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研究生(外文):Wu, Tanping
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between relative income position and social capital
指導教授(外文):Chang, Wenchung
口試委員(外文):Hu, WeiminWu, Wenjie
外文關鍵詞:relative deprivationreference groupsocial capital
  • 被引用被引用:4
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過去有關探討相對所得位置對於個人行為及態度的相關文獻極為缺乏,大多現存實證文獻關注於相對所得位置對幸福觀感的影響而非對社會資本的影響。故本研究以2004年「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫之研究問卷 I公民權組」為資料來源,利用非線性序列機率模型(Ordered Probit Model)去探討個人相對所得位置與各面向社會資本之間的關係。
In reality, it’s very normal for making a comparison of one’s own situation with others’. People will compare their statuses with a reference group to understand their relative positions and to learn about whether they are in the advantage or disadvantage positions. More specifically, people tend to compare with others and care about their relative positions, and this will influence their behaviors and performances in the interactions with others.
However, there are only few empirical studies on the effects of relative income position on an individual’s behaviors and attitudes. Most of the existing empirical literature focuses on the impacts of relative income position on the perceptions of happiness rather than its effects on social capital. By using data from the 2004 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), this study investigates the relationship between relative income position and various forms of social capital.
Since individuals in a disadvantaged position presumably have some negative feelings, they would have stronger senses of injustice and relative deprivation. The results of this study confirm that when an individual has a lower level of relative income and in a disadvantage position, he tends to have a lower level of trust for other people, and reduces his participations in community activities. However, people with a lower relative income are found to be more actively participate in religious or church activities for spiritual reposing and solace.

目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究方法及架構 9
第二章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 社會比較 10
第二節 比較所引起的心理及行為變化 12
第三節 被剝奪感與社會資本 14
第四節 影響社會資本之因素 15
第五節 回顧台灣相關研究 20
第六節 小結 22
第三章 理論基礎與實證模型 24
第一節 理論基礎來源 24
第二節 實證模型與設立 28
第四章 資料來源與變數分析 30
第一節 資料來源與說明 30
第二節 實證迴歸設立 31
第三節 變數定義與分析 33
第四節 敘述統計 35
第五章 實證結果分析 37
第一節 相對所得位置分析 37
第二節 個人社會經濟特性分析 40
第六章 結論與建議 47
第一節 結論 48
第二節 建議 51
附錄 53
參考文獻 54
中文文獻 54
英文文獻 55

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