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研究生(外文):Yeh, Tsung-An
論文名稱:Finding Leaders with Maximum Spread of Influence through Social Networks
指導教授(外文):Chen, Arbee L. P.
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:794
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Social influence is an important phenomenon in social networks. Information can be propagated through users in social networks since people are easily influenced by their friends when making decisions. A user is said to be influenced by his/her friends if this user performs the same action after his/her friends do it. This phenomenon is just like a virus which may spread over the entire network. As a result, the so-called viral marketing has become an interesting marketing strategy in social networks. This problem of influence maximization is to find a small set of users that maximize the spread of influence throughout the social network. Different from the top-k query problem, the maximization problem needs to consider the overlapping of influence spread among users. Recently, many approaches are proposed to solve this problem under different influence cascade models. However, since the size of the data in social networks is usually large, those approaches always need very long processing time. In this thesis, we propose an efficient algorithm based on a pruning strategy which can effectively decrease the size of the data in advance. Moreover, a series of experiments are performed to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The experiment results reveal that our method outperforms the previous works.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 5
3 Preliminaries 8
3.1 Problem Definition 8
3.2 Kernel Ideas 13
4 ECE Algorithm 18
4.1 Process on finding Lower Bound 18
4.2 The ECE Algorithm 21
5 Performance Evaluation 23
5.1 Experiment Setup 23
5.2 Experiment Results 25
6 Conclusions 30
References 31

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