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論文名稱(外文):The Comparison of Taiwanese Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention Worksheets with The U.S. and UK
外文關鍵詞:WMSDCTDWMSD risk factorWMSD worksheetsWorkplace improvement
  • 被引用被引用:7
  • 點閱點閱:978
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Work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) is a common and serious occupational disease in industrialized countries, it affects the worker’s health, decreases productivity, and increases significant social cost. In order to prevent WMSDs, almost all countries have developed series of WMSD prevention worksheets. These worksheets are designed basically for ‘worksite observation’, ‘ risk factor identifying’, ‘ proposing improvement alternatives’, ‘ and evaluation of improvement’ procedures, similar to the standardized procedure in medicine practice: such as ‘symptom inquiry’, ‘diagnosis’, ‘treatment’, and ‘post-treatment evaluation’.

This thesis compared the pros and cons of the worksheets of the US, UK, and Taiwan, and in a hope to come up with good recommendation for Taiwan. The items of comparison for worksite observation is the completeness and rapidity in recording worksite information, for risk factor identifying is to diagnose risk ratings and risk factors objectively, for proposing improvement alternatives is to derive consolidate design improvement ideas logically, and for improvement evaluation is to assess real cost effectiveness of the improvement effectively.

The result shows that awareness checklist of the U.S. is able to prioritize the hazardous tasks for improvement quickly; the UK is good at its ‘work filter’ which can screen out unfavorable force, posture, and repetition for lifting operation intuitively and efficiently. Nevertheless the common drawbacks of these two countries are that the worksite observation does not guide the observers to record complete and sufficient information, such as facility layout, work pieces and tools, and the worker’s characteristics, operation and task description, and so forth; and for proposing improvement alternatives does not able to assist HSE in deriving consolidate design improvement ideas logically, they demand significant engineering knowledge, and therefore they are not suitable for field health and safety engineers (HSE).
In contrast, the Taiwan worksheets are good at in recoding worksite information completely easily and to organize these information adhesively into a sound description of task performance, so that the worksite and operation information is fully understood by others; in risk factor identifying worksheet KIM checklist and biomechanical analysis are able to diagnosis risk rating and risk factors objectively; in proposing improvement alternatives worksheet, it is to derive visualized consolidate design improvement ideas can be visualized on the check-and-pick improvement flow chart and pictorial equipment library logically; and in improvement evaluation worksheet the effectiveness of both physiological stressors and productivity of pre- and post- improvement can be forecast.
In all, the Taiwan worksheets are better than the U.S.’ or UK’s, because they demand less ergonomic and engineering expertise, and therefore the health and safety engineers (HSE) in the field can do it DIY with only a brief training. However, the Taiwan worksheets still need some improvements: the risk factor identifying worksheet should be able to make KIM checklist more intuitively and to provide biomechanical analysis software most accessible for general users; although the worksheet for proposing improvement alternatives is logic but it is still not intuitive enough for HSE engineers. It is recommended that the ‘work filter’ of the UK and checklists be blended into the Taiwan worksheets so that they can be made more intuitively for field workers and HSE engineers, so they can be diffused more easily and widely.
Key words:WMSD, CTD, WMSD risk factor, WMSD worksheets, Workplace improvement

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 導論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
2-1美國 12
2-2英國 19
2-3台灣 27
第三章 研究方法 38
第四章 研究結果 40
4-1現場觀察 40
4-2辨識危害 43
4-3改善方案 46
4-4績效評估 48
第五章 討論與建議 51
第六章 參考文獻 55
附錄A KIM人工物料處理檢核表 59
附錄B 美國訪廠表單 61
附錄C 英國訪廠表單 64
附錄D 台灣訪廠表單 66
附錄E 台灣訪廠表單改善雛型 70

第六章 參考文獻
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