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研究生(外文):Tine, Yu-Lu
論文名稱:Design and Improvement on Accessible Website — Co-Life System as a Case
指導教授(外文):Hwang, Sheue-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Visually impaired usersdistant-learningaccessible web
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With the development of network technology, it is necessary for people living in modern life to access as well as to share information through the Internet. The current communication software can support image and voice transmission, allowing users to join online meeting or distance learning.

The purpose of this research is to modify the current web-based Co-Life system to be accessible for the visually impaired people. such that they could use this platform to pursue distant learning, which could enhance their core ability in facing the information explosive.

Visually impaired people and sighted people are invited to participate in the research to form a task force to discuss problems by using the event – trigger method. We adopted the revised version of co-life online conference system for the visually impaired. Then, an experiment was conducted with eight blind subjects to test the web accessibility comparing the original and revised systems. The test data were analyzed using GOMS model and statistical methods.

The results of average, paired sample t-test and nonparametric analysis indicated that the revised version was better compared to the original version in terms of task-completion time, number of errors, search steps, and NASA-TLX score. The subjective evaluation revealed that the revised version was more user friendly compared to the original version. In addition, the result of GOMS method showed that the revised version was better compared to the original version in terms of operation efficiency. Finally, this design conformed to web accessibility development guideline of Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, and got the marker A+.


本研究之目的在編修一個可提供視障人士遠距數位學習的平台-Co-Life無障礙版,設計出給視障者利用網際網路進行線上會議的環境,讓他們不需要明眼人的協助,也能夠以自身的能力,利用網路與其他人溝通。本研究由明盲的研發人員共同組成團隊,以事件觸發(event – trigger)的分析模式,討論及測試網頁的設計與編修,編修完成後提出一個Co-Life線上會議演講系統的無障礙版本。另外規劃實驗,設定實驗任務邀請視障者接受測試,以評估編修前後對視障者在使用效能上是否有顯著改善,並且利用 GOMS 方法,比較使用一般版與無障礙版間的操作效能,測試結果以統計軟體分析。

對於視障者使用 Co-Life線上會議系統,由實驗結果可知平均數據、及成對T檢定與無母數分析,在操作時間、錯誤次數、搜尋步數及心智負荷等面向,無障礙版均優於一般版。而與受測者的訪談中,每位皆表達無障礙版有較佳的親和性 (User Friendly),另外從GOMS分析結果得知在操作效能上無障礙版也優於一般版,最後也通過行政院研究發展考核委員會所頒訂的「無障礙網頁開發規範」,並申請取得 A+ 等級的標章。

摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
Ch.1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Objective 2
1.3 Research framework 2
Ch.2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Development of accessibility for the visually impaired users 4
2.1.1 The present condition of the computers 4
2.1.2 The difficulties faced for the visually impaired when using computers to learn 4
2.1.3 The methods and achievements for solving the difficulties 6 Screen magnifier 6 Braille displays 7 Screen reader 8
2.2 Interface design 8
2.2.1 What is the accessibility of web 8
2.2.2 Design Guidelines for Universal Web Accessibility 9
2.3 Co-Life system 10
2.3.1 Introduction to the Co-Life system 10
2.3.2 The characteristics of the Co-Life system 10
2.3.3 Comparison on Co-life system, skype and msn 12
2.4 Evaluation methods 12
2.4.1 GOMS Method 12
2.4.2 NASA-TLX Scale 13
Ch.3 Research Method 16
3.1 Basic structure analysis 17
3.1.1Functions and interface design 18
3.1.2 Analysis of Co-Life system 18
3.2 Application of GOMS method 20
3.2.1 Modeling the user interface of Co-Life system with GOMS 20
3.3 Experiment method 20
3.3.1 Experiment tasks, subjects and experimental equipment 20
3.3.2 Design of Experiment 21
3.3.3 Experiment procedure 27
Ch.4 Results 29
4.1 Webpage evaluation by GOMS 29
4.2 Normal distribution tests 29
4.3 The task completion time 33
4.4 Number of errors 34
4.5 Search steps 35
4.6 Workload rating NASA-TLX 36
4.7 Comprehensive result 37
Ch.5 Discussion 39
Ch.6 Conclusion 41
6.1 Conclusion of the research 41
6.2 Future work 41
References 43
Appendix I GOMS analyses 46
Appendix II NASA-TLX Questionnaire 60
Appendix III Paired sample t-test 62
Appendix IV Wilcoxon signed-rank test 63

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