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研究生(外文):Rong-jen Syu
論文名稱:印度中國學的文化取向:以Krishna Prakash Gupta的中國研究為例
論文名稱(外文):The Cultural China:Krishna Prakash Gupta and India’s China Studies
指導教授(外文):Chih-Yu Shih
中文關鍵詞:Krishna Prakash Gupta印度中國學中國述評文化中國觀
外文關鍵詞:Krishna Prakash GuptaChina Studies in IndianChina Report, Cultutal China
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身為1960年代戰略需要下訓練的中國專家,Krishna Prakash Gupta是印度第一批接受福特基金會獎學金的留美學者,在其歸國後於德里大學任教,參與非正式的中國研究小組,並協辦《中國述評》(China Report),而該小組與刊物是早期印度的當代中國研究的核心。

From the early struggles to shake off the yoke of colonialism, to the transformation into modern nation states in the 20th century- India and China - the two regional superpowers of today, have stunned the world with their economic and political clout, exerting increasingly greater influence over regions in Asia and beyond. The 1962 Border war, which at one point plunged relations into a deep freeze, did little to dampen the prospects their bilateral ties. Following the normalization of the Sino-Indian relations in the 1980s, private exchanges and political dialogues have steadily been growing between the two. While some Indian scholars study the Sino-Indian relations in the context of historical factors, others study them by analyzing current events. Nonetheless, both examine the complexities of the bilateral relationship in civilizational terms.
This paper glances over the evolutions of China Studies in India, which is divided into two parts: the history-related research, and the political/strategic analysis. The first part describes scholarly activities that came along with the anti-colonialism sentiment: the focus and motives of the Indian scholars on China studies and the historical and cultural ties with India''s neighboring states, including Buddhism and other aspects. The second part describes Indian scholar''s focus, developed after the war in the 1960s, with their "know our enemy" mantra.
Against the backdrop of India''s need to groom more sinologists in the 1960s, Krishna Prakash Gupta became a member among the first batch of Ford Foundation Scholarship recipients to study in the United States. Upon his return to India, he had taught in Delhi University, joined the informal Chinese Study Group, and served as the editor of the Indian journal China Report. This study group and journal once were forming the core of China study in modern India. Gupta''s study on China affairs in the 60s and 70s rhymed with themes found in the writings of the China Report, examining issues based on contextual thinking and reflecting China''s political reality. However, issues written in the China Report shifted focus between in 80s and 90s - the period when priviate, cultural and governmental exchanges between India and China became increasingly frequent - to focus on the examination of the effects and policy surrounding China''s economic and political transformation. (both local and national area ) Despite this paradigm shift, Gupta remained steadfast in the areas of his political study, comparing the social-historical contexts among the Chinese, Indian and the Western societies.
He then asked whether "China''s image" in India reflected China’s political reality or just Indian’s perception of romantic imagination. After examining the theoretical frame and Indian perspectives on China, Gupta suggested to India''s sinologists a proper method: to be aware of the standpoint, and to prevent the prejudice bringing from their own cultures.
Reading between the lines the works of Gupta and his colleagues, we can see the China a civilization from the cultural perspective. And by comparing the Indian and Japanese works on China studies, we can gain even more depth about Indian''s “Cultural China." Indian scholars view China a vague, changeable but uninterrupted civilization, and the Japanese, by contrast, study China in a more concrete, detailed fashion. The main reason attributing to these differences in approach lies in how the identities of the Japanese and Indian people were formed. The Chinese culture and institution, more or less, served as the foundation of the Japanese culture. Therefore, the influence of the Chinese culture, as well those from the West, became an important element in the Nation building in Japan. Meanwhile, the historians found that "India" was a geographical nomenclature with complex cultures before the days of the British colonization, a historical event which helped turn the colonial land into a country. In modern India, the context of "other" in a sense of defining its identity refers to the British Empire or its colonialism. Similarly, the Indian intellectuals viewed China a civilization similar to that of India, with each of its complex cultures wrapped within its own nation frame. And the contemporary China studies in India, the perspective of "Cultural China" remains.

摘 要 2
英文摘要 4
表圖目錄 8
第壹章、 導論 9
第一節 前言 9
第二節 研究動機 10
第三節 研究架構 12
一、 Krishna Prakash Gupta的中國研究之文本分析 13
二、 微觀比較 13
三、 宏觀比較 14
四、 研究背景 15
五、 研究方法 21
第貳章、 二十世紀初印度的中國概念與Krishna Prakash Gupta概述 23
第一節 二十世紀初的印度與中國 24
一、 二十世紀印中往來的歷史背景:1962年邊界戰爭以前 24
二、 二十世紀初印度學者的中國觀 27
第二節 《中國述評》與Krishna Prakash Gupta 思想概要 30
一、 K. P. Gupta其人與《中國述評》 31
二、 Gupta的研究方法 34
第三節 Krishna Prakash Gupta文本分析 36
一、 回應他人 36
二、 討論中國現象 37
三、 印中關係 40
四、 大範圍比較 40
五、 其他 42
第四節 小結 42
第參章、 古老的現代:Krishna Prakash Gupta中國觀 45
第一節 「傳統-現代」 46
一、 傳統與現代作為分析中國觀的課題 46
二、 從Gupta談傳統的衰微,看何謂傳統 47
三、 在傳統與現代之外看中國 50
第二節 共產黨與中國治理模式 52
一、 文革與中國傳統 53
二、 社會主義思想與中國 55
三、 中國的傳統與當代治理模式:道德優位性的角色 58
第三節 文化、文明與國家 60
一、 從字義的使用分析Gupta的文明-國家觀 60
二、 中國之為文明的國家 64
三、 世界中的中國圖像 66
第四節 小結 70
第肆章、 微觀與宏觀層面的比較 72
第一節 微觀比較:印度中國學界的敘事模式與切入視角 72
一、 Gupta與非正式中國研究小組及《中國述評》 72
二、 Gupta與《中國述評》:60到70年代 73
三、 Gupta與《中國述評》:80到90年代 77
四、 《中國述評》之外 81
第二節 宏觀比較:日本與印度中國學 82
一、 中國與世界:印度學界與日本學界的世界圖像 84
二、 印度與日本中國學研究背景綜述 86
第三節 小結 93
第伍章、 結論與展望──文化中國的概念源流 97
參考書目 101
附 錄 112

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一、 2009年11月,訪談Sreemati Chakrabarti、Rajeswari Rajagoplan、Tansen Sen、謝鋼、狄柏杰、Swaran Singh六位學者。

附 錄
Krinshna Prakash Gupta論文列表:
1969A Study of the Socialist Education Movement (China Report, 1 1969; vol. 5: pp. 30 - 31)
1969Revolutionization of Chinese Youth(China Report, 1 1969; vol. 5: pp. 49 - 50)
1970China''s Cultural Legacy China''s Cultural Legacy and Communism Edited by RALPH C. CROIZIER, Pall Mall Press, London (1970) pp. 313, £3,10s (China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 48 - 50)
1970Culture and Politics in China(China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 41 - 45)
1970Indian Perceptions: Conflict and Reconciliation with China A Preliminary Attempt at Measurement of Indian Perceptions (China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 43 - 55)
1971China''s theory and practice of intervention(China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 12 - 27)
1971Chinese Tradition of International Relations (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 2 - 11)
1971Liberal Arts education in China (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 18 - 25)
1971Modernization of Education in China: Aspects of Chinese Education, Edited by C.T. HU, Teachers College Press, New York (1969), pp. 95, paperback $3.25 (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 55 - 56)
1971Rural Reconstruction in India and China: Rural Reconstruction in India and China (A Comparative Study), by NETRA PAL JAIN. Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (1970) xx, pp. 370, Rs. 30 (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 62 - 63)
1971Tsinghua Experience and Higher Education in China (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 2 - 14)
1972"Society as a Factory": Maoist approach to Social Sciences (China Report, 1 1972; vol. 8: pp. 36 - 57)
1972Indian Approaches To Modern China-I a Socio-Historical Analysis (China Report, 1 1972; vol. 8: pp. 29 – 51)
1973Confucius on the Campus (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 3 - 6)
1973Dalai Lama''s Dual Tactics (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 10 - 13)
1973N Power and N Ach in China: A Study in the Sociology of Knowledge (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 58 - 64)
1973Review Article : Politics of China Watching in India(China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 52 - 59)
1973Traditions of Modernity: A Comparative Study of Asian and Western Systems (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 51 - 71)
1973Traditions of Modernity: A Comparative Study of Asian and Western Systems(China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 29 - 45)
1974Corruption in China (China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 8 - 11)
1974Protest and Change in Sikkim (China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 8 - 13)
1974Marxism-Leninism Mao Tse-tung Thought : Visions and Revisions(China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 19 - 37)
1975Emancipation and Enslavement of Women in China : Confucian and Communist Variations(China Report, 1 1975; vol. 11: pp. 50 - 76.)
1978Review Article : Reflections on Witke''s Chiang Ch''ing (China Report, 1 1978; vol. 14: pp. 69 - 74)
1979The Making of China''s Image of India(China Report, 1 1979; vol. 15: pp. 39 - 50)
1985Rethinking on Marxism in China(China Report, 1 1985; vol. 21: pp.77- 80)
1988Chinese Studies in India: Perspective and Programmes(by Mira Sinha Bhattacharjea, Giri Deshingkar, G.P. Deshpande, K.P. Gupta, Huang I-shu, Manoranjan Mohanty, C.R.M. Rao, Tan Chung, and Patricia Uberoi,China Report, 11 1988; vol. 24: pp. 473 - 479)
1991Changcheng and Ashwamdha: Spheres of Dominance in China and India (China Report, 2 1991; vol. 27: pp.1-14)
1991The Waning of Tradition and the Coming Indianisation of China(China Report, 8 1991; vol. 27: pp. 235 - 253)
1992Filling Up of Blank Spaces in China and India: Cosmological, Historical and Architectural Contexts(China Report, 2 1992; vol. 28: pp. 39 – 55)
1995Modes of Governance and the Range of Social Space: A Second Look at the State and Civil Society Debate in China and India(China Report, 8 1995; vol. 31: pp. 307 - 329)

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