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研究生(外文):Chen, Chienhan
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Metro Station Joint Development Attributes on Metro Use and Real Estate Value: An Empirical Study of Taipei Metro System
指導教授(外文):Lin, Jenjia
口試委員(外文):Tsai, JyhfaTsai, Yuhsin
外文關鍵詞:mass rapid transitjoint developmentmetro ridershipreal estate valuelinear regression
  • 被引用被引用:12
  • 點閱點閱:2129
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In recent years the Taipei MRT (mass rapid transit) network keeps growing, and the joint development (JD) of MRT stations has become a common approach to promote transit-oriented developments within metro station areas. There are 28 JD projects being completed and opened for rental operations on the present Taipei MRT network. These JD projects were developed with various attributes according to different market positioning and environmental context. However, the knowledge about impacts of JD project attributes on metro use and real estate value is still too vague to support JD project planning and assessing. Therefore, this study used 80 stations of Taipei MRT system in 2010 as study sample and applied linear regression method to empirically explored the impacts of JD attributes on daily ridership, ridership dispersion in time and real estate value.

Based on literature review and issue analysis, this study proposed hypothetical effects of JD attrbutes on metro use and real estate value. And then the sample data were collected and analyzed by linear regression models. The empirical results reached the following findings: (1) Increasing floor area or parking spaces of a JD project significantly increased metro ridership. (2) Providing cross passages between JD projects and metro stations significantly dispersed metro ridership in time. (3) Comparing with non-JD stations, JD stations performed different effects on metro ridership: number of feeder bus routes created smaller positive effects; number of parking spaces in station area created smaller negative effects; employee density created smaller positive effects; and, distance to Taipei Main Station created greater negative effects. (4) Comparing with non-JD stations, JD stations performed different effects on ridership dispersion in time: employee density created greater positive effects; distance to Taipei City Hall Station created smaller positive effects; and, providing bicycle exclusive lanes created greater positive effects (5) Comparing with non-JD stations, JD stations performed different effects on real estate value: number of feeder bus routes created greater positive effects; residential density created greater negative effects; employee density created greater positive effects; mixed land uses in station areas created smaller negative effects; distance to Taipei City Hall Station created smaller negative effects; and, house age created greater negative effects.

In order to promote travelers using public transportation systems and increase real estate profits for supporting transit operations, this study recommend numerous planning strategies or evaluation criteria for domestic MRT station JD projects- First, adequately increasing floor area, developing a whole scale of station area plan, and providing cross passages with metro stations could be considered for JD project planning. Second, improving feeder bus services and paving bikeway networks could be considered for transportation planning within metro station areas. Finally, preferentially deploying JD projects in city center areas, providing more employment opportunities and developing urban renewal plans could be considered for land use planning within metro station areas.

【Key words】:mass rapid transit, joint development, metro ridership, real estate value, linear regression

第一章 緒論
第一節 動機與目的.................................................................................................1-1
第二節 研究範圍....................................................................................................1-3
第三節 研究流程與內容...........................................................................................1-7
第四節 研究方法....................................................................................................1-11

第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 TOD與大眾運輸使用....................................................................................2-1
第二節 TOD與不動產價格.......................................................................................2-12
第三節 聯合開發....................................................................................................2-23
第四節 綜合評析....................................................................................................2-32

第三章 研究設計
第一節 課題研析.....................................................................................................3-2
第二節 假說研提.....................................................................................................3-15
第三節 驗證方法.....................................................................................................3-24

第四章 樣本資料分析
第一節 樣本資料蒐集.............................................................................................4-1
第二節 樣本特性分析.............................................................................................4-5
第三節 相關分析...................................................................................................4-23

第五章 迴歸分析
第一節 聯合開發分析..............................................................................................5-2
第二節 模式比較....................................................................................................5-22
第三節 假說驗證....................................................................................................5-27
第四節 策略研擬....................................................................................................5-34

第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論.............................................................................................................6-1
第二節 後續研究建議.................................................................................................6-5

─附錄一 個案訪談紀錄..................................................................................附1-1
─附錄二 研究範圍所屬行政區及里對照表.........................................................附2-1
─附錄三 台北市稅捐稽徵處用途分類表............................................................附3-1
─附錄四 本研究土地使用分類表......................................................................附3-1
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