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研究生(外文):Yo, Chun-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Cloud-based Multiple Video Streaming Recording Service Platform
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ComputingStreamingRecordingService PlatfomMultimedia
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A desperate need for Cloud Computing architecture with multimedia streaming service is emerging. As the rapid development of network, a great number of Internet applications are required, while as technical improvements are successfully proposed to meet the requirement. Among the emerging applications of Internet, multimedia streaming service has long been an important field in network service, applications such as p2p video streaming, live video streaming, video on demand and others become popular. Due to the insufficiency of traditional client-server architecture to serve heavily, service model that differs from the client-server model values significantly and is implemented broadly in network service nowadays for its flexible and dynamic resource controlling features. Related dynamic provisioning architectures are proposed by others. Meanwhile, synchronization problem between multimedia streaming remains unsolved yet awaits a complete solution for the need in daily on-line meeting application. What this thesis aims to distribute is solving multiple multimedia streaming synchronization problem with the overloaded client-server model appealing to cloud-based model.
In this thesis, focusing on multimedia streaming application, we proposed a multiple streaming recording service platform that successfully constructed a top-down architecture combining existing application with modulized application programming interfaces in IaaS cloud service. The algorithms proposed differs and enhanced the flexibility as well as the robustness of cloud-based architecture.
Additionally, a series of experiment are conducted for performance evaluation of the service platform. A total solution for multiple streaming recording requirement are approved and validated. Suggestion and future work are discussed as well.


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Real Time Messaging Protocol 5
2.2 Flash Video 6
2.3 FlvStreamer 7
2.4 Red5 7
2.5 ShareRoom 8
2.6 Action Script 10
2.7 Amazon Web Service 10
Chapter 3 System Design 12
3.1 System Overview 13
3.2 System Architecture 15
3.2.1 Interactive Service Server 19
3.2.2 Recording Request Invoker 21
3.2.3 Cloud Recording Manager 25
3.2.4 Cloud Recording Entity 28
3.2.5 Video on Demand Server 32
3.3 Database Schema Design 36
3.3.1 The Entity-Relational Model 36
3.4 System Model 37
3.5 Application Model 38
Chapter 4 Algorithms 39
4.1 Dynamic Provisioning 39
4.1.1 Pool Adjusting Problem 40
4.1.2 Recorders Dispatching Problem 45
4.2 Multiple Streaming Synchronization Problem 52
Chapter 5 System Implementation and Performance Evaluation 54
5.1 System Information 54
5.2 System Implementation 55
5.2.1 Interactive Service Server 55
5.2.2 Recording Request Invoker 56
5.2.3 Cloud Recording Manager 58
5.2.4 Cloud Recording Entity 59
5.2.5 Database Server 60
5.2.6 Video On Demand Server 61
5.3 Performance Evaluation 63
5.3.1 Interactive Service Server 63
5.3.2 Cloud Recording Entity 65
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 72
References 74

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