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研究生(外文):Chun-Yen ko
論文名稱(外文):The Development of a Dual-Function Knee Ligament Arthrometer
指導教授(外文):Chen-chou Lin
外文關鍵詞:Knee ligamentArthrometerAnterior cruciate ligamentPosterior cruciate ligamentdata reproducibilityKT-1000
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The objective of this thesis is to develop and design a new knee ligament arthrometer; The arthrometer can measure not only the anterior/posterior (A/P) translation but also the valgus/varus angulation of the tibia. That is, the dual-function of the knee laxity test device includes the ACL/PCL test and the MCL/LCL test. Considering the above requirements, we have selected the 2-UPU parallel manipulator as the topological structure of the new knee ligament arthrometer; The 2-UPU spatial parallel manipulator has four degree-of-freedom, which satisfies our requirements.
In the experiment, we assessed and verified arthrometer’s data reproducibility, and compared the measuring data of the dual function arthrometer with that of the traditional arthrometer KT-1000. From the experiment, it is confirmed that the new arthometer has a better data reproducibility. For the anterior cruciate ligament laxity test, the standard deviation of the new arthrometer’s data is smaller than that of the KT-1000,indicating that the new arthrometer will not be influenced by the muscle relaxtion of the leg and can provide a better data reliability.
The new arthrometer is independent of the operator’s experience . It can provide the more reliable information for the orthopedists in the clinical diagnosis.

致謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
專有名詞翻譯 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.2.1 膝關節構造與創傷模式 2
1.2.2 膝關節韌帶鬆弛度檢測 10
1.3 研究動機 15
1.4 論文架構 17
第二章 文獻回顧 18
2.1 傳統膝關節韌帶鬆弛度量測儀器 18
2.1.1 KT-1000 18
2.1.2 Rolimeter 22
2.1.3 KNEELAX 23
2.1.4 LigMaster 24
2.1.5 GNRB 26
2.1.6 RSA 28
第三章 新型膝關節韌帶測試儀之設計程序 32
3.1 使用者需求 33
3.2 問題敘述 34
3.3 概念設計 34
3.3.1 史都華平台機構 35
3.3.2 3-UPU並聯式機構 36
3.4 3-UPU並聯式機構之細部設計 39
3.5 第一代雙功能膝關節韌帶量測儀(NTOULAX-0)原型製作 48
3.5.1 功能描述 48
3.5.2 技術規格 49
3.6 設計評估 50
3.7 第二代雙功能膝關節韌帶鬆弛度量測儀(NTOULAX-1) 52
3.7.1 技術規格 58
第四章 實驗設備與架構 61
4.1 實驗對象 61
4.2 實驗設備 62
4.2.1 硬體設備 62
4.2.2 程式介面 66
4.2.3 實驗流程架構 67
4.3 實驗摡述 69
4.3.1 NTOULAX-1前、後十字韌帶鬆弛度量測 69
4.3.2 KT-1000前、後十字韌帶鬆弛度量測 73
4.3.3 NTOULAX-1內、外側副韌帶鬆弛度量測 75
4.4 資料處理與分析 77
第五章 研究結果與分析 79
5.1 NTOULAX-1之重現性評估 79
5.2 NTOULAX-1和KT-1000之比較分析 82
5.2.1 前十字韌帶檢測 82
5.2.2 前十字韌帶配對比較實驗(side-to-side difference) 87
5.2.3 後十字韌帶檢測 91
5.2.4 後十字韌帶配對比較實驗(side-to-side difference) 95
5.3 NTOULAX-1內、外側副韌帶量測分析 99
5.4 特殊受試者之比較 104
第六章 結論與未來展望 110
6.1 結論 110
6.2 未來展望 111
參考文獻 114
附錄A 118

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