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研究生(外文):Shang-De You
論文名稱(外文):A Search System for Photographs with Visualized Support Based on Camera Controls
外文關鍵詞:Photo Search SystemPhotographyEXIFCamera Controls
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With the popularity of Digital Single Lense Camera (DSLR) and the widespread establishment of various picture-sharing communities, the Internet has accumulated a huge amount of photos. Digital Photo files included photography information called EXIF(Exchangeable image file format) which digital cameras tagged automatically. The mechanism can replace the traditional way of photographic recording manually. However, the existing photo search system does not provide users with good auxiliary tools to search photos with queries employing the tagged photography information. Therefore, we explore the support for novice DSLR users by designing and developing a system prototype of photo search system with emulated camera controls.
In order to explore the application of digital photographic information embedded in digital photo files, this research synthesizes the demands of photographic skill and camera controls, implemented a system prototype for learning DSLR photography. This implementation and system testing comprises the two phases of this study. In system implementation phase, the scene of the preview, the conditions for searching queries, controlling operation and interface layout are investigated and scenario of interfaces for searching are elaborated. We also utilize the large amount of existing photos on Flickr and EXIF information to build the database for retrievable photos. The system testing phase includes the selective users testing and interviews, and online web users testing with questionnaire. Results from these testing show that the system usability and user interactive satisfaction are quite positive. Finally, this study derives recommendations for future exploration and implementation from the summarization of questionnaires and interviews.

1. 緒論........................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...............................1
1.2 研究目的....................................2
1.3 研究範圍與限制...............................2
2. 文獻探討....................................4
2.1 攝影學習....................................4
2.1.1 攝影的觀摩..................................4
2.1.2 相機操作....................................5
2.2 相機操作設定的照片搜尋與相關技術...............9
2.2.1 手動紀錄相機操作設定..........................9
2.2.2 可交換圖像文件(EXIF).........................9
2.2.3 EXIF搜尋系統................................10
2.2.4 Flickr的網站應用程式介面(API)................11
2.3 使用者介面設計...............................12
2.3.1 使用者介面..................................12
2.3.2 互動溝通....................................13
2.3.3 使用性評估..................................13
2.4 現有相機操作模擬系統..........................14
3. 研究方法與設計...............................18
3.1 研究方法....................................18
3.2 使用者測試規劃...............................18
3.3 預覽場景的主題規劃............................19
4. 系統建置與設計...............................21
4.1 系統雛型設計.................................21
4.1.1 系統架構.....................................21
4.1.2 預覽場景與搜尋條件............................22
4.1.3 控制項.......................................25
4.1.4 版面設計.....................................27
4.2 後端系統資料建置..............................30
4.2.1 後端系統資料建置..............................30
4.2.2 資料建置結果..................................31
4.3 系統功能測試..................................32
4.3.1 長曝主題測試..................................32
4.3.2 微距主題測試..................................36
4.3.3 散景主題測試..................................38
5. 系統實測結果..................................41
5.1 使用者測試與訪談...............................41
5.1.1 訪談流程......................................41
5.1.2 訪談結果整理..................................42
5.2 線上測試與問卷.................................44
5.2.1 測試流程......................................44
5.2.2 問卷結果與信度分析.............................45
5.2.3 系統使用性....................................46
5.2.4 使用者互動滿意度...............................47
6. 結論與未來研究建議..............................50
6.1 結論..........................................50
6.2 未來研究建議...................................51
附錄. ..............................................56

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