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研究生(外文):Huang, Yu-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):Molecular Mechanisms Underlying LIN-2's Ability to Interact with UNC-104 and to Activate Its Motility in the Nervous System of C. elegans
指導教授(外文):Oliver I. Wagner
外文關鍵詞:LIN-2UNC-104/KIF1Aaxonal transportC. elegans
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UNC-104/KIF1A是一種具有神經專一性的分子馬達,於神經軸突的微管上移動,主要功能為運輸軸突中的突觸囊泡。然而,如何調控UNC-104其方向性運輸特性的分子機制尚未被完全了解。近期的研究指出UNC-104所攜帶的貨物(如突觸前驅物)能夠調控分子馬達的運動。例如active zone蛋白 SYD-2能夠促進UNC-104往anterograde的方向移動。SYD-2 會與UNC-104的特定區域coiled-coil結合,我們研究其他的文獻發現另一個蛋白LIN-2也會與這個區域結合,因此,我們推測LIN-2可能也會參與UNC-104的調控機制。LIN-2屬於一個蛋白質家族: membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK)家族,它在哺乳類中的同源蛋白為CASK,CASK是由許多特殊區堿構成的鷹架蛋白(multidomain scaffolding protein)且在神經中的表現量特別高。有趣的是,在之前的研究中發現UNC-104具有一個MAGUK蛋白的結合位(MAGUK binding stalk, MBS),而我們的酵母菌雙雜合實驗的確顯示UNC-104的MBS會與LIN-2的GUK區域結合。另一個有趣的發現為LIN-2ΔGUK雖然無法與UNC-104的MBS結合,卻會和UNC-104的FHA-CC2有很強的交互作用,有些研究發現FHA-CC2可能會負向地調控馬達的活性。此外,LIN-2的SH3-GUK被視為一個功能性單元,我們的實驗顯示SH3-GUK對於LIN-2 與UNC-104 的MBS結合是有抑制性的,然而,SH3-GUK卻與FHA-CC2有很強的交互作用。除了in vitro的探討,我們也發現在lin-2 基因被剔除的秀麗隱桿線蟲中,UNC-104往anterograde方向移動的能力受到影響 (anterograde移動路徑變短),而往retrograde方向的運輸(由另一個分子馬達dynein負責)卻被提昇了(retrograde速度變快)。這些數據顯示,在沒有LIN-2蛋白的情況下,UNC-104與dynein間類似拔河的競爭現象受到影響,UNC-104較容易輸給dynein,造成UNC-104往anterograde方向的運輸能力減弱,而由dynein負責往retrograde方向的運輸則被提昇。這些結果顯示了LIN-2所扮演的新角色:與UNC-104進行交互作用並且活化UNC-104的運動能力。
UNC-104/KIF1A is microtubule-dependent, neuron-specific kinesin responsible for fast axonal transport of synaptic vesicles. However, the molecular mechanism of regulating UNC-104 directional transport is not fully understood. Recent studies suggest that cargo as synaptic precursors could regulate the motor’s movements. For example, the active zone proteins SYD-2 was found to facilitate UNC-104’s motility in anterograde directions. SYD-2 binds to a specific domain at the motor’s coiled-coil region and reviewing the literature we found that another protein LIN-2 also binds to this region, therefore this protein might be also involved in motor regulation. LIN-2 is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family, and its mammalian homologue of LIN-2 is CASK, multidomain scaffolding protein highly expressed in neurons. Interestingly, a previous study revealed that UNC-104 contains a MBS (MAGUK binding stalk) site, and indeed, our yeast two-hybrid assay showed that a MBS construct of UNC-104 interacts with LIN-2’s GUK domain. Interestingly, a LIN-2ΔGUK construct reveals reduced interaction with UNC-104’s MBS, but strong interaction with UNC-104’s FHA-CC2 domain, suggesting to negatively regulate the motor’s activity. In addition, the integrated SH3-GUK unit may be inhibitory for LIN-2’s interaction with the MBS while on the other hand it strongly interacts with the FHA-CC2 domain. Besides these in vitro investigations, we found that in lin-2 knockout worms, the anterograde transport of UNC-104 is reduced (displaying e.g. shorter run-lengths), while the retrograde transport (carried out by the dynein motor) is enhanced. These data implicate that loss-of-function of LIN-2 causes UNC-104 to suffer defeat in tug-of-war events between opposing motors, resulting in impaired anterograde but facilitated retrograde transport. Together, these data demonstrate a novel role for LIN-2 to directly interact with UNC-104 and to activate the motor’s motility.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Molecular motors and axonal transport 1
1.2 Scaffolding proteins facilitate motor-cargo binding 2
1.3 Function and structure of C. elegans UNC-104 3
1.4 Regulation of processive motor activity of UNC-104/KIF1A 4
1.5 Bidirectional transport of cargo 5
1.6 C. elegans LIN-2 belongs to the MAGUK family 6
1.7 Multiple roles of CASK in mammalian nervous system 7
1.8 Hypothesis 8
2. Materials and methods 10
2.1 Plasmid cloning 10
2.2 Yeast two-hybrid assay 11
2.3 Strains and maintenance of C. elegans 12
2.4 Western blot analysis of LIN-2 protein expression 14
2.5 Microscopic transport assay: motility analysis and statistics 14
3. Results 16
3.1 A detailed sequence homology comparison between GAKIN’s MBS and UNC-104’s MBS 16
3.2 C. elegans LIN-2’s GUK domain binds to UNC-104’s MBS domain 16
3.3 An intramolecular SH3-GUK interaction within LIN-2 may regulate its binding to UNC-104 17
3.4 Loss-of-function of LIN-2 affects motor activity in C. elegans nervous system 18
4. Discussion 22
4.1 LIN-2 might employ more than one mode to interact with UNC-104 22
4.2 Proposed regulatory mechanisms mediated by intramolecular SH3-GUK interactions 23
4.3 LIN-2 may have the potential to compete with Liprin-α for binding to UNC-104 and perform different functions to regulate UNC-104 activity 25
4.4 Proposed function of LIN-2 in tug-of-war model 26
4.5 LIN-2 may be involved in regulating retrograde transport 27
5. Future perspective 29
6. References 30
7. Figures 35
8. Appendix 51

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