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研究生(外文):Ya-Ting Tsao
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Object-oriented Features Analysis for Automatic Image Segmentation and Classification and It’s Applications to Medical Images for Disease Detection
外文關鍵詞:medical image segmentation and classificationblood imageHemolytic AnemiaMegaloblastosic Anemia
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在第四章中,本論文又進一步的提出可將不同的溶血性貧血形態進行分類的方法。利用八方向的鏈碼演算法(chain code)找出邊緣的變化與方向,而後再做特徵的擷取將鏈碼做差值運算及鏈碼依序方向的變化。則再將擷取出來的特徵利用分類器進行訓練測試,從實驗結果顯示,本技術能有效的達到溶血性貧血類型之辨識。
第五章提出一個在巨紅血球貧血中計算出細胞核葉片數的自動化切割。首先將細胞核利用色彩空間切割出來,再運用距離轉化技術(distance transform)找出物件中心位置,在此同時利用圓擴張的方式將細胞核的葉片分別分離出來。本技術能將不規則的細胞核切割並計算出來,並分辨出其病徵與嗜中性白血球的不同之處。

In this thesis we mainly discuss the application of automatic image segmentation and classification in the research of medical image. Clinically, medical imaging and interpretation requires human works, costing abundant of medical human resource and increasing the loading of staffs. Therefore, the thesis seeks for an automatic way to identify the images correctly via the vast computing ability of computers to automatically cut and categorize the location and size of various types of the blood cells from the smear image without human efforts. Automatic identification is based on observing the area, shape varieties and other features of disease of the blood cells. Thus, it is essential to extract the most significant feature to effectively categorize the cells.
First, an automatic image segmentation scheme to filter the Hemolytic Anemia blood cells from the healthy ones is proposed in Chapter 3. The proposed method first removes the background and noises in the blood images and then each single erythrocyte is analyzed by using the changes in the edges. For segmenting the overlapping erythrocytes, the edge directions of the cells are acquired by using chain code technique to find out the points of high concavity that can be adapted to circle-fit algorithm to separate each erythrocyte. The proposed scheme could effectively analyze the numbers of normal erythrocytes and poikilocytes according to the experimental results.
In Chapter 4, this thesis proposes an automatic method for segmentation and classification of erythrocytes from the patients with Hemolytic Anemia. By applying 8-connection chain code, the direction of edges change can be analyzed. Then extract the variation of eight directions from the individual erythrocyte as feature for classifying four main Hemolytic Anemia types. From the experimental results, the proposed method can calculate the quantity of erythrocytes and recognize the type of Hemolytic Anemia effectively.
Chapter 5 presents an automatic segmentation method for calculating blood cell of nucleus with Megaloblastic Anemia. First, use RGB color space to segment the nuclei from the blood image. Then utilize distance transform to figure out the center points information which is then adapted to expansion of circle to separate each nucleus from the object in the image. The proposed method will eventually analyze the numbers of nucleus in the blood smears. The proposed scheme can segment and calculate irregular clustered nuclei. Therefore, the number of nucleus can determine whether the multisegmented neutrophils are Megaloblastosic Anemia or not.

Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract in English III
Contents V
Lists of Tables VIII
List of Figures IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Image Segmentation and Classification 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 7
2.1 Image Binarization 7
2.2 Image Restoration 9
2.3 Sobel Operator for Edge Detection 11
2.4 Circle-fit Algorithm 13
2.5 Chain Codes Technique 14
2.6 Distance Transform 16
Chapter 3 Automatic Image Segmentation for Hemolytic Anemia in Thin Blood Smears 19
3.1 The Proposed Scheme 19
3.1.1 Image Preprocessing 20
3.1.2 Recognition of Abnormal Erythrocyte 21
3.1.3 Segmentation of Overlapping Erythrocytes 23
3.2 Experimental Results 27
3.2.1 Comparisons of the Proposed Method with Manual Recognition 30
Chapter 4 Automatic Image Segmentation and Classification based on Direction Texton Technique for Hemolytic Anemia in Thin Blood Smears 34
4.1 The Proposed Scheme 35
4.1.1 Image Preprocessing 36
4.1.2 Recognition of Isolated Erythrocytes 37
4.1.3 Segmentation of Overlapping Erythrocytes 38
4.1.4 Feature Extraction 38
4.2 Experimental Results 43
4.2.1 Comparisons of the Proposed Method with Manual Recognition 45
4.2.2 Analysis of the Proposed Features and Results of Various Classifiers 48
Chapter 5 Segmentation of Complex Nucleus for Megaloblastic Anemia in Thin Blood Smears 50
5.1 The Proposed Scheme 50
5.1.1 Image Preprocessing 52
5.1.2 Segmentation of Nucleus 52
5.1.3 Calculate the Number of Nucleus 54
5.2 Experimental Results 57
5.2.1 Comparisons of the Proposed Method with Manual Segmentation 59
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 62
6.1 Conclusions 62
6.2 Future Works 63
Bibliography 65

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