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研究生(外文):Chang, Yu-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical Effect on Gait with Different Thickness of EVA Boosting Insoles Placement
指導教授(外文):Wong, Tzu-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Material of insoleHigh heelsthe Loading rate
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目的:探討低、中、高不同厚度EVA增高鞋墊(2公分、5.5公分、8公分)介入行走時,步態表現在運動學、動力學與下肢肌電圖參數方面的變化差異情形。研究對象:8名足弓正常且近半年無下肢病史之健康男性,年齡21.5±1.22歲、身高173.1±7.15公分、體重67.5±5.64公斤。方法與步驟:使用一台Mega speed 30k高速攝影機(100Hz) ,兩台AMTI測力板 (1000Hz) 與Biovision肌電儀 (1000Hz),採同步方法擷取受試者動作之資料。影片以Kwon3D動作分析軟體處理取得運動學參數;測力板原始訊號透過DasyLab 6.0分析軟體,經模組設定後取得垂直分力與前後分力,並以體重倍率(Body Weight, B.W)表示;肌電訊號經由DASYLab 6.0軟體模組設定,取得平均肌電振幅,並以最大自主收縮(MVC)之平均值進行標準化。資料使用SPSS for Windows 12.0套裝軟體以重複量數單因子變異數分析進行統計分析(α =.05)。結果:一、步態週期中的站立期、擺動期、單雙腳支撐期百分比;步幅;站立期的膝、踝關節平均角度與最大角度變化;站立期的身體重心高度落差與足跟接觸速度等均有達到顯著差異(P<.05);二、垂直分力的第一峰值、第二峰值與平均負荷率,及前後分力的制動力峰值與制動期衝量等均有達到顯著差異(P<.05);三、制動期之腓腸肌、推蹬期之股直肌均有達到顯著差異(P<.05)。結論:隨著增高鞋墊厚度的增加,發現運動學方面的參數大都與過去穿著高跟鞋行走的研究結果類似。但另一方面,由於EVA材質的吸震緩衝效果同時介入,因此相較於高跟鞋的研究結果,它減少了下肢肌群的活化情形並改變了部分動力學的參數如:平均負荷率、制動期衝量及制動力峰值。在增高鞋墊厚度5.5公分(厚度中)以內時,其平均值反而隨增高鞋墊厚度的遞增而遞減甚至沒有變化;但是鞋墊的緩衝性能有限,當增高鞋墊厚度持續增加至8公分時(厚度高),平均負荷率、制動期衝量及制動力峰值便隨厚度的遞增而增加,這時便與高跟鞋的研究結果一樣了。因此,本研究建議使用具吸震效果的增高鞋墊以取代直接穿高跟鞋行走;但墊高程度仍有其限制,若厚度過高超過5.5公分,則增高鞋墊將形同高跟鞋而較失去鞋墊本身所標榜的保護功能。
Purpose:To explore the changes in kinematical, dynamic and lower limbs electromyographic (EMG) parameters when walking with three different thickness of EVA boosting insoles (2cm, 5.5cm, 8 cm) intervened. Objects:Eight healthy male adults with normal arch and without records of leg pain in past six-month (age: 21.5±1.22 years old, height:173.1±7.15cm, weight: 67.5±5.64kg). Methods:A Mega speed 30k high-speed camera (100Hz), combined with two AMTI force plates (1000Hz) and Biovision EMG (1000Hz) were used concurrently to collect the data of subjects’ motion. Kwon3D motion analysis software was used to process the video and to quantify the kinematic parameters. DasyLab 6.0 analysis software was used to process the original signals of forceplate, and the vertical force and horizontal force were obtained after filtering and scaling. The forces were standardized and were indicated in body weight (B.W.). The EMG signals were processed by the DASYLab 6.0 software to obtain average EMG amplitude. The EMG amplitude was standardized based on the mean of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). SPSS for Windows 12.0 package software and statistical method one-way ANOVA were used to conduct statistical analyses on the data (α =. 05).
1. Percentage of stance phase, swing phase, single and double support phase in gait cycle; stride length; knee, ankle joint average and maximum change in angle during stance phase; the vertical difference in CM position of body during stance phase; heel contact velocity, were all significantly different (p<.05).
2. The first peak force (FPF), second peak force (SPF), average loading rate of vertical ground reaction force, braking force peak (BFP) of horizontal ground reaction force and total braking force impulse were significantly different (p<.05).
3. The average EMG of GAS in the braking phase and the average EMG of RF in the propulsion phase reached the significant difference (p<.05).
Conclusion:When the thickness of EVA boosting insoles increasing, most parameters in kinematical are the same with the studies of walking with high heels in the past. But due to the absorbing in force of EVA , it recruited less motor units of muscle compared with the studies of high heels. On the other hand, below the thickness of 5.5cm (middle thickness), some dynamic parameters like average loading rate, BFP of horizontal ground reaction force and total braking force impulse are diminished or even no significant difference by the increasing in thickness. But the buffer of boosting insole is limited, when the thickness is up to 8cm (high thickness), these three dynamic parameters will enlarge such as the results of high heels studies in the past. Therefore, it suggests that using EVA boosting insoles to replace wearing high heels directly for the security; but the effect is finite, if the thickness is up more than 5.5cm, the boosting insoles may just like high heels but loss the original protection itself.

目 次
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………….01
第一節 問題背景………………………………………………….01
第二節 研究目的………………………………………………….04
第三節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………….04
第四節 名詞操作性定義………………………………………….05
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………….10
第一節 足跟墊高之相關研究…………………………………….10
第二節 鞋墊材質特性對下肢運動的影………………………….15
第三節 步行的相關文獻………………………………………….19
第四節 文獻總結………………………………………………….22
第三章 研究方法與步驟……………………………………………….23
第一節 研究對象………………………………………………….23
第二節 實驗時間與地點………………………………………….23
第三節 研究架構………………………………………………….24
第四節 實驗儀器與設備…………………………………………25
第五節 實驗場地與儀器架設…………………………………….28
第六節 實驗方法與步驟………………………………………….30
第七節 資料處理與統計分析…………………………………….38
第四章 結果…………………………………………………………….40
第一節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時運動學之參數分析…….40
第二節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時動力學之參數分析…….50
第三節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時下肢肌電圖之分析…….54
第四節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走對步態表現中各參數特性的
第五章 討論…………………………………………………………….64
第一節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時其對
第二節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時其對
第三節 不同厚度增高鞋墊介入行走時下肢肌電訊號的影響….74
第四節 綜合討論………………………………………………….77
第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………….79


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