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研究生(外文):Chang, Yu-Chen
論文名稱:Single-Shot Person Re-identification Based on Improved Random-Walk Pedestrian Segmentation
指導教授(外文):Lai, Shang-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Person Re-identificationRandom-Walk Pedestrian SegmentationSingle-Shot Case
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Single-shot person re-identification is to match pedestrian images from different cameras under the condition of large illumination variations, different viewpoints, cluttered background, and inadequate information of single-shot case. To deal with these challenges, we propose a single-shot person re-identification method with improved pedestrian segmentation by incorporating shape prior and color seed constraints into Random Walk in this thesis. Our method is a four-step procedure which includes finding feature correspondences and person recognition. Based on an improved Random Walks algorithm, we segment accurate foreground masks from a detected pedestrian region by combining the shape prior information and the color histogram constraint into the Random Walk formulation. . Then color features of HSV histogram and 1-D RGB signal aided by texture feature from each part are used for the person recognition. In addition, we choose the correct match by matching the similarity scores of all features with appropriate weight selection. The experimental results demonstrate improved segmentation results on some real images by using the modified Random walk segmentation. In addition, we also show superior performance on person re-identification accuracy by using the proposed algorithm compared to the previous representative methods.
Contents i
List of Figures ii
List of Tables iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Problem Description and Motivation 1
1.2. System Overview 2
1.3. Main Contribution 4
1.4. Thesis Outline 5
Chapter 2. Related Works 6
2.1. Extracting distinctive features with correspondences 6
2.2. Learning discriminatory feature representation 9
Chapter 3. Proposed Method 13
3.1. Pedestrian Segmentation 13
3.1.1. Human shape prior estimation 14
3.1.2. Generative Model for Segmentation 15
3.2. Human Region Partitioning 23
3.3. Signature Extraction and Representation 26
3.3.1. Color histogram on HSV color space 26
3.3.2. 1-D signal on RGB color space 28
3.3.3. LBP and SILTP as texture feature 29
3.4. Feature matching for ranking score 31
Chapter 4. Experimental Results 34
4.1. Pedestrian segmentation performance 34
4.2. Person re-identification performance 37
Chapter 5. Conclusion 44
Bibliography 46

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