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研究生(外文):Weng, Chi-Yao
論文名稱:The Study of Steganographic Data Embedding with High Performance in Digital Images
外文關鍵詞:Information HidingEfficient PerformanceUndetectabilityModulus adjusting strategy.EMDLSB
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資訊隱藏(Information Hiding)是一種機密訊息的溝通技術,它將機密訊息偽裝在掩護媒體中,並且不讓機密訊息被惡意者所知悉或所偵測出。高效能(意指高容量、高品質、不被偵測)的資訊隱藏技術,為現今資訊隱藏技術發展的目標。在本論文中,我們提出了在空域上之高效率資訊隱藏技術,主要分為二部份,第一部份其基本技術為最不重要位元取代法(Least Significant Bits),考量像素值所屬於的區塊,採用不同的調整性位元取代法(Adaptive LSB);第二部份技術的基本技術為EMD (Exploiting Modification Direction)法,將原本EMD方法,考量以改變一個像素值的方法,擴展成改變多個像素,進而提出了一系列的EMD之資訊隱藏技術,包括FoEMD、HoEMD、和AdEMD等,另外,我們提出了模數調整的方法(modulus Adjusting Strategy),與上述FoEMD、HoEMD、和AdEMD技術相整合,以增加資訊隱藏技術的彈性和周延性。從實驗數據顯示,與先前學者所提出的資訊隱藏技術相比較下,我們的方法皆具有高效能的特性。
Information hiding is the science of communication in such way that the hidden message into cover media can not to be known or detected. The requirement of steganography with efficient performance, such as high embedding capacity, high image quality, and undetectability, has become an important topic. In this dissertation, information hiding techniques with high performance in spatial domain are proposed, which contains two parts. First part is used the concept of LSB as a basis and adopted an Adaptive LSB approach considered that the pixel differencing falls into lower-level or higher-level. Second part is used the concept of EMD as a basis and extend original methodology, which one pixel is changed by 1 since the embedded algorithm is applied, into a group with multi-pixel and each pixel is changed by k. Thus, a series of hiding techniques are proposed, including FoEMD, HoEMD, and AdEMD. Furthermore, for hiding data more flexibly and completely, a strategy of modulus adjusting is proposed and combined with above techniques of FoEMD, HoEMD, and AdEMD. As shown in the experimental results, our proposed approaches have higher capacity than that of previous researches, and they own the characteristic of efficient performance.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vii
Table of Contents x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Research Backgrounds 2
1.3 Organization of Dissertation 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Pixel-Value Differencing (PVD) 11
2.2 Pixel-Value Differencing and LSB 12
2.3 Image Hiding Scheme in Spatial Domain 14
2.4 A Steganography based on Modulo Function 16
2.5 Exploiting Modification Direction Scheme 17
Chapter 3 Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme Based on LSB Substitution 19
3.1 Data Embedding Procedures 19
3.2 Data Extracting Procedure 23
3.3 Experimental Resultant and Discussions 23
3.4 Fundamental Theorems 29
3.5 Summary 45
Chapter 4 Flexibilbity of Exploiting Modification Direction Scheme 46
4.1 Data Embedding Algorithm 47
4.2 Data Extracting Algorithm 50
4.3 Discussions and Analyses 52
4.3.1 Stabilities and Capacities 52
4.3.2 Saturation at Pixels 56
4.3.3 Security Analysis 56
4.4 Fundamental Theorems 59
4.5 Summary 63
Chapter 5 Highlight of Exploiting Modification Direction Scheme 64
5.1 Data Embedding Algorithm 64
5.2 Data Extracting Algorithm 67
5.3 Experimental Resultant and Discussions 68
5.3.1 Performance Analysis 69
5.3.2 Exceptions procedure for overflow/underflow 73
5.3.3 Security analysis 74
5.4 Fundamental Theorems 75
5.5 Summary 78
Chapter 6 Adaptive Exploiting Modification Direction Scheme 79
6.1 Data Embedding Algorithm 80
6.2 Data Extracting Scheme 83
6.3 Experimental Resultant and Discussions 84
6.3.1 Performance and Security Analysis 86
6.3.2 Exceptions Procedure for overflow/underflow 90
6.4 Fundamental Theorems 91
6.5 Summary 100
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 101
Bibliography 103

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