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研究生(外文):Lin-Lee, Han
論文名稱(外文):Stable Hopping of a One-Legged Robot Using Underactuated Control
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Ting-Jen
外文關鍵詞:One-Legged RobotHoppingUnder-actuationUnderactuated Control
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In this paper, the principle of one-legged, articulated hopping robot is based on the human jumping motion and Segway’s dynamics. The robot with the flat-shaped foot can stably hop by planning the control objectives through the hopping process. Different from most of the trajectory-planning robots, our robot’s jumping strategy is built on maintaining the balance of the robot itself, and hopping is just derived from the dynamics, so we expect that the robot’s jumping motion will get closer to human dynamics. In simulations, before taking off, the robot has a special feature, that it goes through an underactuated phase in which the foot rotates around the unactuated toe on the ground. By this underactuated phase, the robot can perform stable human-like hops with longer hopping distance. Additionally, we implemented a sensor fusion method to combine an accelerometer and a gyroscope into a wide bandwidth angle sensor as the control input. In conclusion, the result shows that the robot can achieve a stable underactuated jumping by our jumping strategy.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X

第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 論文簡介 7
第二章 單足機器人運動模型與動態分析 8
2.1 單足機器人運動模型 8
2.2 跳躍策略 9
2.3 單足機器人整體動態分析 10
2.4 單一週期內不同階段之動態分析 12
2.4.1 蓄立階段 12
2.4.2 欠致動階段 15
2.4.3 飛行期間 18
2.4.4 落地碰撞 19
2.4.5 回復階段 21
第三章 模擬驗證 23
3.1 模擬環境 23
3.2 蓄力階段模擬 25
3.3 欠致動階段模擬 27
3.4 飛行期間模擬 29
3.5 落地碰撞模擬 30
3.6 回復階段模擬 32
第四章 感測器訊號處理與硬體架構 34
4.1 RX-64伺服馬達簡介 36
4.2 馬達的PD控制 37
4.3 高低頻互補式角度感測器設計 44
第五章 穩定跳躍實驗結果 52
5.1 跳躍策略實驗 52
5.2 跳躍策略修正 54
5.3 跳躍策略的進一步應用 57
5.4 抗環境干擾實驗 61
第六章 結論 65

參考文獻 67
附錄一 71
附錄二 79

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