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研究生(外文):Chi-yang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design of a dipole antenna with asymmetric structure for DTV/GSM900 applications
指導教授(外文):I-Tseng Tang
外文關鍵詞:radiating patternsasymmetricmicrostripdipole antennadigital television broadcastingpeak gainradiating efficience
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近年來越來越多國家提供具備視頻與音頻的數位電視廣播系統(Digital Television Broadcasting, DTV),因此,舉凡筆記型電腦、平板電腦、多媒體播放裝置、汽車…等,一些具備接收數位電視訊號功能的移動裝置愈趨被需要。為此,本篇論文提出了適用於接收數位電視廣播訊號之印刷式非對稱C型帶線偶極天線。
目標天線以對稱式背對背C型帶線為基本偶極天線來進行改良,天線長度以1/2波長為設計準則。為了顯著地拓展天線頻寬,因而使用非對稱架構來增加一高頻共振模態。兩個頻率接近的模態可達到寬頻的表現,使天線於Return Loss≦-6 dB的定義之下涵蓋數位電視系統全頻段(470 MHz ~ 862 MHz)。為了進一步縮小天線的長度,在背對背C型帶線之間使用饋入線延伸的繞折帶線,隨著繞折數增加,基頻共振模態可更為低頻;且在高頻處增加一共振模態,在Return Loss≦-6 dB的定義之下可應用於GSM900 (880 MHz ~ 960 MHz)通訊系統。
本天線設計於FR4基板上,最後天線尺寸為207×24 mm2,輻射場型E-plane部份為傳統偶極天線8字場型,而H-plane部份為全方向性。
In the last few years, more countries offer digital television broadcasting (DTV) services with video and audio, therefore, DTV signals reception has thus become very attractive for applications in many devices such as notebooks, tablet PC, PMPs and vehicles, etc. thus, a printed dipole antenna with asymmetric C-shape strips for digital television signal reception in the 470–862 MHz band is presented.
At first, propose antenna transforms from a symmetric back to back C-shape strips fundamental dipole antenna, the length of the dipole antenna are roughly fixed at λ/2 as design rule. In order to enhance the bandwidth considerably, asymmetric structure is used to generate a resonate mode at high frequency. Two adjacent resonant modes form a wide operating band, and it makes antenna performance could cover all DTV bands (470–862 MHz) in Return Loss≦-6 dB bandwidth. In order to reduce the antenna length further, putting meander line extend from feed line at gap between dual-C-shape strips, by meander number is increased, and a based resonant mode could move to low frequency; furthermore, a new resonant mode would be generated at high frequency for GSM900 (880–960 MHz) signal reception in Return Loss≦-6 dB.
The proposed antenna is designed on FR4, last size is fixed at 207 × 24 mm2, the radiation E-plane patterns are displayed with traditional 8-shaped patterns, and H-plane patterns are shown omni-directional.
第一章 緒論...............................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...........................................................................1
1.2 文獻探討.......................................................................................2
1.3 論文架構.......................................................................................4
第二章 數位影音廣播系統之介紹..........................................................5
2.1 數位影音廣播系統原理..............................................................5
2.2 數位電視廣播系統之規格..........................................................6
2.3 歐規(DVB-T)傳輸系統功能特色..........................................8
第三章 偶極天線概論..............................................................................9
3.1 概述..............................................................................................9
3.2 偶極天線......................................................................................9
3.4 天線寬頻特性探討...................................................................16
3.5 單極天線與偶極天線之共振...................................................18
第四章 非對稱寬頻偶極天線設計與分析............................................20
4.1 概述............................................................................................20
4.2 半波長偶極天線設計...............................................................20
4.3 非對稱架構偶極天線設計.......................................................23
4.4 非對稱架構偶極天線模擬與分析..........................................24
4.4.1 調整C型帶線線寬的模擬結果與討論...........................24
4.4.2 調整兩C型帶線間距的模擬結果與討論.......................27
4.4.3 模擬天線之電流分佈結果與分析....................................29
4.5 非對稱架構偶極天線量測與討論..........................................30
4.5.1 天線的反射損失量測.........................................................31
4.5.2 輻射場型、增益與效率量測環境說明..............................32
4.5.3 天線的輻射場型、增益與效率........................................33
第五章 應用於DTV與GSM900之寬頻帶偶極天線設計與分析.....38
5.1 概述............................................................................................38
5.2 使用C型帶線間延伸饋入金屬線段之天線設計.................38
5.3 繞折饋入帶線架構的天線模擬與分析..................................40
5.3.1 使用相異帶線繞折數的模擬結果與討論........................40
5.3.2 調整天線尺寸與帶線寬度的模擬結果與討論................43
5.3.3 調整右側C型帶線結構的模擬結果與討論...................45
5.3.4 模擬天線之電流分佈結果與分析....................................48
5.4 天線實作量測與討論...............................................................49
5.4.1 天線的反射損失量測.........................................................49
5.4.2 天線的輻射場型與增益.....................................................51
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