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研究生(外文):Yi-Chen Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Adopting Deductive and Inductive Methods in an English Grammar and Writing Class for English-Major Freshmen in a Technological College
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chung Lin
外文關鍵詞:writing performanceEnglish-majorinductive methoddeductive method
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歸納法與演繹法常常被使用在文法教學上,然而,那一種方式在文法學習上較有益處一直都被廣泛的討論。因此本研究目的在於探討歸納法與演繹法在主修英文的大一新生兩學期的英文與文法寫作課的教學成效。五十一位主修英文的大一新生參與本研究 (歸納組:24人,演繹組:27人)。主要的發現包含:(1) 演繹組與歸納組的學生在學期表現與四次考試的成績並無明顯差異;(2) 演繹組與歸納組的學生在四次的考試寫作上,使用的總字數並無顯著差異,但在2008年期末考試的課堂寫作上,演繹組的學生使用的字數明顯的比歸納組的學生多;(3) 演繹組與歸納組的學生在四次的考試寫作上,使用的總句數和個別的四次的考試寫作,個別使用的句數並無顯著差異;(4) 演繹組的學生在四次考試寫作上,使用的複雜句的總數比歸納組的學生多,在2008年期末考試的課堂寫作上,演繹組的學生也比歸納組的使用較多的複雜句;(5) 在四次考試寫作上,演繹組的學生使用情態助動詞加動詞和助動詞加動詞的動詞結構的總數比歸納組學生多,在2008年期末考試的課堂寫作上,演繹組的學生使用較多助動詞加動詞的動詞結構,在2009年期中考試的課堂寫作上,演繹組的學生使用較多情態助動詞加動詞的動詞結構;(6) 演繹組與歸納組的學生各自在四次課堂考試寫作上的比較上,所使用的動詞、助動詞加動詞和情態助動詞加動詞大部份都有顯著的改善;(7) 大部份的學生較偏愛歸納法;(8) 大部份的學生表示上過英文文法寫作課後,他們的文法概念比以前好很多;(9) 大部份的學生希望老師可以在英文文法寫作課上提供更多寫作上的協助。本文最後根據研究結果提出教學及未來研究之建議。
Deductive and inductive methods were often used in grammar teaching. However, that which method would be more beneficial to language learners has always been widely discussed. Thus, the study was to examine the teaching effects of the deductive and inductive methods, and the setting was college freshmen’s English Grammar and Writing Class during two academic semesters. Fifty-one English-major freshmen participated in this study (24 in deductive group, 27 in inductive group). The important findings included that (a) the participants’ general performance in the two semesters did not show any significant differences between deductive and inductive groups; (b) the sum of the words that the participants used did not show significant differences on the four exams, but in final exam, 2008 (fall semester), deductive group performed better in the words used in the in-class writing essay; (c) there were no significant differences in the sum of the complete sentences used on the four exams, and no differences were found in each pair of the in-class writing essays on the four exams between the two groups; (d) deductive group performed better than the inductive group in the sum of the complex sentences used on the four exams, and in final exam, 2008 (fall semester), deductive group also performed better in the complex sentences used in the in-class writing essay; (e) deductive group outperformed the inductive group in the sum of the ‘auxiliary + verb’ and ‘modal + verb’ phrases used on the four exams, and deductive group also performed better in the ‘auxiliary + verb’ phrases used in final exam, 2008 (fall semester), ‘modal + verb’ ‘auxiliary + verb’ phrases used in midterm exam, 2009 (spring semester) in the in-class writing essays on the four exams; (f) the participants in both of the groups performed significantly improved in the three types of verb used in the in-class writing essays on the four exams after they received grammar instructions by deductive and inductive methods; (g) most participants preferred deductive method more than inductive method; (h) most participants expressed that their grammatical concepts made progress after taking English Grammar and Writing Class; (i) most participants hoped that the writing teachers could offer more help to them in learning writing skill. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies were provided.
Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) ii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
Tables viii
Introduction 1
Background 1
Statement of the Problems 3
Purpose of the Study 5
Research Questions 5
Significance of the Study 7
Definitions of Terms 7
Literature Review 9
Theoretical Background of Deductive and Inductive Methods in Second Language Grammar Teaching 9
Advantages and Disadvantages of Deductive and Inductive Methods 12
Teaching English Writing in ESL/EFL Classroom 15
The Role of Grammar in Writing 16
Related Studies of Deductive and Inductive Methods in Second Language Grammar Teaching 17
Summary 23
Methodology 24
Subjects 24
Instruments 25
Final Grades 27
Exams 28
Questionnaire 29
Procedures 29
Data Analysis 33
Results 35
The Participants’ Two Final Grades in the Two Semesters 36
The Participants’ Grades on the Four Exams 37
The Participants’ Performances in Their In-Class Writing Essays on the Four Exams 38
The Participants’ Responses After Receiving Grammar Instructions by Deductive and Inductive Methods and the English Grammar and Writing Class 60
Discussions and Conclusions 64
Summary of Major Findings 64
Discussion 66
The Participants’ Grades in the Two Semesters and on the Four Exams 66
The Participants’ Writing Performances in Their In-Class Writing Essays on the Four Exams 67
The Participants’ Responses After Receiving Grammar Instructions by Deductive and Inductive Methods and the English Grammar and Writing Class 69
Conclusion 71
Pedagogical Implications 72
Suggestions for Future Studies 73
References 74
Appendix A: The Detailed Contents of the Five Chapters for Teaching Deductive and Inductive Groups in the Fall Semester, 2008 79
Appendix B: The Detailed Contents of the Five Chapters for Teaching Deductive and Inductive Groups in the Spring Semester, 2009 80
Appendix C: Questionnaire (Chinese) 81
Appendix D: Questionnaire (English) 82
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