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研究生(外文):Hsiang Chang
論文名稱(外文):The path planning for autonomous robots by using greedy algorithm
指導教授(外文):Bih-yaw Shih
外文關鍵詞:graph theorygreedy algorithmroboticspath planningartificial robot
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:1507
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The so-called problem of path planning refers to the computation of an optimal path for a robot to move from the origin to the destination without colliding with any obstacles. In this study, we mainly use three steps to solve the problem of path planning. First, we calculate the minimum distance path from the origin to the destination when there are no obstacles in the environment. Then, we consider the case in which the robot comes across an obstacle in the abovementioned path. In this case, we set a turning point that is close to the collision point and is within an obstacle-free area. In the third step, we set a new path that crosses this turning point. We use these three steps in a loop until an obstacle-free path is found.
Further, we select six types of obstacles to simulate the proposed algorithm. This algorithm requires only a little time and a relatively fewer number of rounds to calculate the path. In particular, in a simple environment, this algorithm is quite efficient. We also compare the proposed algorithm with hierarchical evolutionary algorithms. The comparison results reveal that the proposed algorithm requires close to just half the number of rounds required by hierarchical evolutionary algorithms. Further, the amount of memory required to store the path tree in the case of the proposed algorithm is just one-twentieth of that required in the case of hierarchical evolutionary algorithms. Hence, the proposed algorithm requires fewer system resources and has a lower computation time than the hierarchical evolutionary algorithms.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Maps and path planning 3
2.1 Maps 3
2.2 Evolutionary algorithm for path planning 4
Chapter 3 Path planning method 5
3.1 Set the minimum distance path between two points 5
3.2 Does the path have any obstacles? 6
3.3 Set a turning point for a new path 7
3.4 Total flow path 8
Chapter 4 Greedy algorithm for path planning 13
4.1 Modified algorithm 13
4.2 Simulation 13
4.3 Comparison with hierarchical evolutionary algorithms 21
Chapter 5 Conclusions 22
References 23
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