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研究生(外文):Hui-Le Chang
論文名稱(外文):The improvement for container securing in loss prevention on container ships─ The Case of containers carried on deck
指導教授(外文):Ki-Yin Chang
外文關鍵詞:Container securingInstitutionalized safety assessmentRisk management
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貨櫃運輸自 1956 年問世,由於特有的運輸性能充分滿足安全、迅速、便利、經濟的運送要求,改變傳統的海上運輸型態。船公司為求更有效經濟成本,已將貨櫃船大型化,並增加甲板上裝載量,最新一代貨櫃船甲板已能裝載8層以上貨櫃。,裝載於甲板貨櫃是利用繫固固定,越洋貨櫃運送過程中,在海上航行時,一發生繫固鬆脫,難以在第一時間予以立刻支援救助;為使貨櫃裝載於甲板運送的安全,船橋貨櫃繫固系統(Lashing Bridge)是最重要因素,貨櫃完備的繫固支撐與固定,是降低貨櫃船運送事故發生,有助於航運公司績效的提昇。
本研究結果對貨櫃落海主要因素,提出損害防止最有效的方法, 以貨櫃屬具增強加拉力並加高船艉繫固船橋(High Lashing Bridge),以增加總整體拉力,提供貨櫃運輸業者在實施風險控制策略,防阻貨櫃落海之最佳決策方案,改善貨櫃船甲板貨櫃繫固損害及降低運送途中意外事故發生。

Containerized transportation was appeared in 1956. Its unique transportation can fully satisfy the delivery requirements of safety, speed, convenience and economy and has changed traditional transport at sea.
The shipping company has enlarged ship’s capacity and increased the loads on deck to get more economical costs. The latest containerships are able to carry containers on deck stacked up to eight tiers high.
The general principles for the stowage are to stow most of the boxes in holds and stow 40% of the boxes on deck. The containers stowed on deck are secured by the lashings. During ocean passage, higher risks are existed due of long duration at sea and immediate assistances and salvages are unavailable.
To secure the safety for the containers loaded on deck, the lashing bridges play most important role during delivery. The rigid lashings for the containers could reduce the accidents during delivery and make promotions for shipping company’s performances.
The research considers the lashings relative to the stowage on deck is necessary and important for the owners. However, the legislations, risk management and loss prevention are incomplete.
Hence, the research utilizes documentary conclusion combined with practical cases and institutionalized safety assessment to summarize the information issued by worldwide major maritime authorities, insurance companies and classification societies.
Through the analysis of the causes for the accidents of the deck containers and assessment of the elements of major dangers for containers overboard, standard specifications for container lashing gears, as well as the inspections, maintenance and operations of the lashing gears.
The research found all related to human errors except for the defects of the lashing gears.
The results of the research aim at major causes of containers overboard and point out the most effective ways for loss prevention
– the change from Equal Turnbuckle (65 Tons) to double Single (Turnbuckle) (50 Tons) to increase the tension forces of Turnbuckle;
– to heighten the aft lashing bridge;
– to increase whole tension forces by applying Heavy Duty ISO sockets;
The article provides the container carriers the best solutions in risk management and prevention for container loss as well as the improvement for deck lashings and minimization of the accident during delivery.

中文摘要 I
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 2
1.2 研究目的與方法 3
1.3 研究的範圍與限制 5
1.4 研究內容與流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 貨櫃繫固規範 8
2.2 貨櫃裝載之文獻回顧 9
2.2.1 貨櫃化裝載運輸 9
2.2.2 貨櫃種類及規格 11
2.3 貨櫃船變遷及發展 15
2.4 貨櫃裝載繫固文獻回顧 22
2.5 文獻評述 27
第三章 貨櫃繫固甲板裝載特性 28
3.1 貨櫃船繫固屬具配備 28
3.1.1 貨櫃繫固設備 28
3.1.2 貨櫃船甲板繫固要求 34
3.2 貨櫃船甲板固定屬具 37
3.3 貨櫃運輸安全管理 38
3.3.1 貨櫃裝載前準備工作 38
3.3.2 貨櫃配置注意事項 39
3.3.3 貨櫃裝卸注意事項 42
3.3.4 航行期間的貨櫃檢查 43
3.3.5 冷凍、平板及開門櫃、危險品櫃裝載注意事項 44
第四章 貨櫃繫固造成甲板裝載損失分析 47
4.1 惡劣天況對大型貨櫃船航行的影響及風險 47
4.2 大型貨櫃船航行者應對惡劣天候之注意事項 50
4.3 大型貨櫃船甲板貨櫃落海案例分析 55
4.4 造成貨櫃繫固甲板裝載損失危害因素分析與歸納 66
4.5 專家問卷設計與調查 67
4.6 結果與分析 69
第五章 貨櫃繫固風險管理及損害防阻之改善 72
5.1 改善貨櫃繫固風險管理 72
5.1.1 船舶裝載的一般性原則 72
5.1.2 船舶裝載的主要制約因素 76
5.2 貨櫃繫固損害防阻之改善 77
5.2.1 貨櫃船舶強度要求 77
5.2.2 貨櫃船舶極限裝載狀態下的繫固要求 79
5.2.3 船舶極限裝載狀態 80
5.3 貨櫃繫固之管理改善措施 83
5.3.1 貨櫃船繫固屬具改善方案 83
5.3.2 貨櫃繫固設備之檢驗檢查及保養 88
第六章 結論與建議 92
6.1 結論 92
6.2 建議 93
參考文獻 98
附 錄 102

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