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研究生(外文):Wang, Jhong-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Joint QR Decomposition and Lattice Reduction Processor for 8x8 MIMO Systems
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yuan-Hao
外文關鍵詞:MIMO detectionQR decompositionLattice reduction
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隨著資料傳輸速度及對傳輸品質的要求遽增,多輸入多輸出天線(MIMO)無線通訊系統已廣泛被使用。傳統QR分解演算法下之多輸入多輸出天線非最佳解碼器已不能提供可容忍之錯誤率(bit error rate),因此晶格簡化演算法(lattice reduction)被提出應用。其演算法可使多輸入多輸出天線非最佳解碼器得到比原本效能好很多之錯誤率,且可逼近最佳解碼器(ML detector)的錯誤率。然而隨著天線數的增加,硬體的面積與運算複雜度也大幅的增加。本論文改良原始晶格簡化演算法(LLL algorithm)以及結合QR分解演算法,利用其演算法之關聯性,綜合考量二個演算法,可省略一些多餘的運算降低運算時間及硬體複雜度。又因其演算法有大部分相同運算,可使用運算元件共享來降低硬體面積。本論文所提出之處理器可對8x8多輸入多輸出系統執行完整的預先處理(pre-processing)。
最後我們利用TSMC 90奈米製程實現本論文所設計之處理器。所提出的處理器可支援多種操作模式。經由完整的驗證流程後,在8x8天線,單純處理QR分解的固定吞吐量(throughput)為2.77 M matrix/s,單純處理晶格簡化的固定吞吐量為1.24 M matrix/s,結合QR分解與晶格簡化之處理器的固定吞吐量為0.856 M matrix/s。如果考量在第三代合作夥伴計畫長期演進技術(3GPP-LTE Advanced)的規格下,最佳情況得到的吞吐量為234.72 M bit/s。雖然目前未能達到此規格之最大吞吐量要求,但如果往後在硬體面積能允許下,本設計將可達到此規格之吞吐量需求並且實現在實際應用上。

Due to the growing link quality demand of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication system, traditional QR decomposition-based
sub-optimal MIMO detectors gradually cannot support enough bit error rate (BER) performance. In addition, lattice reduction algorithm is proposed to make sub-optimal MIMO detectors achieve the full diversity gain. However, due to the growing number of antennas, the hardware cost and the processing time become a big challenge for hardware design.
In this thesis, joint QR decomposition and lattice reduction algorithm is proposed to get better BER performance than only processing QR decomposition. Because both QR decomposition algorithm and lattice reduction algorithm should use Givens rotation processor, this proposed algorithm can combine both two algorithms to do the computation sharing and reduce the hardware cost. In addition, the proposed algorithm removes some unnecessary operations to reduce the computational complexity by joint consideration of this two algorithms. Moreover, the proposed algorithm uses the parallel processing scheme to shorten the processing time.
The proposed processor was implemented by TSMC 90nm 1P9M CMOS technology. The proposed processor can supply several different operating modes. According to the post-layout simulation result, the maximum throughput of 8x8 QR decomposition is 2.77 M matrix/s, the maximum throughput of 8x8 lattice reduction is 1.24 M matrix/s and the maximum throughput of joint QR decomposition and lattice reduction for 8x8 MIMO system is 0.856 M matrix/s. In addition, this process can achieve 234.72 M bps (bit per second) in 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution Advanced (3GPP LTE-Advanced) standard at the best case. Although this throughput cannot achieve the maximum throughput demand in 3GPP LTE-Advanced standard, the proposed design can do real-time implementation and achieve the throughput requirement without the limitation of hardware area.
1 Introduction
1.1 MIMO System
1.2 Research Motivation
1.3 Organization of This Thesis

2 Pre-processing for MIMO Systems
2.1 System Model
2.2 MIMO Detection
2.2.1 Linear Detection
2.2.2 Non-linear Detection
2.3 QR Decomposition Algorithm
2.3.1 Gram-Schmidt Method
2.3.2 Householder Transform Method
2.3.3 Givens Rotation Method
2.4 Lattice Reduction Algorithm
3 Proposed Joint QR Decomposition and Lattice Reduction Algorithm
3.1 Constant Throughput LLL Algorithm (CT-LLL)
3.2 Proposed Enhanced Constant Throughput LLL Algorithm (E-CTLLL)
3.2.1 Parameter Determination
3.2.2 Power Saving Scheme
3.2.3 Complexity Analysis
3.3 QR Decomposition and Full Size Reduction
3.4 Joint QR Decomposition and Lattice Reduction Algorithm
4 Architecture Design
4.1 2D and 4D CORDIC Algorithm
4.1.1 2D CORDIC Algorithm
4.1.2 4D CORDIC Algorithm
4.2 2D and 4D CORDIC Hardware Architecture
4.3 Givens Rotation Processor
4.4 Architecture Choose
4.5 System Architecture
4.6 Timing Schedule
4.7 Fixed-point Simulation
5 Implementation Result
5.1 Design Flow
5.2 Pre-synthesis Design and Verification
5.3 Synthesis Result
5.4 Post-layout Result
5.5 Measurement Consideration
5.6 Comparison
5.7 Application in 3GPP LTE-Advanced standard
6 Conclusion

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1. 適用於行動通訊系統之定位粒子濾波器設計與實作
2. 適用於多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工系統之低成本組合式晶格簡化內插式QR分解處理器
3. 具固定運算量晶格簡化與QR分解前處理之64-QAM 8x8多輸入多輸出偵測器
4. 內插式QR分解演算法與其在晶格簡化MIMO-OFDM系統之應用
5. Design and Implementation of 3GPP-LTE MIMO-OFDM Baseband Processor with Reduced-Complexity MIMO Detector and Precode Codebook Searcher
6. 應用於認知型無線電中頻譜偵測之節能離散小波包裹轉換處理器
7. 內建訊雜比估測之耗能感知性時空晶格編碼多輸入多輸出解碼器
8. 使用聯合部分QR分解之低複雜度128x7空間調變多輸出多輸入偵測器
9. 應用於快速衰落多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工系統使用內插式QR分解之可擴充式多輸入多輸出檢測器
10. 適用於多使用者多輸出多輸入下漏訊號預編碼之基於平方根演算法改進廣義特徵值分解處理器設計與實作
11. 適用於二維平面天線陣列多輸入多輸出系統之低複雜度混合訊號預編碼處理器
12. 運用胸腔和腹腔位移訊號的睡眠呼吸中止症偵測演算法
13. 利用隱馬可夫模型與個別使用者訓練之壓縮感知式眼 動八方向偵測的腦機介面系統
14. 適用於壓縮感知超寬頻雷達定位系統之低複雜度兩階段訊號重建演算法
15. 運用晶格縮減的軟式輸出之 8x8 64QAM 多輸入多輸出偵測器