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研究生(外文):Shih-Chung Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Design of Arabic Speech Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chien Chen
外文關鍵詞:linear predicted cepstral coefficientsMel-frequency cepstral coefficientsArabic speech recognition systemphonotacticshidden Markov model
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本論文探討阿拉伯文語音辨識系統之設計與實作策略。系統利用阿拉伯語的發音規則,挑選出302個常用單音節之語音特徵來作主要的訓練與辨識之依據。語音訓練資料庫之錄製,採取陰平一聲與去聲四聲兩種音調連續錄製之策略,以彰顯阿拉伯語中非重音與重音之區別。其中一聲為音高維持高值之音調,四聲為音高由高至低值之音調。念完一個單音類別之一四聲後,接著念下一類之單音,將302類單音念完一輪,可得每單音二次之訓練語料。本論文使用5輪10次之訓練機制,並採用梅爾頻率倒頻譜係數與線性預估倒頻譜係數來作特徵參數之萃取,運用隱藏式馬可夫模型來作單音之辨識,最後再由音位結構學之比對,獲得最終之辨識結果。在CPU時脈為2.2 GHz的 AMD Athlon XP 2800+ 之個人電腦與Ubuntu 9.04之作業系統環境下,針對3,600筆阿拉伯文常用語詞資料庫與590筆阿拉伯文人名資料庫,本系統之正確辨識率可分別達到86.31%與93.90%。兩個資料庫之平均辨識時間皆少於1秒。而本系統所需的訓練時間約為二小時。
Arab world is one of the most spectacular regions in the earth, especially for her over 2,800 year history, Islamic religion and magnificent culture. She consists of 24 countries and territories where people speak Arabic. The population of Arabic speaking people is approximately 221 million, and ranked the fourth according to the 2009 statistics by Summer Institute of Linguistics, USA. Since 1973, petroleum embargoes, imposed by the Arab world, have influenced global economy and hurt national security seriously. This kind of fossil energy is still irreplaceable until efficient green energy alternative becomes feasible. It is our objective to build a language system that can help us to learn Arabic, to appreciate the beauty of her culture, and to widen our vision of religions.
This thesis investigates the design and implementation strategies for an Arabic speech recognition system. It utilizes the speech features of the 302 common Arabic mono-syllables as the major training and recognition methodology. A training database of 10 utterances per mono-syllable is established by applying Arabic pronunciation rules. These 10 utterances are collected through reading 5 rounds of the same mono-syllables twice with different tones. The first pronounced pattern has high pitch of tone 1, while the second one has falling pitch of tone 4. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, linear predicted cepstral coefficients, and hidden Markov model are used as the two syllable feature models and the recognition model respectively. Under the AMD 2.2 GHz Athlon XP 2800+ personal computer and Ubuntu 9.04 operating system environment, correct phrase recognition rates of 86.31% and 93.90% can be reached respectively using phonotactical rules for a 3,600 vocabulary Arabic phrase database and a 590 person name database for Arabic figures. The average computation time for each system is less than 1 second, and the training time for the systems is about two hours.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖次 viii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 論文章節概要 3
第二章 阿拉伯文語音學介紹 4
2-1 語系概覽 4
2-1-1 阿拉伯語文的起源 5
2-1-2 阿拉伯語使用地區分布 6
2-2 阿拉伯之字母 9
2-3 阿拉伯語之發音 12
2-3-1 阿拉伯語之輔音 12
2-3-2 阿拉伯語之母音 14
2-3-3 阿拉伯語之音節與重音判別 17
第三章 語音辨識系統的流程與數學原理 18
3-1 前處理流程 19
3-1-1 音框化 19
3-1-2 音框能量 19
3-1-3 越零率 20
3-1-4 線性預測係數誤差能量 20
3-1-5 預強化 21
3-1-6 加視窗 22
3-2 特徵萃取流程 23
3-2-1線性預估倒頻譜係數 24
3-2-2梅爾頻率倒頻譜 29
3-3 隱藏式馬可夫模型 34
3-3-1最佳期望值問題 36
3-3-2最佳狀態序列問題 40
3-3-3模型參數估算問題 41
3-4 音位結構交叉比對 44
第四章 語音辨識系統之訓練策略 45
4-1 單音模型分類之策略 45
4-2 模擬詞彙建構 46
4-3 單音模型之訓練方式 47
4-3-1 單音訓練次數對辨識率之關係 47
4-3-2 錄製時間點與辨識率之關係 48
4-3-3 單音訓練每次錄製不同個數之單音 51
4-3-4 每輪每次錄製兩個不同音調之單音 53
第五章 阿拉伯文語音辨識系統實作與辨識效能 55
5-1 阿拉伯文常用語詞辨識系統 55
5-2 阿拉伯文人名辨識系統 57
5-3 硬體環境與軟體規範 59
第六章 結論與未來展望 60
參考文獻 61
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[2]張日銘, 伊斯蘭世界, 明文書局股份有限公司, 民國87年
[3]維基百科, http://zh.wikipedia.org/
[4]利傳田, 初學阿拉伯文文法, 秀威資訊科技, 民國97年
[5]李生俊, 簡易實用阿拉伯語三百句, 三思堂, 民國90年
[6]利傳田, 空中阿拉伯語, 冠唐國際圖書, 民國86年
[7]王小川, 語音訊號處理, 全華圖書出版社, 民國93年
[8]Thomas F. Quatieri, Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, Taiwan, 2005
[9]X. Huang, A. Acero, and H.W. Hon, Spoken Language Processing, Prentice Hall, Taiwan, 2001
[10]中華人民共和國外交部, http://big5.fmprc.gov.cn
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