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研究生(外文):Ching-Hua LIn
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Employing “E-mail Angel” in Writing on EFL College Freshmen
指導教授(外文):Shwu-Mei Hwang
外文關鍵詞:writing performance low-proficiency learnerswriting attitudese-mailwriting instruction
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本研究調查大一學生對於融入e-mail於寫作教學的態度與比較融入e-mail於寫作教學與一般課程寫作教學的效益。 研究設計包含實驗,問卷,活動回饋單,面談與課程觀察。 實驗組有30位學生,控制組有27位學生,並包含8位擔任e-mail小天使的研究生。 教學實驗前,大一學生認為英語與未來的職業生涯有重要的關聯,但對於英語寫作有負面的態度。 教學實驗後,實驗組學生認為比控制組學生有較多的英語寫作困難。 實驗組與控制組間對於本學期的寫作活動的整體意見無顯著差異。 然而,實驗組認為其寫作能力較控制組進步,並有顯著差異。 教學實驗後兩組間的英文寫作表現無顯著差異,但實驗組較控制組有較多的寫作進步。 同時,所有的大一學生在英文寫作上皆有同樣之字彙與文法能力不足的問題。 基於上述發現,本研究提供一些教學上的建議。
This study examined college freshmen’s attitudes toward integrating e-mails into the writing instruction and its effects compared with the general classroom writing. The design incorporated an empirical experiment, questionnaires, activity feedback sheets, interviews and classroom observations. There were 30 students in the experimental group, 27 students in the control group and 8 e-mail angels of the graduate students. Before the study, the college freshmen perceived the importance of the connection between English and future career, but held negative attitudes toward English writing. After the study, the experimental group considered having more writing difficulties than the control group did.
The college freshmen’s overall opinions toward the writing activities had no significant difference between the two groups. However, the experimental group considered their writings improved more than the control group did with significant difference. No significant differences were found in the writing performance between the two groups after the study, but the experimental groups gained more progress in writing performance than the control group did. In addition, all the college freshmen encountered the same problem of the insufficient ability in vocabulary and grammar. Based on the aforementioned findings, some pedagogical implications were provided.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
Tables viii
Figures 1
Introduction 1
Background and Motivation 1
Problem Statement 4
Purpose of the Study 6
Research Questions 7
Definition of Terms 7
Literature Review 8
The Nature of Writing 8
The Effects of Computer-Based Writing Instruction 10
EFL Learners’ Attitudes toward Writing 12
Problems in EFL Students’ Writing 16
Differences between the General Classroom Writing and E-mail Writing 19
Writing Audience 20
Time and Space 22
Computer Equipments and Literacy 22
Feedback Differences 23
Arrangements and Monitoring in Writing Instruction 25
Learning Preferences in Relation to Writing 26
The Effects of Implementation of E-mails in Writing Instruction 27
Summary 31
Methodology 33
Research Design 33
Participants 35
Participants 36
E-mail Angels 37
Instruments 39
Questionnaires 40
Writings Tests 42
The Activity Feedback Sheet 42
Interviews 43
Writing Assignments 43
Procedures 45
Pre-test 46
The Writing Projects 46
Post-test 46
Data Analysis 48
Quantitative Data 48
Qualitative Data 49
Results and Discussion 50
Results 50
Discussion 50
Conclusions 88
Summary of the Major Findings 88
Pedagogical Implications 89
Limitations of the Study 91
Suggestions for Future Studies 93
References 95
Appendix A: The Survey of College Freshmen’s Writing Attitudes (Chinese Version) 114
Appendix B: The Survey of Opinions toward English Writing Activity (Chinese Version) 114
Appendix C: Pre-writing Prompts: Self Introduction 114
Appendix D: Post-writing Prompts: My Hobbies 115
Appendix E: Activity Feedback Sheet (Chinese & English Versions) 116
Appendix F: Writing Prompts-Koala & Me 117
Appendix G: Writing Prompts-Koala & Me 119
Appendix H: Writing Prompts-Basketball Fever 121
Appendix I: Writing Prompts-Basketball Fever 123
Appendix J: Writing Prompts-Bali Island 125
Appendix K: Writing Prompts-Bali Island 127
Appendix L: Response Worksheet 129
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