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研究生(外文):Chen, Kuan-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Automated Testing of Embedded Software Using an Interface Interaction Model
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chin-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Embedded software testingInteraction test model
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In modern life, applications of embedded systems have become popular. Therefore, methods by which to test them have become important issues. Conventional software testing has become a well-known issue, but the testing for embedded software is different from computer software testing. In the case of computer software, whether there is any bug in the development application is the only consideration; that is to say, libraries, the operating system, drivers, and hardware do not require consideration. Further, the execution speed of a computer is usually faster than the speed of an embedded system, so computer software testing is constrained much less by execution speed and memory size. Fortunately, an embedded system is usually designed for only a few tasks, so it is not as complex as a computer. In this thesis, we propose an interface interaction test model to generate test case sequences that can detect faults from the application layer to the driver layer. First, we define embedded software interfaces and collect messages between each interface in the embedded software. Next, we use all messages to construct message sequence charts (MSCs) and a finite state machine that is semantically equivalent to MSCs. Finally, we can generate test case sequences from a global finite state machine.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Content iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Embedded System and Embedded Software Testing 4
2.2 Interface Test Model 6
2.3 Message Sequence Chart 8
Chapter 3 Enhanced Interface Interaction Test Model 10
3.1 Event-Oriented Specification Language 11
3.2 System Interface Definition 13
3.3 MSC Structure Building 14
3.4 GFSM Construction 20
Chapter 4 Experiment 28
4.1 Experimental Environment 28
4.2 Experimental Results and Analysis 31
4.2.1 Case Study: Framebuffer Viewer 31
4.2.2 Criteria and Metrics 34
4.2.3 Experimental Analysis 36
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 40
References 42
Appendix 45
A. Experimental Environment 45
B. 32-Bit Instruction Format 45

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