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Krinshna Prakash Gupta文章列表見附錄。
“The Monthly Record : Asia, Origin of the Name “China”, The Geographical Journal, 1913: 294
Agwani, M.S. “American Ferment Over Asia Some Impressions”, China Report, vol. 5, 6: 18-22
Bhattacharjea, Mira, Sinha. 1974. “Foreign Policy: Spelling out the Maoist Vision”, China Report, vol. 10: 123-141
Bhattacharjea, Mira, Sinha. 1974. “Strategic Rediscovery of the Third World”, China Report, vol. 10: 44-55
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1969. “THE U.S. AS A GLOBAL POWER—I”, China Report, vol. 5, 2: 26-31
Buchan, Alastair, 1969. “The U.S. as a Global Power—II”, China Report, vol. 5, 2: 32-36
Bunkar, Bhagwan Sahai 1984. “Sino-French Diplomatic Relations: I964-8I”, China Report, vol. 20, 1: 41-52
Chakrabarty, Dipesh1992. “Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for "Indian" Pasts?”, Representations, No.37, Special Issue: Imperial Fantasies and Postcolonial Histories: 1-26
Deshingkar, G.D. 1974.”Mao Against Confucius? ”, China Report, vol. 10: 1-2, 4-7
Ganguly, Reena, 1994. ”''Group Politics'' in China: A Critique”, China Report, vol. 30: 433-445
Gupta, Rajendra, Pal. 1986. “Local Government in Japan: An Analytical Review”: China Report, vol. 22, 4: 421-440
Hahn, Bae-Ho, 1986. ”The Role of the State in Development: The Korean Case”, China Report, vol. 22, 3: 289-306
Joshi,Gopa, 1978. Chinese Studies in India: China Through Indian Eyes by B.K. Kumar, Concept Publishing Company, Delhi, 1978, pp. 140, Rs. 60.00, China Report, vol. 14, 5-6 : 58-60
Kapur, Ashok, 1971. ”Is Mao also a Paper Tiger ?: An Indian Perspective on China”, China Report, vol. 7, 2: 11-22
Kumar, B. K. 1974”Indian Perspectives on Modern China A Select Bibliography”, China Report, vol.10: 152-194
Mohanty, Manoranjan, 1971. “Revolutionary Ideology in Maoist Outlook”, China Report, vol.7: 34-41
Murthy,P.A.N. 1968. ”Japan''s Role in Asia”, China Report, vol. 4, 1: 5-9
Nandy, Ashis, 1970. “The Culture of Indian Politics”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1: 57-79
Nandy, Ashis, 1989. “The Political Culture of the Indian State”, Daedalus, Vol. 118, No. 4, Another India: 1-26
Rao, C.R.M. 1968. ”North Vietnam:The New Symbol of Asian Nationalism”, China Report, vol. 4, 4: 14-18
Rao,C.R.M. 1973.”About Ourselves”, China Report, vol.9: 3-5
Rao,C.R.M. 1986. “Our new publishers”, China Report, vol.22: 209
Ray, Harprasad, and Das, N. 1986. “Indian Images in Chinese Literature”, China Report, vol. 22, 1: 45-60
Sen, Tansen, ”Administration of Maritime Trade during Tang and Song Dynasties” China Report, vol. 32, 3: 251-265
Suryanarayan, V. and Sudhamani, S. 1981. “Malaysia-Thailand Co-operation and Communist Threat to Malaysia”, China Report, vol. 17, 4: 23-30
Tankha, B.M. 1986.”Japan''s Success Story : A Second Look”, China Report, vol. 22, 1: 41-44
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Thampi, Madhavi, (ed), 2007. Survey of the Present State of Chinese Studies in India, Review of China Studies in India: A Colloquium
Thampi, Madhavi, 1999.“Indian Soldiers, Policemen and Watchmen in China in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”, China Report, vol. 35, 4: 403-437
Uberoi, P atricia, 1969.”Australia''s China Policy”, China Report, vol. 5, 5: 31-33
Uberoi, Patricia, 1969. ”The Watershed Generation, China Report, vol. 5, 3: 48-49
Uberoi, Patricia, 1971. ”Bias in the study of modern China in the West”, China Report, vol. 7, 3: 45-48
Vaidyanath, R. 1968. ”Fifty Years of Russian Revolution: A Story of Continuing Progress”, China Report, vol. 4, 1: 15-21
Xiaohe, Zhang, 1999.”The Increasing Income Inequality in China and Its Causes”, China Report, vol. 35: 163-177
Zuo,Lu, 1992.”Rural Reforms in Guizhou”, China Report, vol. 28: 141-151.
譚中, 1985.” Indian Images in Chinese Literature: A Historical Survey”, China Report, vol. 21, 1: 51-64
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Madsen, Richard, 1984. Morality and Power in a Chinese Village (Berkeley : University of California Press)
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Sen, Geeti, (ed), 2003. India, a National Culture? (New Delhi: Sage Publications)
Sen, Tansen, 2003. Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: the Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations, 600-1400 (Honolulu: University of Hawai''i Press)
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Udayakumar, S. P. 2005. Presenting the Past: anxious history and ancient future in Hindutva India (Westport, Conn: Praeger Publishers)
譚中(ed), 1998. Across the Himalayan Gap: An Indian Quest for Understanding China(New Delhi: Allied Publishers)
一、 2009年11月,訪談Sreemati Chakrabarti、Rajeswari Rajagoplan、Tansen Sen、謝鋼、狄柏杰、Swaran Singh六位學者。
附 錄
Krinshna Prakash Gupta論文列表:
1969A Study of the Socialist Education Movement (China Report, 1 1969; vol. 5: pp. 30 - 31)
1969Revolutionization of Chinese Youth(China Report, 1 1969; vol. 5: pp. 49 - 50)
1970China''s Cultural Legacy China''s Cultural Legacy and Communism Edited by RALPH C. CROIZIER, Pall Mall Press, London (1970) pp. 313, £3,10s (China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 48 - 50)
1970Culture and Politics in China(China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 41 - 45)
1970Indian Perceptions: Conflict and Reconciliation with China A Preliminary Attempt at Measurement of Indian Perceptions (China Report, 1 1970; vol. 6: pp. 43 - 55)
1971China''s theory and practice of intervention(China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 12 - 27)
1971Chinese Tradition of International Relations (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 2 - 11)
1971Liberal Arts education in China (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 18 - 25)
1971Modernization of Education in China: Aspects of Chinese Education, Edited by C.T. HU, Teachers College Press, New York (1969), pp. 95, paperback $3.25 (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 55 - 56)
1971Rural Reconstruction in India and China: Rural Reconstruction in India and China (A Comparative Study), by NETRA PAL JAIN. Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (1970) xx, pp. 370, Rs. 30 (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 62 - 63)
1971Tsinghua Experience and Higher Education in China (China Report, 1 1971; vol. 7: pp. 2 - 14)
1972"Society as a Factory": Maoist approach to Social Sciences (China Report, 1 1972; vol. 8: pp. 36 - 57)
1972Indian Approaches To Modern China-I a Socio-Historical Analysis (China Report, 1 1972; vol. 8: pp. 29 – 51)
1973Confucius on the Campus (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 3 - 6)
1973Dalai Lama''s Dual Tactics (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 10 - 13)
1973N Power and N Ach in China: A Study in the Sociology of Knowledge (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 58 - 64)
1973Review Article : Politics of China Watching in India(China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 52 - 59)
1973Traditions of Modernity: A Comparative Study of Asian and Western Systems (China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 51 - 71)
1973Traditions of Modernity: A Comparative Study of Asian and Western Systems(China Report, 1 1973; vol. 9: pp. 29 - 45)
1974Corruption in China (China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 8 - 11)
1974Protest and Change in Sikkim (China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 8 - 13)
1974Marxism-Leninism Mao Tse-tung Thought : Visions and Revisions(China Report, 1 1974; vol. 10: pp. 19 - 37)
1975Emancipation and Enslavement of Women in China : Confucian and Communist Variations(China Report, 1 1975; vol. 11: pp. 50 - 76.)
1978Review Article : Reflections on Witke''s Chiang Ch''ing (China Report, 1 1978; vol. 14: pp. 69 - 74)
1979The Making of China''s Image of India(China Report, 1 1979; vol. 15: pp. 39 - 50)
1985Rethinking on Marxism in China(China Report, 1 1985; vol. 21: pp.77- 80)
1988Chinese Studies in India: Perspective and Programmes(by Mira Sinha Bhattacharjea, Giri Deshingkar, G.P. Deshpande, K.P. Gupta, Huang I-shu, Manoranjan Mohanty, C.R.M. Rao, Tan Chung, and Patricia Uberoi,China Report, 11 1988; vol. 24: pp. 473 - 479)
1991Changcheng and Ashwamdha: Spheres of Dominance in China and India (China Report, 2 1991; vol. 27: pp.1-14)
1991The Waning of Tradition and the Coming Indianisation of China(China Report, 8 1991; vol. 27: pp. 235 - 253)
1992Filling Up of Blank Spaces in China and India: Cosmological, Historical and Architectural Contexts(China Report, 2 1992; vol. 28: pp. 39 – 55)
1995Modes of Governance and the Range of Social Space: A Second Look at the State and Civil Society Debate in China and India(China Report, 8 1995; vol. 31: pp. 307 - 329)