 資料分析.........................................65
  第一節 樣本基本資料.................................65
  第二節 信度與效度分析...............................71
  第三節 整體模式分析與假說驗證.......................77
第五章 結論與建議.......................................85
  第一節 研究結果.....................................85
  第二節 管理意涵.....................................88
  第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議.......................91
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