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研究生(外文):Yueh-Hsun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Phase Transformations of the Fe-35Mn-7Al-4Cr-0.7C Alloy
指導教授(外文):Chih-Yeh Chao
外文關鍵詞:Fe-Al-Mn AlloyAusteniteGrain BoundaryCr7C3
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本文探討鐵35錳-7鋁-4鉻-0.7碳合金之相變化,合金在1050℃/30分鐘固溶處理,其顯微結構為單相沃斯田鐵,其晶格常數a=0.369 nm。於450℃有γ→γ+κ+Y之相變化,其Y相為鈦、鉬及矽元素含量較高之FCC結構,晶格常數a=0.408 nm,在鐵鋁錳碳合金系統中未曾被發現過。550℃時,有γ→γ+Cr7C3→γ+Cr7C3+β-Mn相變化被發現。且沒有足夠證據顯示有α及κ相碳化物。β-Mn晶格常數a=0.610 nm;Cr7C3晶格常數a=1.392 nm,c=0.453 nm。此外,在750℃長時間,則有Cr23C6碳化鉻的析出,其晶格常數a=1.054 nm。於850℃,有Cr7C3碳化鉻與Cr23C6碳化鉻共存之現象。至950℃則只存在Cr23C6碳化鉻。Cr7C3碳化鉻、β-Mn析出物及Cr23C6碳化鉻之存在溫度範圍分別為550~850℃、550~750℃與750~950℃。合金於550℃之晶粒邊界析出現象很少被學者們談論過,其由碳化鉻先產生後,再析出β-Mn。此外,沃斯田鐵雙晶沿< >方向成長,穩定於<111>方向。
The main studies of this paper are to analyze the phase transformation of the Fe-35Mn-7Al-4Cr-0.7C alloy. During the 1050℃/30min. solution heated, the microstructure of the present alloy is a single γ phase with lattice parameter a=0.369 nm. Aged at 450℃ for various times, a γ → (γ+κ+Al6Mn) transition can be found within matrix. The lattice parameter of the Al6Mn belonging to FCC structure is a=0.408nm. It is noted here that the observation of Al6Mn precipitate has not been reported in the Fe-Al-Mn-C alloy system. When aged at 550℃ for various times, a γ → (γ+Cr7C3) → (γ+Cr7C3+β-Mn) transition can be found. No evidence that the ferrite phase and κ-phase carbides could be found. The lattice parameters of Cr7C3 and β-Mn phase are a=1.392 nm, c=0.453 nm and a=0.610 nm, respectively. Increasing the aged temperature to 750℃, some DO3 phase particles with lattice parameter a=0.581 nm are found on the grain boundaries. Prolong the aged time, some Cr23C6 carbides with lattice parameter a=1.054 nm are found. Being heated at 850℃, both of the Cr23C6 and Cr7C3 carbides are observed. Meanwhile, the exist temperatures of the Cr7C3, β-Mn and Cr23C6 are in the range of 550-850℃, 550-750℃ and 750-850℃, respectively. Moreover, the twin of the austenite phase can grow along &lt; > direction and stable along &lt;111> direction.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第1章 前言 1
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 鐵鋁錳碳合金相變化 3
2.2 合金元素對鐵鋁錳碳合金相變化之影響 3
2.2.1 矽元素 3
2.2.2 鈦元素 5
2.2.3 鈷元素 5
2.2.4 鉬元素 7
2.2.5 銅元素 8
2.3 鐵鋁錳碳鉻合金相變化 8
第3章 實驗方法與步驟 11
3.1 材料製備 11
3.2 熱處理 11
3.3 顯微組織觀察 11
3.3.1 掃描式電子顯微鏡 11
3.3.2 X光繞射分析儀 12
3.3.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡 12
第4章 結果與討論 15
4.1 固溶處理之顯微結構 15
4.2 時效處理之顯微結構 15
4.3 討論 17
第5章 結論 83
參考文獻 84
作者簡介 89

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