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研究生(外文):Pei-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Large-Area Metallic Nanostructures and Its Applications for Microarray Chips.
指導教授(外文):Pei-Kuen WeiTzy-Rong Lin
外文關鍵詞:Nano slitMicroarraySurface Plasmon ResonanceNanoimprint
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本研究探討了奈米壓印技術對於微陣列晶片的製程方法與最佳參數,還探討了在特定波長範圍之表面電漿子共振受到金奈米狹縫結構上的改變對於折射率靈敏度的影響,研究中得知金奈米狹縫寬度愈小,愈能提升偵測靈敏度,在吾人的量測系統下,週期500nm、金膜厚度130nm的狹縫結構在水中量測擁有最高的光強靈敏度,故後續再研究更狹窄之金奈米狹縫之製作與生物量測,且運用奈米壓印技術所製作出的金膜比運用乾蝕刻技術擁有更好的表面平整度,其非常適合表面電漿子的傳播與共振。在吾人的實驗中,已成功製造出檢測極限為1.81×10-5 RIU,以PC膜為基材之金微陣列晶片。

Nowadays, technology has been changing rapidly. Consumer products are outstanding by its thin and small feature. Recently, how to miniaturized, simplify a bio-detecting product and made it easy to integrating with personal mobile device have become a popular science research. The research we’ve done is to exciting surface Plasmon resonant by using gold nano-slit structure which is very sensitive in changes of refractive index. Also, we combined nano-imprint technology to develop large area bio-sensing microarray chips.
This research investigated the fabrication process and the optimal sensing condition for microarray chip made by nano-imprint technology, and the influence on sensitivity of refractive index by surface Plasmon resonant when changing the structure of gold nano-slit in specific wavelength range. Under our measurement facilities, the nano-slit structures of period at 500nm and gold film thickness at 130nm have the highest bulk intensity sensitivity in water environment. As the result, the narrower gold nana-slit is, the higher detecting sensitivity is, so we keep studying on fabricating more narrow gold nano-slit and bio-sensing. The gold film fabricated by nano-imprint technology has better surface roughness than using dry etching technology, and it is appropriate for the propagating and the resonating of surface plasma. In my research, it successfully fabricated a PC film-based gold microarray chip, which detection limit reaches 1.81×10-5 RIU.
By using this chip for bio-sensing, the measurement method is to illuminate the chip by single wavelength. When it generated bio-reaction on the chip, the refractive index changed. Meanwhile, it brings about the shift of transmission spectrum which affects the intensity of light. By analyzing the intensity changes over time, we can get the real-time information of bio-reactions. We employed DNA hybridization and protein reaction to test this microarray chip. Both of two have quite obvious changes. In the future, reducing the concentration of bio-sample, and testing the bio-detection limit of this chip is our goal.

摘要 I
目 次 IV
圖 次 VI
表  次 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究背景 3
第三節 研究動機與目的 6
第四節 文獻回顧 7
1- 4.1 表面電漿子共振作用在生物感測器之發展 7
1- 4.2 奈米壓印技術發展[52] 8
1- 4.3 表面電漿共振生物感測器之量測方法 10
第五節 論文架構 13
第二章 理論與模擬 14
第一節 簡介表面電漿子 14
第二節 表面電漿子原理 15
第三節 狹縫之表面電漿子激發與共振 21
第三章 製程與量測系統 25
第一節 奈米狹縫結構之母模製作 25
第二節 金屬奈米狹縫結構之圖形轉印 29
第三節 量測系統架構 34
3- 3.1 TM偏極化光穿透光譜量測系統 34
3- 3.2 微流道系統製作 35
3- 3.3 DNA微陣列(Microarray)製作 36
3- 3.4 光強度即時量測系統 37
第四章 大面積金奈米狹縫結構之特性 39
第一節 奈米壓印壓力的影響 39
第二節 金狹縫結構上的影響 44
4-2.1 週期上的影響 44
4-2.2 狹縫寬度上的影響 47
4-2.3 金膜厚度上的影響 49
第三節 奈米壓印樣品之均勻性與重複性 51
第四節 奈米壓印樣品之表面平整度 53
第五章 大面積金奈米狹縫結構之應用 56
第一節 金奈米狹縫結構對環境折射率的靈敏度分析 56
5- 1.1 計算分析 56
5- 1.2 實驗分析 58
第二節 大面積金奈米狹縫結構之生物檢測應用 61
5- 2.1 DNA微陣列檢測 61
第六章 總結與未來展望 64
參考文獻 66

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