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研究生(外文):Wu, Wei-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):High Speed and Low Power Self-timed Transfer Scheme for Ultra-scalable TSV-based 3D SRAM in 3D-IC
指導教授(外文):Chang, Meng-Fan
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We have to face a lot of technical difficulties and physical limitations as process fol-lows Moore’s Law continuously. These challenges include increasing of wire RC delays, rising of leakage and manufacturing challenges. 3D integration has the most potential to solve these problems and provide outstanding performance and high density at the same time. But there are many issues surfaced such as the heavy loading of TSV, large TSV pitch and multi-layer addressing. Therefore, how to improve the transfer performance and provide efficiency circuit architectures has been an important issue. In order to demonstrate the advantages of 3D integration, we can satisfy various system requirements using pre-designed logic and different stacking number of memory with universal memory capacity concept. In the thesis, we proposed Self-Timed Differential-TSV Signal Transfer Scheme to reduce the speed penalty of TSV and support the multi-layer stacking function at the same time. On the other hand, the effect of TSV process variation can be reduced also. A 32kb 2 layer 3D-SRAM macro has been fabricated in 0.18um bulk CMOS technology to verify the idea of this work. The measurement results demonstrate that this design can support 20 layers stacking at least and reduce the access time penalty about 34.3% in 20 layers staking compare to single end transfer scheme.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Acronyms xii
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Application for 3D-SRAM 1
1.2 Emerging Technology: 3D-IC 4
1.2.1 Die/Wafer Assembly 4
1.2.2 Bonding Styles 5
1.2.3 TSV Process Flow 6
1.3 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter2 Characteristic and Analysis of ITRI 3D IC Process 11
2.1 Introduction to ITRI 3D IC Process [22] 11
2.2 RC Characteristic Analysis for ITRI 3D Process 13
Chapter3 Design Challenge of 3D SRAM 16
3.1 Novel Architecture for 3D Memory Integrated Application 16
3.1.1 Conventional Direct Stacking and Master-Slave Architecture 17
3.1.2 3D Multi-Ported SRAM Arrays 20
3.1.3 3D Ultra-high Bandwidth Memory 23
3.1.4 3D System Integration Using Inductive-Coupling Link 25
3.2 Process Variation and Timing Tracking Design 27
3.2.1 Process Variation 27
3.2.2 Timing Tracking Design 28
Chapter4 Proposed Self-Timed Differential-TSV Signal Transfer Scheme 30
4.1 Concepts of Proposed STDT Scheme 30
4.2 Differential Small-Voltage-Swing Scheme 31
4.3 Self-Timed Tracking Scheme 34
4.4 Combination of DSVS and STT 37
Chapter5 Analyses and Comparisons of Proposed STDT Scheme 40
5.1 Speed Comparison of STDT & Single End 40
5.1.1 Transfer Speed Using the Same Driver Size 40
5.1.2 Access Time of Stacked SRAM Macros 42
5.2 Power Consumption and Peak Current Analysis 43
5.2.1 Power Consumptions of STDT Scheme 43
5.2.2 Peak Current Analysis for STDT Scheme 46
5.3 Area Penalty Analysis for STDT Scheme 48
Chapter6 Macro Implementation 49
6.1 Architecture of Proposed 3D-SRAM 49
6.2 Test Chip Design 53
Chapter7 Experimental Results and Conclusions 56
7.1 Measurement Results 56
7.2 Conclusion of This Thesis 61
7.3 Future work 63
References 64

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