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研究生(外文):Chao-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Verification of K-Stiffness Method For Polymer and Steel Grids Reinforcements in MSE Structures on Hard Foundation
指導教授:陳俶季陳俶季引用關係Dennes T. Bergado
指導教授(外文):Shuh-Gi ChernDennes T. Bergado
外文關鍵詞:K-stiffnessMSEreinforcementdirect shear testpolyester
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本研究對加勁結構物以K-stiffness 方法計算驗證加勁材料構築MSE擋土牆結構物於堅硬地盤之適用性。在泰國Phitsanulok省,使用聚合物與金屬地工加勁材料建造MSE擋土牆結構物。加勁材料機制取決於加勁材料與土壤之摩擦力。本研究使用大型直剪試驗對加勁材料與土壤間的相互作用進行分析。並利用K-stiffness方法,FHWA方法與AASHTO2002方法比較鋼網與聚合物(PET)加勁材料之效應。結果驗證鋼網與聚合物(PET)加勁材料以K-stiffness內部設計方法在堅硬地盤上之MSE擋土牆結構物較為適用。因此,在堅硬地盤上可以用K-stiffness方法修改目前保守的設計。
In this study, the K-stiffness method which is used to calculate the reinforcement load of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures on hard foundation was investigated to be applied for reinforced structures. The mechanically stabilized earth wall/embankment was constructed in Phitsanulok Province consisting of reinforced backfill with geosynthetics materials made of polymer geogrids and metallic reinforcements. The mechanism of reinforced earth involves the generation of frictional and bearing resistances at the interfaces between the soil and the reinforcement. This study also presents results of the laboratory large-scale direct shear test investigations on the interactions between soil and the reinforcements. The performances of grids reinforcements consisting of polyester (PET) and steel grids were compared using the K-stiffness method, FHWA method and AASHTO 2002 method. The results show that the K-stiffness method for internal design of polyester (PET) and steel grids of the mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures on hard foundation were verified. Consequently, the K-stiffness working stress method can be recommended for revisions of current conservative design method on hard foundation.
Chapter Title Page

Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii

1 Introduction
1.1. General 1
1.2. Objectives of the Study 1
1.3. Scope and Limitation of the Study 2

2 Literature Review
2.1. General Characteristics of the Reinforced Earth 3
2.1.1. History 3
2.1.2. The basic principles and concept of reinforced earth 3
2.2. Components of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Structure 4
2.2.1. Filling materials 4
2.2.2. Reinforcement material 5 Inextensible reinforcement 5 Extensible reinforcement 5
2.2.3. Facing 5
2.3. Failure Modes of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) 6
2.3.1. External failure 6
2.3.2. Internal failure 6
2.4. Methods Used to Calculate Reinforcement Loads
in MSE structures 6
2.4.1. Current Design Method 7 Tieback Wedge or Simplified Method 7 FHWA Structure Stiffness Method 7

2.4.2. K-Stiffness method 9
2.4.3. Revised K-Stiffness method 13
2.4.4. Global equilibrium of K-stiffness method 14
2.5. Working Stress Design (WSD) 14
2.6. Previous Research of Interaction between Backfill
and Reinforcement 15
2.6.1. AIT researches 15
2.6.2. Other researches 18

3 Methodology
3.1. Introduction 23
3.2. Engineering Property of Materials 23
3.2.1. Backfill material testing 23 Sieve Analysis 24 Modified Proctor compaction test 24 Direct shear test 24
3.2.2. Tension test of reinforcement 25
3.3. Large-Scale Direct Shear Test 25
3.3.1. Large-scale direct shear apparatus 25
3.3.2. Large-scale direct shear test procedure 26
3.4. Pullout test 26
3.4.1. Pullout test apparatus 26
3.4.2. Pullout test procedure 27
3.5. Analysis by K-Stiffness Method and Procedure 27
3.6. Fully Instrumented Test Embankment
in Phitsanulok Province, Thailand 28
3.6.1. Instrumentation Measurement in the Field 29
3.6.2. Vertical settlements 29
3.6.3. Strains in reinforcements from measurements 29
4 Results and Discussions
4.1. Interface Shear Strength from Direct Shear Test 30
4.2. Validation the Data Obtained from Previous Study 30
4.2.1. Current design method for estimation of
reinforcement loads 31 Tieback Wedge or Simplified Method
(AASHTO, 2002) 31 FHWA Structure Stiffness Method
(Christopher et al., 1990) 31 Original K-Stiffness Method 32 Modified K-Stiffness Method 32
4.3. Comparison Polyester (PET) and Steel Grids Using
K-Stiffness Method 32
4.4. Comparison of Procedures versus Measured Data 33

5 Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1. Conclusions 34
5.2. Recommendations for Future Researches 34

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