The Zibu of the Si Ku Quan Shu was the summary of literature discrimination studies in early Qing Dynasty, however, there was only a little discussion in the academic circles which emphasized on the study of discrimination methods, and the accomplishment can not expressed by the contents of Si Ku Quan Shu. Therefore, the researcher hopes to arouse people to pay attention to the Si Ku Quan Shu through this study and enrich the previous studies.
First, this study defined that there were 700 items of bibliography of discrimination in the Zibu, analyzed the four categories, periods, degree of fake, ways of discrimination of the Zibu, and defined the values, defects, and influences of discrimination of Zibu.
In the part of discrimination, the Zibu discriminated the fake books a lot from numbers, species, and periods, and that exceeded the previous dynasties. The ways of discrimination were multiple, and were provided with academic framework. The first apocrypha and discrimination of many books were started from Quan Shu.
In the part of discrimination and review, there were many writers in Zibu. However, there were some faults in different degrees of research, which resulted in perfunctory appearances, lack of proof, missed evidences and lack of new ideas.
Overall, the accomplishment of discrimination in Zibu influenced deeply and widely in later literature discrimination studies. As the minimum of Sinology Bibliography, the reading rate the Zibu was subtle, which lay solid foundation of discrimination on the intellectuals virtually in the early 20th century, and that aroused the ideological trends of discrimination. Modern works and introduction of discrimination adopted the results and ways of discrimination from Zibu mostly.