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研究生(外文):Lei Ma
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on influences of water-removal techniques on fuel properties of biodiesel
指導教授(外文):Cherng-Yuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:transeterificationwater contentfuel propertiesmolecular sieveelectrolysis
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以強鹼轉酯化製備生質柴油過程,由於過多水份的存在可能容易造成反應效率低落與油品性質劣化,但若將水份完全除去將使製造成本大幅提升,因此尋找適當含水率為生質柴油研究的重要課題之一。本研究分四部份,分別為原料油含水率對於生質柴油性質的影響、震盪型態與操作時間對於分子篩除水效率的影響、利用電極輸入功連續除水的油品性質、兩種除水技術比較等。本研究首先將棕櫚原料油調配成不同的含水率,再進行鹼製程轉酯化反應後,測試其油品燃料性質。實驗結果發現當棕櫚原料油初始含水率為 0.05 wt. % 時,油品的長碳鏈脂肪酸與飽和脂肪酸含量較高,有較高的脂肪酸甲酯含量、閃火點及燃點,且具有較低的酸價、含水率與冷濾點等。在第二部份的實驗,採用吸附性材料分子篩配合不同震盪型態測試對於棕櫚油與乙醇的除水效率。結果顯示利用迴旋式震盪可降低分子篩結構的破壞,且除水率較電磁攪拌方式與靜態吸附方式分別高約 6 wt. % 與 5 wt. % 。第三部份利用單對與雙對電極及不同輸入電功分別進行電解轉酯化反應過程中連續除水,發現提高輸入電功時,成品油的含水率、熱值、比重、閃火點與燃點等性質都有降低的趨勢。另外,在輸入相同電功時,雙對電極電解轉酯化後的油品其酸價與含水率皆較單對電極者低,尤以酸價較顯著。最後比較本實驗所測試的兩種除水技術,發現利用分子篩搭配迴旋震盪方式進行除水的效率較當輸入功為 11 J/g palm oil 時的雙電極電解除水高 9 倍。
Excess water existence in the reactant mixture during the strong alkali transesterification process for biodiesel production may deteriorate reacting rate and in turn fuel properties. However, complete removal of water content may result in higher biodiesel production cost. The optimum water content in the animal fat or vegetable oil is therefore significant concern for biodiesel research. This study includes four parts, which are the investigations of the effects of water content in raw lipid on fuel properties of biodiesel, effects of vibrating type and time on water- removal efficiency of molecular sieve, biodiesel properties after water- removal by electrodes, and comparison of water-removal by those two techniques. The raw palm oil was adjusted to contain various water ratios and then underwent alkali transesterification. The experimental results show that the biodiesel product had the highest fatty-acids content of long carbon chains, saturated fatty acids, and total fatty acid methyl esters, highest flash point and ignition point while the lowest acid value, water content and cold filter plugging point when the initial water content of 0.05 wt. % in the raw palm oil was used. In the second experimental part, the water-removal efficiency of molecular sieves along with varied vibrating types for palm oil and ethanol was investigated. It was shown that molecular sieves in a rotating vibrator absorbed more water content than those molecular sieves in a magnetic agitator and in a static beaker by 6 wt. % and 5 wt. %, respectively. The destroying extent of the molecular sieves in the rotating vibrator was less than those in the magnetic agitator. One-pair and two-paired electrodes were thereafter used to continuously electrolyze and remove the water content in the raw lipid. The water content, heating value, specific gravity, flash point and ignition point of the biodiesel product were observed to decrease with the increase of input electrolyzing energy during the transesterification reaction. In addition, the two-paired electrodes appeared to have superior efficiency to reduce acid value and water content, particularly the acid value than the one-paired electrodes. Finally, it was found that molecular sieves in the rotating vibrator removed 9 times of water content in the raw palm oil in comparison with that by two-paired electrodes with input energy of 11 J / g palm oil.
目錄.......................................................................................................... V
表目錄.................................................................................................. VIII
第一章 前言.............................................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧......................................................................................5
2.1 生質柴油特性.........................................................................5
2.2 生質柴油製備方法..............................................................10
2.3 水份對於生質柴油鹼製程的影響......................................14
2.4 製程除水技術.....................................................................17
2.5 電化學應用於溶液與生質柴油處理……………………..18
第三章 實驗設備與方法........................................................................22
3.1 實驗材料.............................................................................22
3.2 實驗設備.............................................................................23
3.3 實驗方法.............................................................................30
3.4 油品性質測試……………………………………………..34
第四章 結果與討論................................................................................48
4.1 原料油含水率對於生質柴油性質的影響.............………..48
4.2 震盪型態與操作時間對於分子篩除水效率的影響.........60
4.3 利用電極輸入功連續除水的油品性質...............................63
4.4 兩種除水技術之比較...........................................................71
第五章 結論與未來研究建議................................................................73
5.1 結論.......................................................................................73
5.2 未來研究建議.......................................................................75
附錄一 不同含水率的棕櫚油經轉酯化後的油品性質數據......138
附錄二 轉酯化過程以不同電極數目與輸入電功電解除水後的油品性質數據…………………………………………………………....139

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