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研究生(外文):Chen, Chun-Hung
論文名稱:Doppler Scaling Factor Estimation for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Systems
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yuh-Ren
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:225
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Underwater acoustic (UWA) channels are wideband in nature due to the small ratio of the carrier frequency to the signal bandwidth, and introduce frequency-dependent Doppler shift. The resulting Doppler effect translates each frequency component by a different Doppler amount. Therefore, the conventional techniques for Doppler shift estimation in wireless narrowband communication channels cannot be applied to the UWA environments. In this thesis, we consider a UWA environment having a common Doppler scaling factor on all propagation paths and propose a preamble-assisted Doppler scaling factor estimation scheme for ZP-OFDM (zero padding orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) systems. The Doppler scaling factor is estimated based on the phase difference of the received signals on the same subcarrier in two consecutive OFDM preambles. In the simulations, we show that the proposed scheme outperforms the matched-filter and multiple correlator methods in terms of mean square error (MSE).
Abstract I
Contents II
Figures and Tables III
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
Chapter 2 4
Background Knowledge 4
2.1 Underwater Acoustic Channels 4
2.2 System Model 8
2.3 Matched-filter Method 12
2.4 Multiple Correlator Method 16
Chapter 3 18
Preamble-assisted Doppler Scaling Factor Estimation Scheme 18
3.1 The Proposed Scheme 20
3.2 Correction for Phase Wrapping 23
Chapter 4 27
Simulation Results 27
4.1 Simulation Parameter 27
4.2 MSE Performance of the Proposed Doppler Scaling Factor Scheme 28
4.3 Comparison between the Proposed Doppler Scaling Factor Scheme and the Matched-filter Method 30
4.4 Comparison between the Proposed Doppler Scaling Factor Scheme and the Multiple Correlator Method 32
Chapter 5 35
Conclusion 35
References 37

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